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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:QuizGame and the translation is 14% complete.
Freigabestatus: stabil
Einbindung Spezialseite
Beschreibung Interactive question game that uses AJAX
Letzte Version 4.3
MediaWiki 1.43+
Datenbankänderungen Ja
Lizenz GNU General Public License 2.0 oder neuer
  • $wgCreateQuizThresholds
  • $wgQuizLogs
  • quizadmin
Vierteljährliche Downloads 5 (Ranked 127th)
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QuizGame extension allows users to create interactive quizzes and take them.

  • Special:QuizGameHome is the main page for quizzes.
  • Special:QuizLeaderboard shows the users who have answered correctly in most quizzes.
  • Special:QuizRecalcStats can be used by quiz administrators to recalculate quiz statistics.
  • Special:ViewQuizzes can be used to view all available quizzes.

See Help:Extension:QuizGame for more information on how to use this extension.


  • New database tables: quizgame_questions, quizgame_answers, quizgame_choice and quizgame_user_view


  • Die Erweiterung herunterladen und die Datei(en) in ein Verzeichnis namens QuizGame im Ordner extensions/ ablegen.
    Entwickler und Code-Beitragende sollten stattdessen die Erweiterung von Git installieren, mit:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/QuizGame
  • Folgenden Code am Ende deiner LocalSettings.php -Datei einfügen:
    wfLoadExtension( 'QuizGame' );
  • Führe das Aktualisierungsskript aus, welches automatisch die notwendigen Datenbanktabellen erstellt, die diese Erweiterung braucht.
  • Yes Erledigt – Navigiere zu Special:Version in deinem Wiki, um zu überprüfen, ob die Erweiterung erfolgreich installiert wurde.


This extension adds one new user right, quizadmin which allows administering quizzes. By default sysops and staff have this user right.

User points

  • $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_answered']set this to something to give out points for answering existing quiz game questions.
  • $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_correct']I have no idea what this does. Related comment from source code: "Add to stats how many quizzes the user has answered correctly"
  • $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_created']set this to something to give out points for creating new quiz games.
  • $wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_points']I have no idea what this does. Related comment from source code: "Add to point total"


  • $wgQuizLogswhether to log quiz creations or not. Defaults to true.
  • $wgCreateQuizThresholdsfor example 'edits' => 5 if you want to require users to have at least 5 edits before they can create new quizzes. Defaults to an empty array (no restrictions).
  • $wgQuizIDthis is the internal ID number of the current quiz and is used by QuizGame internally. It's documented here only for the sake of completeness. Do not set it!