Help:Special pages/list
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This list only includes special pages provided by MediaWiki core itself. Special pages provided by extensions are documented on the extension page.
By role
[edit]General information
[edit]- Special:AllMessages: This lists and allows editing of all system messages used on MediaWiki.
- Special:NamespaceInfo: View information about site namespaces.
- Special:SpecialPages: A list of popular tools and functions for managing and navigating the wiki.
- Special:Statistics: Displays site statistics such as the number of content pages, edits, users, etc.
- Special:Version: Shows the version of the software and details about installed extensions, skins, etc.
Lists of pages
[edit]- Special:AllPages: Lists all MediaWiki pages in a specified namespace from a given starting point. A user can specify a starting point as a parameter, like Special:AllPages/T (for pages in the main namespace starting with "T"), or Special:AllPages/Template: (for pages in the Template namespace starting from the beginning). The listing order follows alphabetical order.
- Special:Categories: This shows an alphabetical list of categories and the number of pages in each.
- Special:ListFiles: This lists uploaded images and files, sortable by size or date.
- Special:ListFiles/Example: Lists files that have been uploaded by User:Example.
- Special:ListRedirects: This lists all redirect pages.
- Special:PagesWithProp: This lists the pages that make use of a certain page property.
- Special:PrefixIndex: This lists all pages in a specified namespace that start with a given prefix. It's useful for finding subpages. For example, Special:PrefixIndex/User:Example.
- Special:ProtectedPages: This lists pages that are protected from editing.
- Special:ProtectedTitles: This lists titles that are protected from being created.
Special Tools
[edit]- Special:ApiHelp: This provides help documentation for the MediaWiki API.
- Special:ApiSandbox: An interactive interface to test MediaWiki API requests.
- Special:ComparePages: This compares the differences between two pages.
- Special:Diff: This displays the differences between two revisions of a page. For example, Special:Diff/6469269 shows the changes between version 6469269 and the previous version of the same page. Special:Diff/6469269/6473798 compares version 6469269 in Help:Table caption with version 6473798 in Help:Self link. This can also compare two versions of the same page.
- Special:Export: This export pages as an XML file containing wikitext and metadata.
- Special:MIMESearch: This searches for files by media type.
- Special:MovePage: To rename/move a page to a new title.
- Special:Random: This redirects you to a random page in the main namespace. A parameter can be passed to specify other namespaces, such as Special:Random/Talk.
- Special:RandomInCategory: This redirects you to a randomly selected page within a particular category in any namespace.
- Special:RandomRedirect: This redirects you to a random page.
- Special:RandomRootpage: This redirects you to a random root page, excluding sub-pages.
- Special:Search: This enables you to search pages MediaWiki.
- Special:Upload: To upload a file to the wiki.
- Special:WhatLinksHere: This lists all pages (including transclusions and redirects) that link to a given page. A parameter can be passed to it. For example, Special:WhatLinksHere/Main Page.
Latest changes made
[edit]- Special:Log: A combined display of various public logs. The log type, user, and page can be specified. Supported parameters are "block", "delete", "protect", and "upload". For example, Special:Log/block displays the entire block log.
- Special:NewFiles: A gallery of recently added files.
- Special:NewPages: This displays new pages with creation date, time, size, creator, and first edit summary.
- Special:RecentChanges: This lists the recent edits in the project. Changes to pages watched appear bold.
- Special:RecentChangesLinked: This lists recent changes in pages linked from a selected page or category. Changes to pages watched appear bold. A parameter can be passed to it. For example, Special:RecentChangesLinked/Help:Links.
- Special:Tags: A list of tags that edits can be marked with.
[edit]- Special:ActiveUsers: This lists users who have been active in the last 30 days.
- Special:BlockList: This lists all blocked IP addresses and usernames.
- Special:Contributions: This displays contributions from a specific user or all new users. A parameter can be passed to it. For example, Special:Contributions/Example.
- Special:EmailUser: This allows you to email another user.
- Special:ListGroupRights: This displays the rights assigned to different user groups.
- Special:ListUsers: This lists all registered users, filterable by group and other criteria.
[edit]- Special:ChangeEmail: To change or remove your email address.
- Special:ChangeCredentials: To change your password.
- Special:ConfirmEmail: To confirm your email address or see the date the email was confirmed.
- Special:Contributions: To view the contributions of all user's.
