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Справка:Служебные страницы

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Special pages and the translation is 48% complete.
PD Примечание: Редактируя эту страницу, вы соглашаетесь на передачу своего вклада по лицензии CC0.
Подробнее — в проекте Помощь с общественным достоянием.

Служебные страницы или спецстраницы — страницы, которые генерируются программным обеспечением по запросу пользователя. Они расположены в своём собственном пространстве имён (Special) и, в отличие от остальных страниц, недоступны для прямого редактирования.

Вид и содержимое некоторых спецстраниц зависит от персональных настроек, которые каждый участник может устанавливать для себя сам; например — число строк, отображаемых в персональном списке наблюдения.

Special pages also take parameters, e.g., Special:Log/block takes you to the log of block users.

To view a directory of all special pages, use Special:SpecialPages.

Редактирование пространства имён Служебная

The Special: namespace stands for special pages generated by MediaWiki. There is no matching talk space. The special pages are not made up of wikitext and are therefore not editable like other pages might be.

They usually contain system messages from MediaWiki namespace, which are editable by interface administrators.

The ampersand character (&) is not allowed.

Linking, transcluding, or redirecting to a special page

You can link a special page as you would do for any other internal page; e.g. [[Special:Diff|see diff page]]. Some special pages can take a parameter value after a slash character; e.g. [[Special:Diff/6372234]] takes a user to the 6372234 revision ID of this page.

Some special pages are transcludable, and some other ones are not. For example, you may transclude the list of recent changes with {{Special:RecentChanges}}. But, transcluding {{Special:Random}} gives Special:Random.

You cannot create a redirection towards a special page: it will display a link towards the page instead of a direct redirect to it. However, some special pages have built-in aliases which redirect to them.

Since the ampersand (&) is not allowed, you can't create a standard link with &action=edit or &redirect=no in the URL query string.

Page name alias and localization

Unlike other namespaces, the first heading of pages in the Special: namespace is not consistent with the page name in the URL. The Special: prefix is not displayed, and the heading text may vary a bit from the page name.

Each special page has a default English name, but it may also have aliases, i.e. other special page names which redirect to it. Besides, on non-English wikis (i.e. $wgLanguageCode different from “en”), special page names are localized, and English names are aliases which redirect to the localized page name.

The localized aliases only work in one language per wiki, in addition to English ones; e.g. Italian special page names only work on Italian wikis. Multilingual wikis with Translate extension only support English names.

The Special: namespace prefix itself may be localized depending on the wiki content language.

For example, in each project's language, the word used for "Special" in special page names like Special:Statistics is different. Here is the equivalent term in each language:

  • Spanish: Especial:Estadísticas
  • Dutch: Speciaal:Statistieken
  • French: Spécial:Statistiques
  • German: Spezial:Statistik

Список спецстраниц

Special:SpecialPages показывает список почти всех специальных страниц вики. Ссылка на него часто находится в группе инструменты на боковой панели.

Данный список: просмотр · обсуждение · править

This list only includes special pages provided by MediaWiki core itself. Special pages provided by extensions are documented on the extension page.

By role

General information

  • Special:AllMessages: This lists and allows editing of all system messages used on MediaWiki.
  • Special:NamespaceInfo: Просмотр информации о пространствах имён сайта.
  • Special:SpecialPages: A list of popular tools and functions for managing and navigating the wiki.
  • Special:Statistics: Displays site statistics such as the number of content pages, edits, users, etc.
  • Special:Version: Shows the version of the software and details about installed extensions, skins, etc.

Lists of pages

Special Tools

Latest changes made






The below pages are accessible only to users with a particular privilege level.

By alphabetical order



















  • Special:Tags: This displays tags that the software may mark an edit or logged action with, and their meanings.
  • Special:TrackingCategories: This lists tracking categories automatically populated by the MediaWiki software.



  • Special:Version: This displays the version of MediaWiki in use, installed extensions, authors, and other relevant information.


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