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Apariencia:Minerva Neue

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Minerva Neue and the translation is 26% complete.
This skin comes with MediaWiki 1.38 and above. Thus you do not have to download it again. However, you still need to follow the other instructions provided.
Manual de máscaras de MediaWiki - categoría
Minerva Neue (Minerva)
Estado de lanzamiento: estable
Política de compatibilidad Lanzamientos de screenshots junto con MediaWiki. Master no es compatible con versiones anteriores.
Licencia GNU Licencia Pública general 2.0 o más tarde
Ejemplo Example on this wiki
Translate the Minerva Neue skin if it is available at translatewiki.net
Vagrant role minerva
Asuntos : Tareas abiertas · Reportar un bug
Minerva es un diseño responsivo y se adapta a dispositivos móviles.

Minerva es la apariencia que sirve al tráfico móvil para los proyectos de Wikimedia en todo el mundo. Comparado a otras apariencias como Vector , proporciona un usuario mucho más simplista interfaz y es mucho más agresivo aproximadamente optimizando para rendimiento de modo que pueda proveer para usuarios móviles.

It is optimized for use with the MobileFrontend extension (which is done by setting wgMFDefaultSkinClass to 'SkinMinerva'), but, since MediaWiki 1.35, Minerva Neue can also be used without MobileFrontend. For earlier MediaWiki versions, MobileFrontend is required.


  • If using Vagrant , install with vagrant roles enable minerva -p

Instalación manual

  • Descarga y extrae los archivos en el directorio «MinervaNeue» dentro del directorio skins/ existente.
  • Añade el siguiente código al final de tu archivo LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadSkin( 'MinervaNeue' );
    $wgDefaultSkin = 'minerva';
  • Yes Hecho - Navega a Special:Version en tu wiki para verificar que la apariencia se ha instalado correctamente.
  • Nota: La configuración $wgDefaultSkin = 'minerva' hará que Minerva sea el diseño por defecto incluso en la vista de escritorio. Ignore this line and instead use $wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'minerva'; (default in recent versions) if you want only MobileFrontend to use the Minerva skin.
Minerva en las preferencias

Make sure to call wfLoadSkin after wfLoadExtension.

MobileFrontend integration

With MobileFrontend integrated (mobile mode) the Minerva experience will be enhanced to include various other features including:

  • Red link edit confirmation
  • Reference pop-up drawer
  • An enhanced search
  • Better integration on mobile with many popular Wikipedia-style templates.

To benefit from these:

Make mobile Minerva behave like desktop Minerva

When MobileFrontend is installed, Minerva is modified to behave in a simplified mode. If you would like Minerva to behave more like the desktop version add the following code to LocalSettings.php:

$wgMinervaTalkAtTop['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaAdvancedMainMenu['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaPersonalMenu['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaHistoryInPageActions['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaOverflowInPageActions['base'] = true;
$wgMinervaShowCategories['base'] = true;


Configuration is listed in the Minerva readme in your local download or online.

Recently deprecated configuration

  • $wgMinervaCountErrors - previously used to count errors via statsd. In the unlikely event you were using it as a 3rd party please refer to Extension:WikimediaEvents for client side error logging.

Configuración de los menús

Certain URLs in the main menu can be tweaked. These include:

Certain menu items will be enabled automatically when the relevant extension is added.

$wgMinervaDonateLink['base'] = true;
Default value is in MediaWiki 1.35 true and in 1.39 false.

When enabled a donate link will be added to the main menu. The donate link uses the sitesupport and sitesupport-url mediawiki messages.

Upgrade notes

The following notes major changes in Minerva for sysadmins upgrading their wiki.


  • $wgMinervaApplyKnownTemplateHacks was removed. Various styles relating to templates have been removed from MobileFrontend. The infobox styles were moved to Extensión:WikimediaMessages . 3rd parties are advised to copy any styles they were using from the folder into MediaWiki:Common.css and enable common.css on mobile using $wgFSiteStylesRenderBlocking = true;

Escritorio vs modos móviles

MobileFrontend proporciona capacidades adicionales que no están disponibles en el núcleo de MediaWiki. Puede comparar escritorio con el modo móvil.

Cuando se opera en modo móvil, las siguientes características están disponibles:

  • Los flujos de trabajo centrales, como la edición y la conversación, activarán flujos de trabajo basados ​​en JavaScript. Esto es proporcionado por Extensión:MobileFrontend . See there for more for details.
  • Sections can be collapsed and expanded.

Expanded sections are memorized in the browser's local storage.

  • The menu contains different options depending on the current mode, e.g. Special:Preferences is available on desktop
  • MediaWiki:Mobile.css (for mobile mode) or MediaWiki:Common.css (for desktop mode) will be loaded

The desktop mode of the site is experimental. Bug reports and patches are appreciated.

Cuando se opera en modo escritorio hay varios problemas hacia los que estamos trabajando en arreglar. Sus parches y ayuda son bienvenidos.

Preguntas y respuestas

Si usted tiene una pregunta que no ha sido respondida por la página - por favor siéntase libre de usar la página de charla para plantearlas.

What do I get when I install MobileFrontend?

Minerva works without MobileFrontend but installing MobileFrontend will provide several enhancements – notably reference and red link pop-up drawers, and a mobile optimized search and custom editor. These optimizations will apply to the desktop and mobile version. Currently it is not possible to disable the mobile view link but patches to that effect will gladly be accepted!

I maintain an extension, how can I integrate with Minerva?

How should I target styles to Minerva?

If the extension includes any UI, when testing your extension with Minerva, it is important to check if your extension works or degrades acceptably on break points. For testing purposes, Minerva operates on several breakpoints: 320px (@width-breakpoint-mobile), 720px (@width-breakpoint-tablet) and 1000px (@width-breakpoint-desktop). Your extension is expected to adapt to these breakpoints using appropriate media queries. It is acceptable for a feature to disable altogether, provided it gives the user feedback where necessary e.g.

@import 'mediawiki.skin.default.less';

@media screen and ( max-width: @width-breakpoint-tablet ) {
.myfeature { display: none; } /* not supported for mobile users */
.myfeature ~ .mobilewarning { display: block; } /* Show the warning message explaining why the feature was disabled. */

Normally it's acceptable to use media queries for your extension and this will benefit all skins, however in some cases you may need Minerva specific behaviour. If so you can use Manual:$wgResourceModuleSkinStyles to define styles.

How can I add items to Minerva menus?

The Minerva menu system is currently bespoke and does not work like other skins. We plan to fix this eventually so that Minerva makes use of the standard hook for modifying menus - Manual:Hooks/SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal . The work here is tracked in phab:T291568. If you would like to add menu items in the mean time, please use the MobileMenu hook.