- Special:MyContributions: To view your contributions.
- Special:CreateAccount: To create a new account
- Special:EditWatchlist and Special:EditWatchlist/raw: To edit your watchlist.
- Special:MyPage: This links to your user page.
- Special:MyTalk: This links to your talk page.
- Special:MyUploads: To view a list of files you have uploaded.
- Special:Notifications: To access your notifications page.
- Special:Preferences: To view and modify your settings.
- Special:ResetTokens: To reset your token.
- Special:UserLogin: A login page to MediaWiki.
- Special:UserLogout: A logout page of your account.
- Special:Watchlist: To see recent changes to the pages you are watching.
[edit]- Special:BrokenRedirects: This lists redirects that lead to non-existent pages.
- Special:DoubleRedirects: This lists redirects that point to another redirect.
- Special:FileDuplicateSearch: Checks for duplicate files.
- Special:ListDuplicatedFiles: This lists all duplicated files on Wikipedia.
- Special:LongPages: This lists pages in the main namespace by size in decreasing order.
- Special:MostLinkedFiles: This lists files that are linked from the most pages.
- Special:ShortPages: This lists pages in the main namespace by size in increasing order.
- Special:UncategorizedFiles: This lists files without category tags.
- Special:UncategorizedPages: This lists pages without category tags (note: updates may not be immediate).
- Special:UncategorizedTemplates: This lists templates without category tags.
- Special:UnusedCategories: This lists unused categories.
- Special:UnusedFiles: This lists files that are not used.
- Special:UnusedTemplates: This lists templates that are not transcluded.
- Special:WantedCategories: This lists categories with members but no category page.
- Special:WantedFiles: This lists missing image files and other files.
- Special:WithoutInterwiki: This lists pages without links to other languages.
- Special:AncientPages: This displays a list of old pages, sorted based on the oldest first.
- Special:DeadendPages: This lists pages that do not have any outgoing links to other pages within the wiki.
- Special:FewestRevisions: This lists pages with few revisions
- Special:LonelyPages: This lists pages with no links to them.
- Special:MostCategories: This lists pages with a large number of categories.
- Special:MostLinkedCategories: This lists the categories with the highest number of pages.
- Special:MostLinkedPages: This lists pages with the most incoming links from other pages.
- Special:MostRevisions: This lists pages with the highest number of edits. It's updated monthly, on the 11th and 25th of every month.
- Special:MostTranscludedPages or Special:MostLinkedTemplates: This lists the templates that are transcluded the most pages, excluding transclusions via a redirect.
- Special:UncategorizedCategories: This lists all category pages that do not have a parent category or are not part of a larger category hierarchy. It's updated monthly, on the 19th of every month.
- Special:WantedPages: This lists non-existent pages that have been linked from other pages, indicating needed content.
- Special:WantedTemplates: This lists non-existent templates that have been used on other pages, indicating missing templates that need to be created. It's updated monthly, on the 20th of every month.
[edit]- Special:Badtitle: The error message shown when attempting to access a page with an invalid title or with an incorrectly linked interwiki prefix.
- Special:BlankPage: This displays a blank page.
- Special:BookSources: This enables you to search for book sources by ISBN.
- Special:ExpandTemplates: This expands wikitext by recursively expanding templates, parser functions, and variables.
- Special:FilePath: This returns the complete path for a file.
- Special:LinkSearch: This allows you to search for external links.
- Special:Permalink/Oldid: This links to a specific version of a wiki page.
- Special:Random: This redirects you to a random page.
- Special:Redirect: This redirects you by file, user, page, or revision ID.
[edit]The below pages are accessible only to users with a particular privilege level.
- Special:Block: It's used by administrators to block or unblock users, IP addresses, and IP addresses ranges.
- Special:DeletedContributions: It's viewable by administrators to see deleted contributions.
- Special:Import: It's used by administrators and importers to import pages.
- Special:LockDB and Special:UnlockDB: It's used by developers to toggle the database between read/write and read-only modes.
- Special:Undelete: It's used by administrators to undelete pages.
- Special:UnwatchedPages: This shows unwatched pages, available to administrators.
- Special:UserRights: This displays user rights and allows administrators to assign and remove user access rights.
By alphabetical order
[edit]- Special:AbuseLog: This displays a log of all edits triggered by the abuse filters.
- Special:ActiveUsers: This lists all users who have been active recently.
