Axuda:Extensión:Tradución/Exemplo de tradución
Translators (main help page )
- How to translate
- Best practices
- Statistics and reporting
- Quality assurance
- Message group states
- Offline translation
- Glossary
Translation administrators
- How to prepare a page for translation
- Page translation administration
- Unstructured element translation
- Group management
- Move translatable page
- Import translations via CSV
- Working with message bundles
Sysadmins and developers
Benvido(a), glorioso tradutor. Temos moito traballo por facer: imos acabar co básico moi rapidamente, de xeito que pode comezar o máis cedo posible. Tras este tutorial vostede saberá como usar o conxunto de ferramentas de tradución. Os efectos serán permanentes, entón se non quere aprender a usalo, por favor, deixe de ler agora.
Agardamos que de onde queira que veña, os administradores de tradución estean configurados para traducir. Este tutorial usa a páxina "Fréttinga" que é creado no tutorial for translation administrators. As cousas cubertas aquí non depender dunha determinada páxina, e se aplica a todo o que pode traducir con esta ferramenta.
Maybe you already have a link from someone, asking you to translate something. If not you can check the translator dashboard, in your wiki for something to translate. If you just want to see how it works in general, you can still read along and watch the screenshots to get an impression of it.
Normalmente, non se poden facer traducións sen pedir permiso. Algúns wikis porén permitiron a tradución para tódolos usuarios. Vai notar rapidamente, se non ten os dereitos para traducir. Se este é o caso, póñase en contacto cun administrador de tradución do seu wiki. Imos comezar coa obtención da visualización de tradución.
- 1o. Vaia á páxina Fréttinga.
- 2o. Prema na ligazón "Traducir esta páxina" (se non aparecer é que non ten permiso para traducir).
Podes tentalo:
- 1b. Vaia a translator dashboard.
- 2b. Prema no nome de calquera grupo de mensaxes que teña mensaxes sen traducir.
As mensaxes para traducir son agrupadas por "grupo de mensaxes": Cada páxina traducible é un grupo de mensaxes, pero tamén pode haber outros tipos de grupos de mensaxes.
- 3. Elixe un idioma ou outra linguaxe como fonte de texto (a cal normalmente é o inglés ou
The translator dashboardmostra que Fréttinga necesita tradución: Prema no título para traducilo.
Ver tódalas mensaxes non traducidas
Editor da tradución
This view and variations of it are the basic interface you will be working in. The long list of messages still to be translated may occasionally depress you, but fortunately we don't actually need to watch that list so often. You should see at least some untranslated messages here. Let's make your first translation. Click a row to open the translation editor. You will see the source text you need to translate and a text area where you can write your translation. If you clicked the first message listed for the page Fréttinga, it should say "Fréttinga" as the content. Since it is a name, you don't usually need to change it, so you can copy it as-is to the text area. If your language uses a different writing system, you can choose to transliterate it. Then just click save and you are done!
- 4. Click the message name on the left column.
- 5. In the editor dialog, write the translation of the source text in the place reserved for it.
- 6. Click or tap "Save translation".

Depending on the configuration of the wiki, you may also see other things in the editor besides the source text. There may be suggestions from translation memories or machine translation systems. There can be a section for tips that provide crucial information that you need to use to make a correct translation. So if there are tips, read them carefully. If there are no tips and you feel like you need them, ask someone in the wiki to add them; if you are knowledgeable enough about the text that needs translation, add them yourself. These tips help you to translate better and faster. Don't feel ashamed to ask for clarifications – it's highly likely that the other tens or hundreds translators are wasting their time thinking of the same issues.

At the bottom of the box for translated text, you might see buttons with a label that starts with a $
(dollar sign). E.g. $1
, or $name
. These are "translation variables" (tvars). They are most often used for either links, or other types of text that should not be translated. You should insert these tvars into your translation in the matching location, either by clicking the button or by copying/typing it manually. These tvars must not be translated into your language.
One more thing about the translation aids: if you benefit from seeing the message translated into other languages as additional tip, go to Preferencias –> Edición –> Opcións de tradución and add one or more assistant languages for yourself.
Feel free to make a few more translations and try out the other buttons. Clicking the suggestions or the "Paste source" button will immediately paste that text in the text area, overwriting anything already in that text area.
Translation view
Here we are again, watching the list with untranslated messages. If you refresh the page, the list should now be shorter, or even empty. The view has information like description of the group, but more interesting at the top you can choose language, message group and different message filters.
All message groups function the same way, and you don't need to worry about them too much. The important thing is that you always need to choose a message group to work on, and things like statistics and completion percentages are calculated on message group level.

From the different views at the bar at the bottom, you can switch to the view suitable for doing other tasks, like review or translating whole pages. Depending the configuration, you should see all or some of the following views: "List", "Page" and "Proofreading". Read more about reviewing translations and other quality assurance methods in the quality assurance page.
The page can also contain the message group status near the message group description, which can be set for each language of the group; if you see a dropdown selector of the possible states, it means that you can change it, and you should update it when you are working on the translation or if you are reviewing it. See more about workflow states in the message group states page.
Conceptos importantes

You already know what a message group is, and have seen the translation editor and assistant languages. Now the translation administrator may have continued their page translation tutorial and changed the contents of the page Fréttinga. When the text that must be translated changes, it will show up again in the list of untranslated messages and also in the list of outdated messages.
Cando se atopou cunha mensaxe desactualizada, ten dúas opcións. Pode confirmar que a tradución non precisa de cambios, ao final, ou pode facer os cambios necesarios. As mensaxes poden aparecer para ser supervisadas automaticamente cando unha nova tradución é gardada, as comprobacións automáticas atopan problemas na tradución, por exemplo conexión desequilibrada falta o carácter "]" noutra sintaxe. Tamén recibirá un aviso sobre estes durante a edición da tradución.
The outdated translations are marked with red. If you now return to the translated page by clicking the link on the message group description, you should see that your translations are already there. Most of the translations you will make are applied immediately with exception about some message groups, like many of those in, where the translation are regularly and manually exported by translation administrators to the software they are used in.
One more useful tip when translating translatable pages: magic words like {{FORMATNUM}}
will format the output in the translation language, not in the language of the source text.
If you like, you can read more on how magic words work and should be used in translations.
This is not required reading, though.
Updating a fuzzied or outdated message: here we have clicked to see the differences
Un exemplo con suxestións veñen da memoria de tradución. A porcentaxe indica a calidade da suxestión e hai unha conta de ocorrencias de cada opción. No exemplo, estamos optando por usar o máis utilizado.
Getting your translation to another wiki
If you're working with software documentation, you are probably translating this material because you want to use it somewhere else. To export your translation, go to the main translation page, and click the "Export" tab. Choose the language you want, and copy the wikitext from the box. You can then paste that text on to any wiki. This fast, simple process only works for translations, not for the original source language.
Exporting the original language (usually English on MediaWiki) for use on another wiki, without all of the translation markup, is more complicated.
- First, open the page in the wikitext editor. This will produce a URL similar to
. - Second, manually change this URL to insert a subpage for the language you want. If the original is written in English, then you add /en after your page name, so that the URL says
Press return so that it will open the modified URL you just created. - Then you can copy the wikitext out of the new wikitext editing window, without the translation markup. This can be pasted onto another wiki.
Anyone can export text. You do not need to be a translator or translator admin to get a copy of the translation.