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Architecture committee/2016-06-29

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)

Agenda timeline

  • Intro
    • Agenda bashing and action item check 21:00 (5 minutes)
    • Review last week's RfC office hour 21:05 (5 minutes)
  • RFC status update
    • RfC inbox triage 21:10 (10 minutes)
    • Shepherd assignments 21:20 (5 minutes)
    • Queue for future RfC office hours 21:25 (5 minutes)
  • Wrapup
    • Other business 21:30 (10 minutes)
    • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 21:40 (10 minutes)

Agenda details/Meeting summary


Intro section

  • Action items
    • Last week
      • ACTION: Rob (done) - announce possibilities for E224
      • ACTION (Rob): ask question on ops list about the place (done)
      • ACTION (Rob [optional, lower priority]): provide update on Phab:T89331 that conversation is happening (not done)
      • ACTION (Rob): follow up with Faidon about filing a “limited menu of language options” RFC (done, I think(?))
  • Review last week’s RfC office hour

RFC status update

  • Who is chairing the upcoming IRC meeting?
  • Conclude last week's "final comment period"? Do we have anything that should enter "final comment"?
  • Do we have an RFC selected for next week's meeting?
    • T128352 ?  Lego
      • Need Product and/or Usability
      • ACTION (Rob): talk to Product and/or Usability
    • Other consideratoins
      • T136866 Programming languages?
      • MCR
      • Tidy RFC needs a resolution
  • For each upcoming meeting, do we anticipate the RFC moving into "final comment"?
  • How does ArchCom-RfCs board look?
    • Where should anything in the inbox go?
  • What is the most important thing each ArchCom member is shepherding? Anything blocked?
  • Are responsibilities balanced well between ArchCom members?
  • Which RFCs are listed as "needs triage"?

Other business/planning


ACTION (Rob) better board triage