- Special:AllMessages: This displays all system messages used by the wiki.
- Special:AllMyUploads: This lists all files uploaded by you.
- Special:AllPages: This lists all pages in the wiki.
- Special:AncientPages: This lists pages that have not been edited for a long time.
- Special:ApiHelp: Provides help and documentation for the MediaWiki API.
- Special:ApiSandbox: Allows you to test and interact with the MediaWiki API.
- Special:AutoblockList: This displays a list of active autoblocks on the wiki.
[edit]- Special:BlankPage: This displays a blank page.
- Special:Block: Blocks a user from editing.
- Special:BlockList: This lists all blocked users.
- Special:BookSources: This finds book sources using a 10-13-digit ISBN.
- Special:BotPasswords: Creates passwords for bots.
- Special:BrokenRedirects: This lists broken redirects.
- Special:BrokenLinks: This redirects to Special:WantedPages, showing wanted pages.
[edit]- Special:Categories: This displays all categories on the wiki.
- Special:ChangeContentModel: This allows template editors and administrators to change the content model of a page.
- Special:ChangeCredentials: This facilitates changing credentials, typically passwords.
- Special:ChangeEmail: This enables changing or removing email addresses associated with an account.
- Special:ChangePassword: This provides functionality for changing passwords.
- Special:ComparePages: Compares the differences between two pages.
- Special:ConfirmEmail: Confirms the email address associated with an account.
- Special:Contribs: This redirects to Special:Contributions, listing a user's contributions.
- Special:Contributions: This lists the contributions made by a user.
- Special:CreateAccount: This allows users to create new accounts.
[edit]- Special:DeadendPages: This lists pages without outgoing links, known as dead-end pages.
- Special:DeletedContributions: This displays contributions made by deleted users.
- Special:Diff: This shows the difference between two versions of a MediaWiki page.
- Special:DoubleRedirects: This lists pages that redirect to other redirect pages, known as double redirects.
[edit]- Special:Edit and Special:EditPage: This redirects to ?action=edit, allowing you to edit a page.
- Special:EditTags: Manages edit tags.
- Special:EditWatchlist: Edits your watchlist.
- Special:EmailUser: Allows you send an email to a user.
- Special:ExpandTemplates: This expands templates.
- Special:Export: Exports pages.
[edit]- Special:FewestRevisions: This lists pages with the fewest revisions.
- Special:FileDuplicateSearch: Searches for duplicate files.
- Special:FilePath: This redirects to a file.
- Special:FileList: This redirects to Special:ListFiles, displaying a list of files.
[edit]- Special:GoToInterwiki: Allows you to navigate to another project using a valid project prefix.
[edit]- Special:History: Alias for Special:PageHistory
[edit]- Special:Import: Allows administrators, importers, and transwiki importers to import pages.
- Special:Info: This redirects to Special:PageInfo.
- Special:InvalidateEmail: Invalidates an email address. Parameter required.
[edit]- Special:LinkAccounts: Allows users to link accounts.
- Special:LinkSearch: This conducts an external link search.
- Special:ListAdmins: This redirects to Special:ListUsers/sysop, listing administrators.
- Special:ListBots: This redirects to Special:ListUsers/bot, listing bots.
- Special:ListDuplicatedFiles: This lists files with duplicates.
- Special:ListGrants: This displays grants.
- Special:ListGroupRights: This lists user group rights.
- Special:ListRedirects: This is a list of redirects.
- Special:ListUsers: This lists all users.
- Special:LockDB: Locks the database, disabling write access.
- Special:Log: This displays all public logs.
- Special:LonelyPages: This lists orphaned pages.
- Special:LongPages: This lists long pages.
- Special:Login: This redirects to Special:UserLogin, initiating the login process.
- Special:Logout: This redirects to Special:UserLogout, initiating the logout process.
[edit]- Special:MediaStatistics: This displays statistics about uploaded file types.
- Special:MergeHistory: Merges page histories.
- Special:MIMESearch: Conducts a MIME search.
- Special:MostCategories: This lists pages with the most categories.
- Special:MostInterwikis: This lists pages with the most interwikis.
- Special:MostLinkedCategories: This lists the most linked-to categories.
- Special:MostLinkedFiles: This lists the most linked-to files.
- Special:MostLinkedPages: This lists the most linked-to pages.
- Special:MostRevisions: This lists pages with the most revisions.
