Notiz: Wann Dir dës Säit ännert sidd Dir d'accord Är Kontributioun ënner der CC0 ze publizéieren. Kuckt Public Domain Hëllefsäite fir méi Informatiounen. |
Clicking on the Preferences link in the upper right while logged in allows you to change your preferences. You will be presented with the User profile section, as well as a bar of tabs across the top for changing other types of settings.
Note that some of the preferences discussed here are added by extensions and are not a part of MediaWiki core.
Benotzernumm: | * $int-username Äre Benotzernumm. Nëmme Bürokrate kënnen Äre Benotzernumm änneren, awer nëmme wann an der Wiki d'$1 installéiert ass. |
Member vun de Benotzergruppen: | A list of the user groups you are in. |
Verbonnen Applicatiounen: | On Wikimedia wikis, this link allows you to manage external applications that are permitted to access your account. See Help:OAuth for more information. |
Zuel vun den Ännerungen: | * $int-prefs-edits Zuel vun den Ännerungen, déi Dir gemaach hutt. Net all Wikie weisen dat. See Help:User contributions#Number of edits |
Zäitpunkt vum Opmaache vum Benotzerkont: | The time your account was registered. |
Passwuert änneren | see below |
Globale Benotzerkont: | see below |
Globale Benotzerkont: | Provides a link to Special:CentralAuth, displaying statistics about your user account across all Wikimedia wikis. |
Authentifikatioun mat zwee Elementer: | Manage two factor authentication. |
Global Astellungen: | Manage global preferences. |
Passwuert änneren
To change your password, enter your old password in the first box and your new password in the last two. If you want this site to remember your login, check Remember my login on this computer. Note that this function requires you to have cookies enabled in your browser, and if your cookie is cleared or expires you will no longer be remembered.
Global account
From your preferences you can select what language you would like the interface to be in. Only the buttons like 'edit' and 'talk', in addition to a few pages in the sidebar, will be affected. The main text of the pages will not be changed by this for the vast majority of pages, although there are a few pages where it will, like some in the Wikimedia Meta Wiki.
- Languages
- How do you prefer to be described?
- Specifies the grammatical gender that the interface should use to refer to you. Also controls the output of the GENDER parser function, and hence any templates that support it. This setting is public.
- More language settings
- Opens up the Universellen Tool fir d'Sprooch ze wiesselen pop-up.
Registered users can customize their signature (the part between the two hyphens and the timestamp, that is, the text displayed on the link pointing to your username) by changing the field "Ënnerschrëft:" in their preferences .
By default, anything you enter there will be wrapped with [[ ]]
To use a special linking (without this automatic link), you have to enable “Ënnerschrëft als Wiki-Text behandelen (Ouni automatesche Link op Är Benotzersäit)”. Then you can add Wiki markup and also HTML (as far as allowed on the wiki) as you like, but the maximum length is 255 characters.
Please note that striking signatures are often disliked by other users.
Note that if you customize your signature, you should avoid displaying the identity of another unrelated user account, unless you also own this account or are explicitly authorized by this user: the link should unambiguously point to your effective user page or talk page on the local wiki. However, changing your signature will not override the username that is recorded in page histories. Some wikis may also have defined a restricting policy about the usage of external links or images in signatures. Look at the policies documented and on enforced your local wiki about user accounts and identities.
If you enable Ënnerschrëft als Wiki-Text behandelen (Ouni automatesche Link op Är Benotzersäit)
but don't add any customized signature string, you'll sign with your unlinked username.
The most common Ënnerschrëft als Wiki-Text behandelen (Ouni automatesche Link op Är Benotzersäit)
customizations are the following:
Purpose | Wikitext signature | Resulting signature display (generated by four tildes) |
Embedding the dashes in the signature |
-- Username 12:03, 4 December 2024 (UTC) |
Adapting the displayed username to your convenience |
Preferred User Name 12:03, 4 December 2024 (UTC) |
Adding a talk page link |
Username (talk) 12:03, 4 December 2024 (UTC) |
If you have supplied an email address, you will need to click the verify address button in order to use these functions. You will receive an email; simply open it and follow the link to enable the following functions.
