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MediaWiki 1.35

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.35 and the translation is 24% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Upozornenie Upozornenie: MediaWiki 1.35.0 to 1.35.4 contain a critical security issue. Please upgrade to 1.35.5 or later. See 2021-12 security release/FAQ for more information.
Upozornenie Upozornenie: MediaWiki 1.35 už nepodporuje PHP verzie 7.2, ale vyžaduje PHP verziu 7.3.19 a novšiu.
Ak používate PHP8, odporúča sa použiť MediaWiki 1.38.4 alebo vyššiu. PHP8 nie je používaný wiki stránkami Wikimédie, a preto je menej testovaná, ale iné skupiny používajú MediaWiki s PHP8 bez problémov. Ak nájdete nejaké chyby pri používaní MediaWiki s PHP8, prosím nahláste ich. Pre viac informácií pozri task T248925.

MediaWiki 1.35 je najnovšia stabilná verzia MediaWiki softvéru, s dlhodobou podporou. Najprv prosím, konzultujte o RELEASE NOTES súbore pre plný zoznam zmien. Na Wikimedia Foundation wiki projektoch bolo vydávané vo vývojových verziách ("wmf ") od 1. októbra 2019. 1.35.0 vyšla 25. septembra 2020. Stiahnite 1.35.14 alebo pozrite sa na REL1_35 (.git). Koniec podpory bude v septembri 2023.

Nové funkcie

Špeciálne stránky Special:EditPage, Special:PageHistory, Special:PageInfo a Special:Purge boli vytvorené, a slúžia ako skratky k akciam.

Special:EditPage/Foo redirects to title=foo&action=edit, with PageHistory, PageInfo, and Purge corresponding to &action= history, info, and purge respectively. When linked to, its subpage is used as the target. Otherwise, it displays a basic interface to allow the end user to specify the target manually (see task T13456).

  • Formulár pri ?action=watch má nový rozbalovací zoznam, ktorý umožňuje nastaviť pre jednotlivé položky v zozname dátum expirácie (ak je hodnota $wgWatchlistExpiry nastavená na true).

Nové pridané rozšírenia

MediaWiki 1.35 obsahuje rozšírenie VisualEditor , ktoré ponúka možnosť vizuálnej úpravy stránky. Už nie je nutné k tomu doinštalovávať Parsoid, pretože jeho funkcia bola integrovaná do jadra MediaWiki.

Okrem toho sú pridané SecureLinkFixer a aj TemplateData . Tieto veci vyžadujú funkčný prístup cez https. A ešte pridávajú k volániu api tag, ktorý oznamuje editorom s povoleným prístupom, aké šablony môžu byť importované.

Návrh zmeny

  • The suggest parameter of action=opensearch has been deprecated. The API behaves the same with and without this parameter. It was previously used by $wgEnableOpenSearchSuggest to partially disable the API if set to false. Specifically, it would deny internal frontend requests carrying this parameter, whilst accepting other requests.
  • Integer-type parameters are now validated for syntax rather than being interpreted in surprising ways. For example, the following will now return a badinteger error:
    • "1.9" - formerly interpreted as "1"
    • " 1" - formerly interpreted as "1"
    • "1e1" - formerly interpreted as "1" or "10", depending on the PHP version
    • "1foobar" - formerly interpreted as "1"
    • "foobar" (formerly intepreted as "0") Ranges should be assumed to be enforced.
  • Many user-type parameters now accept a user ID, formatted like "#12345".
  • The assert parameter used by all API modules now supports the value anon. When specified, the API will return the 'assertanonfailed' error if the user is logged in.
  • action=edit now supports the 'baserevid' parameter for edit conflict detection, as an alternative to 'basetimestamp'. Note that self-conflicts will continue to be ignored if 'basetimestamp' is set, but not if only 'baserevid' is set.
  • A new module was added to change the content model of existing pages. Use action=changecontentmodel. Unlike Special:ChangeContentModel, the API module does not work for pages that do not already exist.
  • If $wgWatchlistExpiry is true, the following API changes are made:
    • action=watch accepts a new 'expiry' parameter analagous to the expiry accepted by action=userrights, action=block, etc., except it must be no greater than $wgWatchlistExpiryMaxDuration , or an infinity value.
    • action=query&list=watchlistraw returns pages' watchlist expiry dates.
  • (task T249526) action=login will now return Failed rather than NeedToken on session loss.

Zmeny v interných API akciách

  • The Action API now uses the Wikimedia\ParamValidator library for parameter validation, which brings some new features and changes. For the most part existing module code should work as it did before, but see subsequent notes for changes.
    • The values for all ApiBase PARAM_* constants have changed. Code should have been using the constants rather than hard-coding the values.
    • Several ApiBase PARAM_* constants have been deprecated, see the in-class documentation for details. Use the equivalent ParamValidator constants instead.
    • The value returned for 'upload'-type parameters has changed from WebRequestUpload to Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface.
  • Validation of 'user'-type parameters is more flexible. PARAM constants exist to specify the type of "user" allowed and to request UserIdentity objects rather than name strings. The default is to accept all types (name, IP, range, and interwiki) that were formerly accepted.
  • Maximum limits are no longer ignored in "internal mode".
  • The $paramName to ApiBase::handleParamNormalization() should now include the prefix.
  • (task T245931) meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap no longer reports language or extralanglink when $wgInterwikiMagic is false.
Red Hat 8 and CentOS 7 provide PHP 7.2 by default. You will need to install updated versions from Software Collections (SCL) or AppStreams.
