The SocialProfile extension incorporates a social profile, user board, and basic profile info into MediaWiki, specifically avatars, befriending, foeing, user board, board blast, user levels rank system, awards and gifts. The package also notifies users via email when other users request them as a friend or foe and/or sends them a message.
- For technical documentation (if you are a system administrator), see Extension:SocialProfile/Technical documentation .
- For developer information, see Extension:SocialProfile/Developer information .
- For help on using SocialProfile, see Help:Extension:SocialProfile .
- If you use the ExtensionDistributor to download SocialProfile, make sure that you select "master (latest development version)"; older versions are guaranteed to have lots of bugs and they are unmaintained, while master is always up-to-date and contains the newest features and bugfixes!
- You can also use Git, like so:
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/SocialProfile
- Download the master branch e coloque o(s) arquivo(s) num diretório chamado
na sua pastaextensions/
. - Adicione o seguinte código ao final do seu arquivo LocalSettings.php :
require_once "$IP/extensions/SocialProfile/SocialProfile.php";
- Execute o script de atualização que criará automaticamente as tabelas de banco de dados necessárias a essa extensão.
- The following directories should exist under the wiki's
— The directory where all user-uploaded avatar images are storedawards/
— System gift (award) and normal gift images will be stored here
- Move the directory
into the images directory that is used in your MediaWiki installation.
- Move the directory
This directory should be writable. The images included in this folder by default can be used for awards if you upload them through Special:SystemGiftManagerLogo, but they won't show up as "defaults" the same way avatar default images do show up.
- Move the directory
into the images directory used in your MediaWiki installation.
- Move the directory
This directory should be writable.
Concluído – Navegue à página Special:Version em sua wiki para verificar se a instalação da extensão foi bem sucedida.
Parser functions
- {{#avatar:Username}} - retrieves the avatar picture for the specified user.
- {{#randomuserswithavatars}}
- {{#newusers}}
User Options
- echo-subscriptions-web-social-rel (requires Echo extension installed)
- echo-subscriptions-email-social-rel (requires Echo extension installed)
Configuration variables
$wgUserProfileDisplay['board'] = true;
$wgUserProfileDisplay['foes'] = true;
$wgUserProfileDisplay['friends'] = true;
$wgUserProfileDisplay['avatar'] = true; // If set to false, disables both avatar display and upload
$wgUserBoard = true;
$wgFriendingEnabled = true;
$wgAvatarKey = $wgDBname;
$wgUserPageChoice = true;
$wgUserProfileAvatarsInDiffs = true;
There are some further configuration variables introduced in a later update for wikis that are using an external storage solution for their images (such as Amazon S3 or Swift). SocialProfile needs to be told explicitly to use this external storage for avatars etc., or it will upload them to the local server anyway.
For example, when using S3, you need to explicitly set the backend to S3, the privacy of the file to public, and the file path for avatars:
$wgSocialProfileFileBackend = 'AmazonS3';
$wgAWSRepoZones['avatars'] = [
'container' => 'avatars',
'path' => "/avatars",
'isPublic' => true
- Upgrading – If you are upgrading from SocialProfile version 1.2 or older, you'll need to create four new database tables manually:
If you're upgrading from 1.3, you'll need to create user_system_messages
database table.
- Since r93317, SocialProfile's namespaces are automagically registered, so you do not need to add them to
- SocialProfile uses either ImageMagick or PHP's built-in GD library (since r93067), depending on which one is available, for creating the resized avatar, award and gift image files.
- Newer version of the Vector skin ("Vector-2022", informally also "new Vector") and some other inconsistent skins "no longer" support the
CSS class, thus causing the social user profile pages to render incorrectly. Fixing it locally should be as simple as adding this to your wiki'sMediaWiki:Vector.css
or equivalentMediaWiki:<skinname>.css
page:/* visualClear CSS class definition for [[mw:Extension:SocialProfile]] because Vector does not include the definition anymore; see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T328235 and https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T287962 */ .visualClear { clear: both; }
- See also phab:T328235 and e.g. phab:T287962.
Reporting bugs
- Extension:SocialProfile/Screenshots - For screenshots of the extension and some very brief descriptions of the features.
![]() | Esta extensão está incluída nas seguintes fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki: Esta não é uma lista autoritativa (oficial). Algumas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) e/ou pacotes wiki podem conter esta extensão mesmo que não estejam listados aqui. Sempre verifique com suas fazendas/hospedagens (farms/hosts) ou pacotes wiki para confirmar. |
- Stable extensions/pt-br
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- GPL licensed extensions/pt-br
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/pt-br
- Extensions which add rights/pt-br
- BeforePageDisplay extensions/pt-br
- CanonicalNamespaces extensions/pt-br
- LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates extensions/pt-br
- BeforeCreateEchoEvent extensions/pt-br
- EchoGetDefaultNotifiedUsers extensions/pt-br
- EchoGetBundleRules extensions/pt-br
- ParserFirstCallInit extensions/pt-br
- DifferenceEngineShowDiff extensions/pt-br
- DifferenceEngineShowDiffPage extensions/pt-br
- DifferenceEngineOldHeader extensions/pt-br
- DifferenceEngineNewHeader extensions/pt-br
- OutputPageBodyAttributes extensions/pt-br
- All extensions/pt-br
- Extensions not using extension registration/pt-br
- Social tools/pt-br
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