Email confirmation | This shows the date and time your email address was confirmed. |
E-Maile vun anere Benotzer kréien. | This allows other registered users to send you an email using "Dësem Benotzer eng E-Mail schécken" link on the sidebar of your user page. Emails are sent using a web interface, and your email address is not revealed to a sender until you reply by email. |
E-Maile vu ganz neie Benotzer erlaben | This allows users without the autoconfirmed permissions to send you emails. |
Schéck mir eng Kopie vun de Mailen, déi ech anere Benotzer schécken. | This option will have all of your emails you send to others be copied into your inbox. |
Dëse Benotzer verbidde mir E-Mailen ze schécken: | This option allows you to specify which users will not be able to send you direct emails. They will not see the "Email this user" link on the sidebar of your user page. |
Schéckt mir eng E-Mail wann eng Säit oder e Fichier op menger Iwwerwaachungslëscht geännert gëtt | Causes you to be automatically sent an email when a pages on your watchlist is edited. May not be available on some large wikis. |
Schéckt mir och bei klengen Ännerungen op vu mir iwwerwaachte Säiten oder Fichieren eng E-Mail. | Same thing except for minor edits . May not be available on some large wikis. |
Mir eng E-Mail schécke wann op eng Rubrik geäntwert gëtt déi ech iwwerwaachen | Same thing except for Liquid Threads discussions, Only available if that extension is installed. |
Here you can choose the skin you want to use. You can preview the available skins before choosing them, by clicking on the "Kucken" link next to each skin. Please refer to Help:Skins for more details. Also includes a link to your skin-specific CSS and JavaScript for that skin.
Datum an Zäit
Determines the date format and timezone that the interface of pages such as recent changes or your watchlist display. Any dates that appear in Wikitext will not be automatically reformatted. In particular, this includes signatures, so if you set a timezone other than the wiki default times shown in the interface won't match those in signatures.
Here you can determine how images will be displayed. Images displayed by direct pasting of a URL (if the wiki has it enabled) will not be affected by this setting.
- Maximal Gréisst fir Biller op Beschreiwungssäite fir Fichieren: - This setting lets you choose how big image previews will be on the
pages. If you know what your current screen resolution is you may like to set this to one or two sizes smaller than your own screen. If you have a slow connection (such as dial-up) you may want to limit them to 320×240. Defaults to:800×600px
- Gréisst vun der Miniatur: - Define how big you want thumbnails to appear. This setting will not affect thumbnails with dimensions determined by an editor, nor can it increase images beyond their original dimensions. Defaults to:
- Use Media Viewer: On Wikimedia wikis, this setting (on by default) determines whether the Media Viewer should be used to provide a smoother image viewing experience.
- Weis bei Versiounsvergläicher just d'Ënnerscheeder an net déi ganz Säit
- Toggle the display of the page text below the diff. This text is the later of the two revisions of the page.
- Ënnerscheed nom Zrécksetzen net weisen
- Whether to show the diff of the rolled back revision after a rollback.
Some extensions also add their own preferences related to diffs. One such extension is Extension:RevisionSlider , which can be disabled in preferences using the "De Versiounsbliederer (RevisionSlider) net weisen" preference in that section.
Méi Optiounen
- Linken ënnersträichen:
- Determines whether links are underlined automatically. This may make it easier to distinguish links from other content, but may also cause confusion if a link includes an underscore.
- Verstoppt Kategorië weisen
- Determines whether hidden categories are displayed at the bottom of the page.
- Eng Confirmatioun verlaange wann een op de Rollback Link klickt
Here you can control how mathematical equations described using the <math>
tag will be displayed.
Mathematical formulae uploaded as images or written outside the math tag will not be affected by this setting.
Note the math preferences will only be visible if Extension:Math is installed.
These are the settings to control editing pages, including whether to automatically watch pages that you have edited or created.
