![]() |
Eskertiw: Bul betti ózgertkenińizde, siz CC0 astında óz úlesińizdi qosıwǵa razılıq bildiresiz. Qosımsha maǵlıwmat ushın Ulıwma ortalıq járdem betlerine qarań. | ![]() |
Siz óz tekstińizdi formatlawda wiki belgilerinen paydalanıwıńız múmkin. Bular juldızsha (*), apostrof (') yamasa teń (=) belgileri sıyaqlı ápiwayı belgilerden ibarat bolıp, olar jaylasıwına hám sanına qaray wikide ayırıqsha funkciyalarǵa iye. Mısal ushın, sózdi kursiv formatında formatlaw ushın onı ''mına tekst''
sıyaqlı eki jup apostrof arasına kirgizesiz.
Tekstti formatlaw belgisi
Sıpatlama | Siz jazasız | Kórinetuǵın nátiyje |
Belgilerdi (ishke ornatılǵan) formatlaw - hárqanday orında ámel etedi | ||
Qıya tekst | ''qıya'' |
qıya |
Qalıń tekst | '''qalıń''' |
qalıń |
Qalıń hám qıya | '''''qalıń hám qıya''''' |
qalıń hám qıya |
Wiki belgilerden qutılıw | <nowiki>[[wiki]] ''belgisi'' emes</nowiki>
[[wiki]] ''belgisi'' emes |
Bólimdi formatlaw - tekǵana qatar basında | ||
Túrli dárejedegi bólimlerdiń baslama atları | == II dáreje == === III dáreje === ==== IV dáreje ==== ===== V dáreje ===== ====== VI dáreje ======
II dárejeIII dárejeIV dárejeV dárejeVI dáreje |
Gorizontal qaǵıyda | Aldınǵı tekst ---- Keyingi tekst |
Aldınǵı tekst Keyingi tekst |
Tamǵalanǵan dizim |
* Hár bir qatardı * juldızsha [[]] belgisi menen (*) baslań. ** Kóbirek juldızsha tereńirek hámde *** jánede tereńirek dárejelerdi beredi. * Qatar úzilisleri yaǵnıy ótkermeler <br />dárejeni buzbaydı. *** Biraq sekiriwshi dárejeler (yaǵnıy bir tor belgisinen keyin sekirip úsh tor belgisine ótilse) bos orın payda qıladı. Basqa hár qanday baslanǵan nárse dizimdi juwmaqlaydı. * tamǵalanǵan dizimdi birlestiriń ** táriypleme menen ::- táriypleme ** bos orın jaratadı * tamǵalanǵan dizimdi birlestiriń ** táriypleme menen *:- táriypleme ** bos orınlarsız * tamǵalanǵan dizim :- táriypleme :* bos orın payda etpeytuǵın astqıbet :* táriyplemeden keyingi bos orınlar |
Basqa hár qanday baslanǵan nárse dizimdi juwmaqlaydı.
Sanlanǵan dizim |
# Hár bir qatardı # tor belgisi [[]] (#) menen baslań. ## Kóbirek tor belgileri tereńirek hámde ### tereńirek ### dárejelerdi beredi. # Qatar úzilisleri yaǵnıy ótkermeler <br />dárejeni buzbaydı. ### Biraq sekiriwshi dárejeler (yaǵnıy bir tor belgisinen keyin sekirip úsh tor belgisine ótilse) bos orın payda qıladı. # Bos qatarlar # bul dizimdi juwmaqlań hám basqasın baslań. Basqa hár qanday baslanǵan nárse dizimdi juwmaqlaydı. <nowiki>#</nowiki> "nowiki" teglerinen paydalanılsa, (#) belgisi qatar basında sanlanǵan dizim dep qabıllanbay, ápiwayı tor belgisi sıpatında kórsetiledi. |
Basqa hár qanday baslanǵan nárse dizimdi juwmaqlaydı. # "nowiki" teglerinen paydalanılsa, (#) belgisi qatar basında sanlanǵan dizim dep qabıllanbay, ápiwayı tor belgisi sıpatında kórsetiledi. |
Táriypleme dizimi | ;bánt 1 : táriypleme 1 ;bánt 2 : táriypleme 2-1 : táriypleme 2-2 Qatar aqırında, eger qatar noqatlı útir (;) menen baslansa, qoyılǵan hár qanday qosnoqat (:) kórsetilmeydi. Eger siz qosnoqat kórsetiliwin qáleseńiz,
: jazıw arqalı joqarıdaǵı ámeldi biykarlawıńız múmkin. |
Tekstti sheklew | : Birlik sheklew :: Ekilik sheklew ::::: Kóplik sheklew Bul aylanıp ótiw kiriw múmkinshiligine zálel jetkeriwi múmkin.
