Skin:Minerva Neue
![]() 发行状态: 稳定版 |
![]() |
兼容性政策 | 快照跟随MediaWiki发布。 master分支不向后兼容。 |
许可协议 | GNU通用公共协议2.0或更新版本 |
下载 | |
示例 | 在此维基上的例子 |
翻译Minerva Neue皮肤(如在translatewiki.net可用) | |
Vagrant角色 | minerva |
问题 : | 开启的任务 · 报告错误 |

Minerva是世界各地维基媒体项目用于移动版的的皮肤。 与其他皮肤(如Vector )相比,它提供了一个更加简单的用户界面,并且在性能优化方面更优于其他皮肤,从而能够满足移动版用户的需求。
该皮肤经过优化,可与移动版前端 扩展一起使用(把wgMFDefaultSkinClass
设置成“SkinMinerva”即可),但在MediaWiki 1.35之后,无需安装扩展也可使用Minerva Neue。
- 如果使用Vagrant ,请通过
vagrant roles enable minerva -p
- 下载文件,并将其放置在您
目录内。 - 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 文件的底部:
wfLoadSkin( 'MinervaNeue' ); $wgDefaultSkin = 'minerva';
完成 - 在您的wiki上打开Special:Version,以确认皮肤已成功安装。
- 注意:设置
$wgDefaultSkin = 'minerva'
将使“Minerva”成为您的默认皮肤,即使是桌面版。 如果你只希望移动前端使用Minerva皮肤,则忽略这一行,使用$wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'minerva';

- 红链编辑确认
- 参考资料弹窗
- 增强版的搜索
- 与更多热门的维基百科模板样式在移动设备上更好地整合
- 首先,下载并安装 MobileFrontend 扩展。
When MobileFrontend is installed, Minerva is modified to behave in a simplified mode. If you would like Minerva to behave more like the desktop version add the following code to LocalSettings.php
$wgMinervaTalkAtTop['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaAdvancedMainMenu['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaPersonalMenu['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaHistoryInPageActions['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaOverflowInPageActions['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaShowCategories['base'] = true;
你的本地下载或在线中的Minerva readme列举了配置。
- 曾用于通过statsd计数错误。 In the unlikely event you were using it as a 3rd party please refer to 扩展:WikimediaEvents for client side error logging.
- Random(通过编辑MediaWiki:Randompage-url)
- 门户URL(通过MediaWiki:Portal-url高级编辑模式)
- 附近(由Extension:移动版前端 提供)。
Configuration of donation link
$wgMinervaDonateLink['base'] = true;
and in 1.39 false
.When enabled a donate link will be added to the main menu.
The donate link uses the sitesupport
and sitesupport-url
mediawiki messages.
Upgrade notes
The following notes major changes in Minerva for sysadmins upgrading their wiki.
- $wgMinervaApplyKnownTemplateHacks was removed. Various styles relating to templates have been removed from MobileFrontend. The infobox styles were moved to 扩展:维基媒体消息 . 3rd parties are advised to copy any styles they were using from the folder into MediaWiki:Common.css and enable common.css on mobile using $wgFSiteStylesRenderBlocking = true;
MobileFrontend提供了MediaWiki Core中没有的附加功能。
您可以比较desktop和mobile mode。
- Core workflows such as editing and talk will trigger JavaScript based workflows. This is provided by Extension:移动版前端 . See there for more for details.
- 章节可以折叠和展开。 展开的章节会记忆在浏览器的本地存储中。
- 根据当前模式,菜单包含了不同的选项,比如Special:Preferences可以在桌面版上使用。
- 网页加载MediaWiki:Mobile.css(对于移动版)或MediaWiki:Common.css(对于桌面版)。
- 如果启用了移动前端,该皮肤会链接到对移动设备进行了优化的页面。 参见Extension:移动版前端 以获取更多信息。 比如,Special:Watchlist(对比桌面和移动)
- 在移动版视图中,如文档中所说,导航栏和侧边栏是隐藏的。
移动版中的桌面版选项是实验性的。 如果您发现了缺陷(bug)或提供修复补丁(patches),我们将不胜感激。
在桌面版上操作有很多问题,我们正在努力解决以修复。 欢迎您提供补丁和帮助。
Minerva works without MobileFrontend but installing MobileFrontend will provide several enhancements – notably reference and red link pop-up drawers, and a mobile optimized search and custom editor. These optimizations will apply to the desktop and mobile version. Currently it is not possible to disable the mobile view link but patches to that effect will gladly be accepted!
I maintain an extension, how can I integrate with Minerva?
How should I target styles to Minerva?
If the extension includes any UI, when testing your extension with Minerva, it is important to check if your extension works or degrades acceptably on break points. For testing purposes, Minerva operates on several breakpoints: 320px (@width-breakpoint-mobile), 720px (@width-breakpoint-tablet) and 1000px (@width-breakpoint-desktop). Your extension is expected to adapt to these breakpoints using appropriate media queries. It is acceptable for a feature to disable altogether, provided it gives the user feedback where necessary e.g.
@import '';
@media screen and ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-tablet ) {
.myfeature { display: none; } /* not supported for mobile users */
.myfeature ~ .mobilewarning { display: block; } /* Show the warning message explaining why the feature was disabled. */
Normally it's acceptable to use media queries for your extension and this will benefit all skins, however in some cases you may need Minerva specific behaviour. If so you can use Manual:$wgResourceModuleSkinStyles to define styles.
How can I add items to Minerva menus?
The Minerva menu system is currently bespoke and does not work like other skins. We plan to fix this eventually so that Minerva makes use of the standard hook for modifying menus - Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal . The work here is tracked in phab:T291568. If you would like to add menu items in the mean time, please use the MobileMenu hook.
![]() | 此皮肤用于一个或多个维基媒体项目。 这可能意味着皮肤足够稳定、运作足够良好,可以用在这样的高流量的网站上。 请在维基媒体的CommonSettings.php和InitialiseSettings.php配置文件中查找此皮肤的名称以查看哪些网站安装了该皮肤。 特定wiki上的已安装的皮肤的完整列表位于Special:Version页面。 |
![]() | 此皮肤在以下wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包中提供: 這不是一份權威名單。 即使某些wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包未在这里列出,它们也可能提供此皮肤。 请检查你的wiki农场/托管网站或软件包以确认提供情况。 |
- Skins bundled with MediaWiki 1.38/zh
- GPL licensed skins/zh
- Stable skins/zh
- Skins in Wikimedia version control/zh
- ResourceLoaderRegisterModules extensions/zh
- SkinPageReadyConfig extensions/zh
- UserLogoutComplete extensions/zh
- FetchChangesList extensions/zh
- MobileFrontendBeforeDOM extensions/zh
- MobileFrontendFeaturesRegistration extensions/zh
- RequestContextCreateSkinMobile extensions/zh
- SpecialPageBeforeExecute extensions/zh
- ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars extensions/zh
- OutputPageBodyAttributes extensions/zh
- All skins/zh
- Skins used on Wikimedia/zh
- Skins included in Canasta/zh
- Skins included in Miraheze/zh
- Skins included in MyWikis/zh
- Skins included in ProWiki/zh
- Skins included in WikiForge/zh
- Extensions supporting fundraising and donations/zh
- Skins with dark mode/zh