Allgemeng Optiounen
- Eenzel Abschnitter mat Rietsklick änneren
- Assuming your browser supports it, causes right-clicking on a section heading to open up the editor for that section (this is the same functionality as the [edit] link).
- Säite mat Duebelklick änneren
- Assuming your browser supports it, causes double-clicking (anywhere on the page, except for when clicking on a link) to open up the editor for that page, in the same way as clicking on the edit tab at the top.
Some extensions, such as WikiLove , TwoColConflict , FlaggedRevs , and ProofreadPage also add their own preferences to this section.
- Schrëftfamill fir d'Ännerungsfënster:
- Determines the font that text in the edit window (and in diffs) displays in. Options are Schrëft mat enger fixer Breet (fir all Zeechen), Schrëft ouni Serifen, and Schrëft mat Serifen.
- All Ännerungen automatesch als 'Kleng Ännerungen' markéieren.
- Causes all edits to be marked as minor, unless the checkbox is explicitly deselected with each edit. Some wikis, such as the English Wikipedia, have disabled this preference (because it makes it too easy to accidentally mark a non-minor edit minor).
- Warnen, wann en eidele Resumé vun der Ännerung agi gouf (oder de Standard-Zrécksetzungs-Resumé)
- Will display a warning message (<strong>Erënnerung:</strong> Dir hutt kee Resumé aginn. Wann Dir nacheemol op "$1" klickt, gëtt Är Ännerung ouni Resumé verëffentlecht.) when you try to save an edit without providing an edit summary. Can be useful since edit summaries make an edit easier for others to understand. This does not apply to your own user or usertalk page.T372643
- Mech warne wann ech d'Ännerung vun enger Säit verloossen, ouni Ännerunge gespäichert ze hunn
- Displays a browser-specific alert popup if you try to close an edit page without publishing your in-progress edit, preventing the edit from being lost.
- D'Ännerungs-Toolbar aktivéieren
- Enables the 2010 wikitext editor's editing toolbar.
- ⧼visualeditor-preference-betatempdisable⧽
- Ännerungsmodus:
- De visuellen Editeur an den neie Wikitext-Modus an de Strukturéierten Diskussiounen aktivéieren
- Various settings that control whether, and under what circumstances, the Visual Editor is provided used when you edit a page. Options are to use only the Visual Editor (for namespaces that support it), use only the source editor, remember which editor was used for the previous edit, or show edit tabs for both. Only shown if Extension:VisualEditor is installed.
Kucken ouni ofzespäicheren
- Beim éischten Änneren de Review weisen.
- Results in a preview window (of the page before your edit) appearing alongside the edit box when you edit a page, as if you had pressed "Show preview" and made no changes.
- Déi nach-net gespäichert Versioun iwwer der Ännerungsfënster weisen
- Determines whether to display the preview window above or below the edit textbox. Below is the default position.
Optioune vun der Iwwersetzung
- Ënnerstëtzungssproochen:
- Determines which languages are shown in the translation interface. See Help:Extension:Translate/Translation example#Translation editor for more details.
Kucken ouni ofzespäicheren
- Beim éischten Änneren de Review weisen.
- Déi nach-net gespäichert Versioun iwwer der Ännerungsfënster weisen
- Preview weisen ouni d'Säit ze lueden
Rezent Ännerungen
Some of these preferences impact Special:RelatedChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked as well as Special:RecentChanges. See Help:Tracking changes for more information.
Optioune vun deem wat gewise gëtt
- Deeg déi an de Rezenten Ännerungen ugewise ginn: - Here you can specify how far back the recent changes pages will go. Note that the list will stop prematurely if the number of edits is exceeded (see below).
- Zuel vun den Ännerungen déi als Standard an de rezenten Ännerungen, Versiounen an de Logbicher gewise ginn: - Here you can specify how many edits should be displayed.
Méi Optiounen
- Rezent Ännerungen an Iwwerwaachungslëscht pro Säit weisen - Enhanced recent changes condenses edits into a per-page list. This requires JavaScript to be enabled..