- Special:MostTranscludedPages: This lists the most transcluded pages.
- Special:MovePage: Allows moving a page. Example: Special:MovePage/Main page.
- Special:MyContributions: This redirects to Special:Contributions, listing the current user's contributions.
- Special:MyLanguage: This redirects to the page named after the slash in the user's interface language. Example: Special:MyLanguage/Example.
- Special:MyPage: This redirects to your user page.
- Special:MyTalk: This redirects to the talk page of the active user.
- Special:MyUploads: This lists uploads of the active user.
[edit]- Special:NamespaceInfo: View information about site namespaces.
- Special:NewFiles: Shows a gallery of new files.
- Special:NewPages: This lists new pages.
- Special:Nuke: Performs a mass deletion of pages.
[edit]- Special:OrphanedPages: Alias for Special:LonelyPages
[edit]- Special:PageHistory: Redirects to ?action=history, which displays the history of a specific page. For example, Special:History/Example shows the history of the page named "Example".
- Special:PageInfo: Provides information for a page.
- Special:PasswordReset: Allows users to reset their password.
- Special:PermanentLink: Provides a link to a specific version of a wiki page.
- Special:Preferences: Accesses user preferences.
- Special:PrefixIndex: This lists all pages with a given prefix.
- Special:ProtectedPages: This lists protected pages.
- Special:ProtectedTitles: This lists protected titles.
- Special:Purge: Refreshes a page.
[edit]- Special:Random: This redirects to a random page.
- Special:RandomInCategory: This redirects to a random page in a specified category.
- Special:RandomRedirect: This redirects to a random redirect page.
- Special:RandomRootpage: This redirects to a random root page.
- Special:RecentChanges: This displays recent changes.
- Special:RecentChangesLinked: This displays related changes.
- Special:Redirect: This redirects by file, user, page, revision, or log ID.
- Special:RemoveCredentials: Removes credentials.
- Special:RenameUser: Locally renames a user. Available only to stewards and used extremely rarely.
- Special:ResetTokens: Resets tokens allowing access to certain private data associated with your account.
- Special:RevisionDelete: This is used to delete revisions.
- Special:RunJobs: This initiates the running of jobs.
[edit]- Special:Search: Initiates a search.
- Special:ShortPages: This lists short pages.
- Special:SpecialPages: This lists special pages.
- Special:Statistics: This displays statistics.
[edit]- Special:Tags: This displays tags that the software may mark an edit or logged action with, and their meanings.
- Special:TrackingCategories: This lists tracking categories automatically populated by the MediaWiki software.
[edit]- Special:Unblock: Unblocks a user.
- Special:UncategorizedCategories: This lists uncategorized categories.
- Special:UncategorizedFiles: This lists uncategorized files.
- Special:UncategorizedPages: This lists uncategorized pages.
- Special:UncategorizedTemplates: This lists uncategorized templates.
- Special:UnconnectedPages: This lists pages not connected to data items.
- Special:Undelete: Searches deleted pages and allows viewing and restoring of deleted pages.
- Special:UnlinkAccounts: Unlinks accounts.
- Special:UnlockDB: Opposite of LockDB, unlocks the database, enabling write access.
- Special:UnusedCategories: This lists unused categories.
- Special:UnusedFiles: This lists unused files.
- Special:UnusedTemplates: This lists unused templates.
- Special:Upload: Uploads a file.
- Special:Uploads: This redirects to Special:ListFiles, listing uploaded files.
- Special:UploadStash: This displays files that are uploaded or in the process of uploading (upload stash).
- Special:UserLogin: Initiates the login process.
- Special:UserLogout: Initiates the logout process.
- Special:UserRights: Manages user groups.
- Special:UserGroupRights: This redirects to Special:ListGroupRights.
- Special:UserList: This redirects to Special:ListUsers, listing users.
[edit]- Special:Version: This displays the version of MediaWiki in use, installed extensions, authors, and other relevant information.
[edit]- Special:WantedCategories: This lists the most red-linked categories.
- Special:WantedFiles: This lists the most red-linked images.
- Special:WantedPages: This lists the most red-linked articles.
- Special:WantedTemplates: This lists the most red-linked templates.
- Special:Watchlist: This displays the watchlist.
- Special:WhatLinksHere: Shows what pages link to the current page.
- Special:WithoutInterwiki: This lists pages without language links.