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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:FlaggedRevs and the translation is 54% complete.
PD 注意: このページを編集すると、編集内容が CC0 のもとで公開されることに同意したと見なされます。詳細はパブリック・ドメインのヘルプ ページを参照してください。 PD

FlaggedRevs は、MediaWikiを使用したウィキにおいて、ページに施された変更を監視し、ウィキの閲覧者に表示する内容をより注意深く管理するための拡張機能です。 特定の「編集者」(editor)および「査読者」(reviewer)によって各ページは格付けされ、査読してそのウィキが求めている基準をどれほど満たしているかを示すことができます。 ページのすべての各版は、それらの利用者によって新しい編集が査読され「格付け」されます。 ウィキではそのような格付け段階の幅を設定したり、特定の利用者にのみ各段階の格付けを許可することもできます。

版を格付けできるようになると、ウィキの管理手順の調整をより簡単にできます。なぜなら、これによってどの編集が新しく(そして受け入れがたい編集かもしれない)、どの版を建設的なものとして承認するかを明確にできるからです。 また、特定のレベル以上に格付けされた版のみを読者に表示できるように各ページを設定することもできます。ゆえに、編集した版を充分に高いレベルに格付けできない利用者による変更は、更に高いレベルに格付け可能な利用者に確認されるまで、「下書き」版として残ります。



FlaggedRevsでは利用者と編集に関する新たな用語が使われます。 それぞれの用語は、言語ごと・ウィキごとのカスタマイズを可能にするために、完全に変更可能ですが、いくつかの用語はどの言語・ウィキでも共通です。

Default FlaggedRevs flag settings
Sighted Unapproved
Sighted 一覧済み
Sighted 的確
Sighted 検証性充分
Sighted 秀逸
Marker settings
Reviewed Sighted 一覧済み Sighted

FlaggedRevsを使用すると、ページの各版に適用できる「フラグ」をウィキで定義できます。これは各版の品質やその他の属性を表示するためのものです。 Flags form a hierarchy.


マーカーは、通常、特定の品質を満たした記事の版を識別するための、より抽象的なフラグの分類法です。 There is only one marker available, "reviewed". 既定では、そのウィキで使用されている全基準において、何らかのレベルのフラグが設定されているすべての版に、「reviewed」マーカーが設定されています。 なお、ウィキごとに独自のフラグ基準を定義することができるため、これらの設定も異なることがあります。


FlaggedRevs が有効になっているページでは 2 つの「別名」(alias)が使われます: 「最新版」と「安定板」です。





最新版と安定版はいつでも直接リンクできます。URL の末尾に &stable=0&stable=1 をそれぞれ追加してください。



ページの上部に表示される通知バナー(上: 最新版閲覧時, 下: 安定版閲覧時)

FlaggedRevs allows a wiki to mark each revision of a page with a flag to indicate its quality or validity, and to control which revisions are shown by default on a page. Each page where FlaggedRevs is enabled is effectively given two alternative aliases; these are the "stable" version, which is the latest version that has been flagged to a sufficiently high level, and the "current" version, which is the most recent revision, flagged or not. Readers can access either version of the page by adding &stable= to the URL in the address bar, setting &stable=0 for the current version, and &stable=1 for the stable version. On each alias, there is an explanation and a link to the other version.

Wiki developers can control which alias is displayed to users and readers by default, and which flags allow a version to be considered 'stable'. Registered users can customize which alias they see by default in their User Preferences. Editors are also made aware of which alias they are viewing by the "編集" tab, which instead displays (by default) "edit draft".



FlaggedRevs does not affect a user's ability to edit a page; only the way the resulting version is handled by the wiki. Whenever a user edits a page, the contents of the edit window are always the wikimarkup for the current version, to prevent revision forks from accumulating. When there are unreviewed changes made since the last stable version, a diff is provided above the edit window to highlight any changes. This is important as the text being edited may not be the same as the page the user viewed before clicking the "編集" link (if the user was viewing the stable version); and it allows any changes to be immediately reviewed and modified or reverted if necessary.


利用者が既定で差分を閲覧しないように設定している場合、以下の追加の警告メッセージが表示されます。by default "edits to this page will be incorporated into the stable version once an authorized user reviews them" この点を除いて、FlaggeRevsの機能のない通常の場合と同様に、編集・プレビュー・保存の編集プロセスを行うことができます。

Users who are capable of reviewing edits are encouraged to do so both during and after they edit. There is an option next to the "細部の編集" and "このページをウォッチする" checkboxes to immediately review the version resulting from that edit, although this option is unchecked by default. Once a reviewer has made an edit, they are returned to the article as normal, but are presented with a diff of all changes, including theirs, since the last stable version, with the option to immediately review the changes.