Hár túrdegi dizimlerdiń qospaǵı | # bir
# eki
#* eki noqat bir (ekiniń biri)
#* eki noqat eki (ekiniń ekisi)
# úsh
#; úshtiń birinshi bánti
#: úshtiń birinshi táriyplemesi
# tórt
#: tórttiń birinshi táriyplemesi
#: bul dawamǵa uqsaydı
#: hám jiyi-jiyi
#: <nowiki><br></nowiki> niń <br> ornına isletiledi
# bes
## bes astı 1
### bes astı 1diń astı 1i
## bes astı 2
Bánt ishindegi qatardı ótkermelew ushın
#: hám *: ámellerinen paydalanıw da kiriw múmkinshiligine zálel jetkeriwi múmkin. |
Aldın formatlanǵan tekst | Hár bir qatardı bos orın menen baslań. Tekst '''aldın formatlanǵan''' hám ''belgilewler'' '''''bolıwı múmkin'''''. This way of preformatting only applies to section formatting. Character formatting markups are still effective.
Hár bir qatardı bos orın menen baslań. Tekst aldın formatlanǵan hám belgilewler bolıwı múmkin. |
Preformatted text blocks | <nowiki>Start with a space in the first column, (before the <nowiki>). Then your block format will be maintained. This is good for copying in code blocks: def function(): """documentation string""" if True: print True else: print False</nowiki> |
Start with a space in the first column, (before the <nowiki>). Then your block format will be maintained. This is good for copying in code blocks: def function(): """documentation string""" if True: print True else: print False |
MediaWiki ignores single line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can force a line break within a paragraph with the HTML tag <br />
HTML tegler
Some HTML tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example <code>
, <div>
, and <span>
. These apply anywhere you insert them.
Sıpatlama | Siz jazasız | Kórinetuǵın nátiyje |
Kirgizilgen (Kóplegen brauzerlerde astı sızılǵan halda kórsetiledi) |
Kirgizilgen yamasa Astqısızıq |
Deleted (Displays as strike-through in most browsers) |
Fixed width text | <code>Source code</code>
Source code
Blockquotes | Text before
Text after
If the quote contains multiple paragraphs the tags need to be on separate lines to display properly, i.e.:
First paragraph.
Second paragraph.
Text before
Text after |
Quotes | <q>This is a quotation</q>
The q element must not be used in place of quotation marks that do not represent quotes; for example, it is inappropriate to use the q element for marking up sarcastic statements.[1]
This is a quotation |
Comment | <!-- This is a comment -->
Comments are visible only
in the edit zone.
Comments are visible only in the edit zone. |
Completely preformatted text | <pre>
Text is '''preformatted''' and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
For marking up of preformatted text, check the "Preformatted text" entry at the end of the previous table.
Text is '''preformatted''' and ''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done |
Customized preformatted text | <pre style="color: red">
Text is '''preformatted'''
with a style and
''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done
A CSS style can be named within the
style attribute. |
Text is '''preformatted''' with a style and ''markups'' '''''cannot''''' be done |
Description | You type | You get |
Default preformatted text has a CSS attribute (white-space: pre-wrap; ) to wrap the text according to available width
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. |
Customized preformatted text with disabled text wrapping | <pre style="white-space: pre;">
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer.
This long sentence is used to demonstrate text wrapping. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. This additional sentence makes the text even longer. |
The full list of recognized tags is given on Help:HTML in wikitext .
