![]() Статус выданьня: стабільны |
Укараненьне | Інтэрфэйс карыстальніка, Дзеяньне старонкі |
Апісаньне | Tool that allows editors to translate an article from one language to another with the help of machine translation and other translation aids. |
Аўтар(ы) | Моўная каманда |
Палітыка сумяшчальнасьці | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Майстар не сумяшчальны адваротна. |
MediaWiki | 1.37+ |
PHP | 7.2+ |
Зьмены базы зьвестак | Так |
Composer | mediawiki/content-translation |
Табліцы | cx_translations cx_translators cx_lists cx_suggestions cx_corpora cx_notification_log cx_significant_edits cx_section_translations |
Ліцэнзія | Агульная публічная ліцэнзія GNU 2.0 ці навейшая |
Загрузіць | |
Quarterly downloads | 20 (Ranked 111st) |
Перакласьці пашырэньне ContentTranslation, калі яно даступнае на translatewiki.net | |
Праблемы | Адкрытыя задачы · Паведаміць пра памылку |
The ContentTranslation extension is a tool that allows editors to translate an article from one language to another with the help of machine translation and other translation aids. See Пераклад зьместу for background and additional information. The extension is being developed by the Wikimedia Language Engineering team.
- Download and move the extracted
folder to yourextensions/
Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation - Only when installing from Git, run Composer to install PHP dependencies, by issuing
composer install --no-dev
in the extension directory. (See T173141 for potential complications.) - Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
wfLoadExtension( 'ContentTranslation' );
- Run the update script which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.
Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.
Vagrant installation:
- If using Vagrant , install with
vagrant roles enable contenttranslation --provision
Content Translation server
The extension needs the Content Translation server (a.k.a. cxserver) up and running.
See Content translation/cxserver/Setup for setting up the Content Translation server.
When running Content Translation locally, following can be added to LocalSettings.php
to use production cxserver:
$wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates['cx'] = 'https://cxserver.wikimedia.org/v1';
База зьвестак перакладаў
This extension has an optional dashboard feature, which allows translators to see all the translations across all languages.
In a multilingual installation of this extension, for example in Wikimedia wikis, a central database is required to serve the dashboard feature.
Table definitions for that database are in sql
directory in the extension source code; Content translation/Product Definition/Database has more details.
Once database is created, set the $wgContentTranslationDatabase
global configuration variable as the name of database:
$wgContentTranslationDatabase = 'db_name';
Extension dependencies
ContentTranslation depends on the following extensions:
UniversalLanguageSelector | Required | |
VisualEditor | Required | Required for editor component. |
Cite | Required | Required if you want to support references while translating. |
GuidedTour | Optional | If installed, it will be used to show an explanation about moving a page out of user space. |
Echo | Optional | If installed, it will be used for showing "congratulations" notifications after completing translation milestones. |
Wikibase | Optional | If installed and configured similarly to Wikipedia, it will be used for automatic addition of interlanguage links (as sitelinks). |
EventLogging | Optional | If installed, can be used to log publishing, errors, and other events. |
BetaFeatures | Optional | If installed, ContentTranslation will appear as a beta feature in the preferences. |
Configuration variables
![]() | This section is currently a draft. Material may not yet be complete, information may presently be omitted, and certain parts of the content may be subject to radical, rapid alteration. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page. |
For the full list and defaults, see extension.json in the source repository.
- ContentTranslationDomainCodeMapping
- Used to map between non-standard language codes and actual domains. The default is the same as in Wikipedia codes and domains.
- ContentTranslationRESTBase
- Configuration of RESTBase URL and connection parameters. The defaults are for Wikipedia.
- ContentTranslationDatabase
- The name of the database in which the common tables for managing translations across wikis are stored. The default is null, which means that the default database is used.
- ContentTranslationCluster
- In a Wikipedia-like database configuration, the name of the cluster on which the database is hosted. The default is null, which means that the default cluster is used.
- ContentTranslationEventLogging
- Whether EventLogging is enabled. The default is false.
- ContentTranslationHighMTCategory
- A category to which pages that have a high level of machine translation are added upon publishing. The default is null.
- ContentTranslationSiteTemplates
- Templates for essential URLs. The defaults assume Wikipedia, so this variable must be configured differently for other sites. Where relevant, $1 is replaced by the language code, and $2 is replaced by the page title.
- ContentTranslationTranslateInTarget
- Whether to open Special:ContentTranslation in the target wiki when clicking the button in the entry point. The domain will be based on $wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates. The default is to open Special:ContentTranslation on the same wiki. (For Wikipedia this is set to true.)
- ContentTranslationAsBetaFeature
- Whether ContentTranslation is a beta feature.
- ContentTranslationTargetNamespace
- The default target namespace for published articles. The default is Main.
- ContentTranslationCampaigns
- Campaigns that are available in the URL as valid values for the campaign parameter in the URL. This allows automatic enabling of the beta feature and event logging.
- ContentTranslationCXServerAuth
- CXServer connection configuration.
- ContentTranslationEnableSuggestions
- Whether to use the suggestions tab and automatic suggestions. This needs the GapFinder API. This is false by default, but true in Wikipedia.
- RecommendToolAPIURL
- The URL for the GapFinder API, needed if ContentTranslationEnableSuggestions is true.
Url parameters
Content Translation mainly works on the special page Special:ContentTranslation. The URL parameters are
- page: source title
- targettitle: target title
- from: source language
- to: target language
- campaign: campaign name
- In Wikimedia wikis, if content translation is not enabled in the user settings then only links to pre-defined campaign will work. Campaigns are defined in InitialiseSettings.php
- In Wikimedia wikis, if content translation is not enabled in the user settings then only links to pre-defined campaign will work. Campaigns are defined in InitialiseSettings.php
See also
![]() | This extension is being used on one or more Wikimedia projects. This probably means that the extension is stable and works well enough to be used by such high-traffic websites. Look for this extension's name in Wikimedia's CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php configuration files to see where it's installed. A full list of the extensions installed on a particular wiki can be seen on the wiki's Special:Version page. |
![]() | This page or project is maintained by Wikimedia Language engineering.
Get help: |
- Stable extensions/be-tarask
- User interface extensions/be-tarask
- Page action extensions/be-tarask
- Extensions supporting Composer/be-tarask
- GPL licensed extensions/be-tarask
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/be-tarask
- BeforeCreateEchoEvent extensions/be-tarask
- BeforePageDisplay extensions/be-tarask
- ChangeTagsListActive extensions/be-tarask
- ContributeCards extensions/be-tarask
- EchoGetBundleRules extensions/be-tarask
- EditPage::showEditForm:initial extensions/be-tarask
- GetBetaFeaturePreferences extensions/be-tarask
- GetPreferences extensions/be-tarask
- ListDefinedTags extensions/be-tarask
- LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates extensions/be-tarask
- ResourceLoaderRegisterModules extensions/be-tarask
- SaveUserOptions extensions/be-tarask
- SectionTranslationBeforePublish extensions/be-tarask
- SpecialContributionsBeforeMainOutput extensions/be-tarask
- All extensions/be-tarask
- Extensions requiring Composer with git/be-tarask
- Extensions used on Wikimedia/be-tarask
- WYSIWYG extensions/be-tarask
- Localisation extensions/be-tarask
- Language Engineering/be-tarask
- Content Translation/be-tarask