Reviewing versions is the primary new activity introduced by FlaggedRevs. With the exception of the "review this edit" checkbox on the edit screen, all methods of reviewing versions use the same interface. At the bottom of a draft page, a series of radio buttons or checkboxes allows the reviewer to select which flags to apply to the revision, and there is the option to provide a comment that will appear in the review log.

Users can review any version, including versions that have already been reviewed by others. In this instance the newest review overrides previous reviews: if the new reviewer flags the version at a higher level than the previous reviewer, it is considered a normal "approve" review, while 'confirming' another reviewer's assessment by flagging the version to the same level is recorded as a "re-review". By flagging a previously-reviewed version as 'unassessed', reviewers can effectively 'unflag' a revision; these "deprecations" can be seen in a separate stream in the review log.



FlaggedRevs is designed to encourage eligible editors to review versions quickly and efficiently, and so links are provided in most common locations to review changes by editors who cannot flag the versions themselves. Edits that have resulted in an unreviewed version are marked with an exclamation mark ! in the watchlist and the RecentChanges feed, with a link to review the changes. When viewing a page that has unreviewed edits, a banner is also added to indicate the number of edits since the last stable version, the age of the stable version, and a link to review the changes.

Special:PendingChanges は、未確認の編集が安定版に対して行われたページを表示します


Special:UnreviewedPages also includes the number of users who have each page on their watchlist, so that 'backwater' articles can be identified and monitored; because of this slightly sensitive information, access to Special:UnreviewedPages page is usually restricted to users who have the ability to review versions. Special:OldReviewedPages is sorted by the time since the last revision was flagged, oldest first.


Screenshot of Special:Contributions at a Flagged revs wiki. The "投稿の検索" dialog can be used to see all pending edits saved by a particular user.

Special:Contributions can be used to see pending edits by a particular user.

This feature is not yet available on wikis with Flagged revisions configured in the protection mode.


In addition to these pages, several other reports give general oversight over the reviewing process. Special:ConfiguredPages is a list of pages where the default display settings have been overridden by administrators to either always show readers the "stable" alias by default or always show readers the "current" alias by default, depending on the wiki's FlaggedRevs settings.

Finally, Special:ValidationStatistics provides a summary of how thoroughly each content namespace has been reviewed, and other useful data about the reviewing process.


FlaggedRevs は、アクティビティーについて一定の条件を満たす利用者に対して自動的に査読を行う権限を与えるように設定できます。

Wikis need to judge carefully how best to configure the autopromotion feature (if at all) to be as confident as possible that the user is a constructive editor, without making them wait too long to be promoted. Thresholds can be set on a number of attributes, including:

  • 利用者のアカウント登録からの経過日数
  • 利用者の全編集数
    • It can be required that these edits have been made consistently over a time period, eg 20 edits spread over a period of 20 days would qualify, but 20 edits all at once would not
    • Edits from the last X days can be excluded from the count (giving admins time to look at them)
    • これらの編集の内の一定数が「本文」名前空間で行われたものであることを必要とするように設定できます。
  • 利用者が編集したコンテンツ「ページ」数
  • 利用者が編集の要約を記載して行った編集の数
  • 利用者が 利用者ページ を作成しているか否か、そしてそれが充実しているか(bytecount)。
  • 利用者がブロックされたことがあるかどうか
  • 利用者による編集が取り消された回数 (自身による取り消しは除外)
  • 利用者が編集の要約を記入した回数 (自動的に記入された要約を含む)

The autopromotion mechanism can be overridden by administrators, either to promote a user who does not meet the criteria, or to demote a user who has abused the reviewing ability.


Special:Stabilization allows administrators to control the display of individual pages

While a wiki's developers can define default settings for which alias is presented to each user group by default, these settings can be customized by individual users and for individual pages. Each registered user can set in their preferences whether they wish to see the "current" or "stable" alias by default when viewing an article.

Some group on the wiki, usually administrators, have the ability to use the special page Special:Stabilization to override the default display for unregistered users. Administrators can set a page to display the stable version by default, and can also control how the stable version is selected, choosing which marker is preferred.

Administrators also have the ability to grant users the ability to review edits, and to revoke that permission in case of abuse, by using the Special:UserRights interface. This explicit assignment overrides any permissions automatically given to the user by the autopromote feature – if an administrator has explicitly revoked a user's reviewing permissions, the autopromote feature will not grant them back, and vice versa.


アンティーク ホワイト 未査読
ゴールド 査読保留中
灰色がかった薄青 査読済かつ確認済