Inserting symbols
Symbols and other special characters not available on your keyboard can be inserted in a multitude of ways. Many operating systems and browsers allow to insert special characters through a menu option or operating system panel. Additionally, you can use the WikiEditor or VisualEditor to insert them into the edit screen.
As a last resort, you can use a special sequence of characters. Those sequences are called HTML character references. For example:
- the rightwards arrow symbol (
) can be displayed using the→
sequence - an em dash (
) can be displayed using—
Á | á | Â | â | ´ | Æ | æ | À | à | ℵ | Α | α | & | ∧ | ∠ | Å | å | ≈ | Ã | ã | Ä | ä | „ | Β | β | ¦ | • | ∩ | Ç | ç | ¸ | ¢ |
Χ | χ | ˆ | ♣ | ≅ | © | ↵ | ∪ | ¤ | † | ‡ | ↓ | ⇓ | ° | Δ | δ | ♦ | ÷ | É | é | Ê | ê | È | è | ∅ | Ε | ε | ≡ | Η | η | ||
Ð | ð | Ë | ë | € | ∃ | ƒ | ∀ | ½ | ¼ | ¾ | ⁄ | Γ | γ | ≥ | > | ↔ | ⇔ | ♥ | … | Í | í | Î | î | ¡ | Ì | ì | ℑ | ∞ | ∫ | Ι | ι |
¿ | ∈ | Ï | ï | Κ | κ | Λ | λ | ⟨ | « | ← | ⇐ | ⌈ | “ | ≤ | ⌊ | ∗ | ◊ | | ‹ | ‘ | < | ¯ | — | µ | · | − | Μ | μ | ∇ | – | |
≠ | ∋ | ¬ | ∉ | ⊄ | Ñ | ñ | Ν | ν | Ó | ó | Ô | ô | Œ | œ | Ò | ò | ‾ | Ω | ω | Ο | ο | ⊕ | ∨ | ª | º | Ø | ø | Õ | õ | ⊗ | Ö |
ö | ¶ | ∂ | ‰ | ⊥ | Φ | φ | Π | π | ϖ | ± | £ | ′ | ″ | ∏ | ∝ | Ψ | ψ | " | √ | ⟩ | » | → | ⇒ | ⌉ | ” | ℜ | ® | ⌋ | Ρ | ρ | |
› | ’ | ‚ | Š | š | ⋅ | § | | Σ | σ | ς | ∼ | ♠ | ⊂ | ⊆ | ∑ | ⊃ | ¹ | ² | ³ | ⊇ | ß | Τ | τ | ∴ | Θ | θ | ϑ | Þ | þ | ˜ | |
× | ™ | Ú | ú | ↑ | ⇑ | Û | û | Ù | ù | ¨ | ϒ | Υ | υ | Ü | ü | ℘ | Ξ | ξ | Ý | ý | ¥ | ÿ | Ÿ | Ζ | ζ | | |
Description | You type | You get |
Copyright symbol | © |
Greek delta letter symbol | δ |
Euro currency symbol | € |
See the list of all HTML entities on the Wikipedia article List of HTML entities. Additionally, MediaWiki supports two non-standard entity reference sequences: &רלמ;
and &رلم;
which are both considered equivalent to ‏
which is a right-to-left mark. (Used when combining right to left languages with left to right languages in the same page.)
HTML tags and symbol entities displayed themselves (with and without interpreting them)
→ €
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
→ Typo to be corrected
<span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
→ <span style="color: red; text-decoration: line-through;">Typo to be corrected</span>
Nowiki for HTML
<nowiki />
can prohibit (HTML) tags:
- <<nowiki/>pre> → <pre>
But not & symbol escapes:
- &<nowiki/>amp; → &
To print & symbol escapes as text, use "&
" to replace the "&" character (eg. type "&nbsp;
", which results in "
Other formatting
Beyond the text formatting markup shown hereinbefore, here are some other formatting references:
- LanguageConverter markup – see Writing systems/Syntax
- References – see Extension:Cite
- Tables
You can find more references at Mazmunı .