
ボット (Bot) とは、自動または半自動でページを編集するja:プロセスのことで、人による直接的な監視を不要にしたり減らしたりできるものです。 ボットはサーバーに負荷をかけたり意図せずプロジェクトを破壊したりしてしまう可能性があるため、特別な方針やガイドラインに従う必要があります。 さらに、ボットは大規模な被害を短時間で意図的に与えるために使われる可能性もあるため、許可(ボット"フラグ")がない集中的な編集や、不審な編集は、直ちにブロックされることになります。 通常の(人の)アカウントを用いてボットを実行することは認められないので、ボットはボット専用のアカウントにて実行しなければなりません。一般的に、ボットのアカウント名は末尾に"bot"をつけて運用者のアカウント名をもじったものが使われます(例:User:Robchurchが運用するボットはUser:RobBot)。 MediaWiki.orgは、 meta:Bot policy の方針に総じて従っています。しかし、プロジェクトの進展とともに、利用者の信頼や経験が非常に重要になっています。そして、ボットフラグを付与したり拒否したりする前にほとんど議論が行われない可能性があります。 セキュリティーの観点から、休止中のボットは、即座にフラグが除去される可能性があります。ボットフラグは、そのボットが許可された目的のために比較的高速に記事を編集できることを表すことのみを目的としています。 このプロジェクトは発展途上であり、他のWMFプロジェクトにおける通常の「ルール」—特に開発者向けの—は、ここでは適用されないかもしれません。 上ではボットの用途がいくつかありますが、それはウィキペディアのようなコンテンツベースのWMFプロジェクトとは異なります。 でボットを実行することをお考えの方は、Project:Requests にリクエストを投稿してください。 会話ページやIRCを使ってビューロクラット と直接会話することも可能ですが、新規利用者、経験の浅い利用者、よく知らない利用者からの問い合わせは通常拒否されるでしょう。
Registered bots
A full list of approved ("flagged") bots can be viewed here: Special:Listusers/bot. Note that "MediaWiki default" is the account used internally by the MediaWiki software when it needs to make content changes as part of the installation/upgrade process, and is not a real bot and is not a blockable (although the account has been ostensibly blocked on some projects as an inactive or unapproved bot, this should have no effect). Also note that at times, the bot flag may be used by developers and other highly trusted users as a Flood flag.
Active bots
This list does not include any declared bots that are active but do not have a flag
Hazard-Bot - 操作者: Hazard-SJ - periodic clearing of Project:Sandbox. フラグ付け:
ReleaseNotesBot - 操作者: TCipriani (WMF) - release changelog on different MediaWiki version. フラグ付け:
Bawolff bot - 操作者: Bawolff - Updates Module:ExtensionJson. フラグ付け:
Bots defined by the software
Abuse filter - This is an automated account that performs actions specified by Extension:AbuseFilter . It will automatically block users triggering filters configured to block.
MediaWiki message delivery - Account used by Extension:MassMessage .
FuzzyBot - This special user account is part of Extension:Translate . This account is part of the MediaWiki software and it is not owned by any user. It performs automatic tasks as a result of the actions of the Translation administrators
Flow talk page manager - This account is used by the Extension:Flow software to initialize Flow boards.
Bot inactivity may not mean the bot is not needed, bots belonging to trusted and active users may be inactive for extended periods of time. This list only includes bots that are or were flagged. Bots active elsewhere on Wikimedia Foundation Projects may have SUL accounts on but may have never edited.
RobBot - 操作者: Rob Church. Flagged by the operator on 25 April 2006.
- RobBot was created and flagged in preparation for performing various bot tasks during the revival of as a feasible documentation alternative to Meta, although no tasks were ever devised for it and no code was thus written; it never performed automated edits. robchurch | talk 11:16, 26 October 2007 (UTC)
- 最終活動日: / 操作者の最終活動日:
FearowBot - 操作者: TheFearow - Apparently an interwiki bot. Flagged on 15 July 2007, removed on 18 July 2007 for malfunctioning, reflagged on 24 July 2007.
DuesenBot - 操作者: Duesentrieb - Automatic updates to the Extension Matrix . フラグ付け: .
Diego Grez Bot - Operated by a user who has since vanished. Apparently for language tags and language categories. フラグ付け:
ExtensionListBot - 操作者: Benjamin_Garn - Update the AutoExtensionList , an interim measure while the Extension_Matrix was unmaintained due to a broken bot.
MiszaBot - an archive bot, see w:User:MiszaBot/Archive HowTo. Operator is Misza13, but user is inactive on all projects, so malfunctions may require a replacement bot. フラグ付け: .
- Bot dead.
MyBot - 操作者: IAlex, フラグ付け:
KrenairBot - 操作者: Krenair, Flagged on:
(1.VSNCT)Bot - 操作者: TeleComNasSprVen, フラグ付け: Template:2011
SieBot - Operator: Siebrand, Flagged on:
Extension matrix bot - Operator : Alterego, Flagged on:
Ebrambot - Operator: Ebraminio, Flagged on:
DougBot - Operator: Doug, Flagged on:
Translation Notification Bot - Bot not working since: , so notifications probably don't work. Please ask question on T144780 ticket on phabricator. As of June 2020, this task is now performed by User:MediaWiki message delivery.
Bot flag as a flood flag
Analogous to m:Meta:Flood_flag, these are restricted to developers and other highly trusted users who have a real need for them, these are not bots
- Peachey88 (Flood), an alternate account of Peachey88, has a bot flag to avoid flooding the recent changes log. Apparently mainly for LiquidThreads maintenance tasks, this is a human account with a bot flag because of the frequency it edits. Flagged on: .
Requests for bot jobs
Here are some things that it would be useful to set up a bot to deal with.
If adding to this list then please include your signature (~~~~
) so that any potential bot writers can contact you for more info if needed:
This page is not actively monitored so things may languish here for a while without response.
Requests for ongoing bot jobs
- A bot that checks all links from this site to meta (both using the meta: interwiki prefix, and by full URL [1]), and if that page is a redirect to replaces the external link with the correct internal one. Ideally (though it's not a requirement) the bot should follow redirects if the meta redirect is out of date. Even more ideally, it would fix meta to skip the redirect too, but perhaps that is too much to ask of a single bot. --HappyDog 19:53, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
Requests for one off bot jobs
- Replace raw tabbed window markup with templates
- Special:Search/insource:mw-gadget-tabbedwindow lists the pages which use raw HTML instead of the dedicated templates {{TabbedWindowBegin }} and {{TabbedWindowEnd }}; they should be updated to use the template, both for self-documentation and to make it easier to improve the tabbed window interface in the future. Typically, these are dedicated subpages using the same pattern, so it would involve replacing the first two lines and the last line of the page (but I haven't reviewed if every single page follows the same pattern). Thanks! --Tgr (talk) 02:33, 29 December 2019 (UTC)