- Den Interface ouni JavaScript benotzen - Enables or disables new filters for edit review, a more complicated UI for displaying and filtering changes developed in 2017. This requires JavaScript be enabled.
- Show Wikidata edits in recent changes: On selected Wikimedia projects where data from Wikidata is available, this option allows you to see changes to the Wikidata items connected to pages on your wiki, as well as changes to the wiki pages themselves. This can help catch vandalism on Wikidata that could be seen on your wiki.
Gewisen Ännerungen
- Kleng Ännerungen an de rezenten Ännerunge verstoppen - This enables you to hide edits marked as minor (see Helpkk:Spezialsäiten ). Since some users will rapidly make a lot of tiny tweaks to update templates or fix spelling errors you may find enabling this to be useful. You can also turn this on temporarily from the recent changes page.
- Nogekuckt Ännerungen an de "Rezenten Ännerungen" verstoppen - This enables you to hide edits marked as patrolled (see Help:Patrolled edits ). You can also turn this on temporarily from the recent changes page. May not appear if you don't have sufficient permissions to see patrolled edits.
- Kategorisatioun vu Säite verstoppen - This enables you to hide changes to categories (see Help:Categorization ). Note that this only affects changes to pages within the category when watching the category; if you are watching the page, or the category is edited directly, any edits will still be shown. You can also turn this on temporarily from the recent changes page.
- Nogekuckt Säiten op der Lëscht vun den "Neie Säite" verstoppen - Same as "Nogekuckt Ännerungen an de "Rezenten Ännerungen" verstoppen", but for Special:NewPages (some wikis only use patrolling for new page creation, and not edits to existing pages). You can also turn this on temporarily from the new pages list itself.
These are the settings to control the behavior of the watchlist (See Help:Watchlist ). Most of these options are also available on the watchlist display itself, but by setting them in your preferences, you control the default behavior of the watchlist i.e., it will perform the same actions every time you visit the page.
Iwwerwaachungslëscht änneren
Provides a set of links to view and edit the pages on your watchlist, either as a formatted list of links with checkboxes to remove them (Titelen op Ärer Iwwerwaachungslëscht kucken an erofhuelen), a raw list of page titles in a text box (Net-formatéiert Iwwerwaachungslëscht änneren). The final option is to clear your watchlist entirely (Är Iwwerwaachungslëscht eidelmaachen).
Optioune vun deem wat gewise gëtt
- Zuel vun den Deeg, déi an der Iwwerwaachungslëscht ugewise solle ginn: - Here you can specify how far back the watchlist will go. Note that the list will stop prematurely if the number of edits is exceeded (see below).
- Maximal Zuel vun den Ännerungen déi an der Iwwerwaachungslëscht ugewise ginn: - Here you can specify how many edits should be displayed.
Méi Optiounen
- Iwwerwaachungslëscht op all Ännerungen ausbreeden, net nëmmen op déi rezentst - Expands the watchlist to display all relevant changes to pages (limited by the time and number settings above), rather than merely the most recent edit to page.
- D'Iwwerwaachungslëscht nei lueden esoubal wéi e Filter geännert ass (JavaScript gëtt gebraucht) - When you change one of the filter settings (on the watchlist itself, not in your preferences), causes the page to be automatically reloaded. If this is not set, then the changes to the filters will not take affect until you click on the "show" button to refresh the list.
- Direkt Markéierungen fir d'iwwerwaachen/net-iwwerwaachen (×/+) fir iwwerwaacht Säite mat Ännerungen derbäisetzen (brauch JavaScript) - Adds a button on the watchlist itself to remove pages. If JavaScript is enabled, then the button crosses out the entry and allows you to add it back if the clicked on it accidentally. If JavaScript is disabled, then it goes to a separate page load to confirm the request, and there's no UI to add the entry back.
- Den Interface ouni JavaScript benotzen - Enables or disables new filters for edit review, a more complicated UI for displaying and filtering changes developed in 2017. This requires JavaScript be enabled
- Show Wikidata edits in your watchlist: On selected Wikimedia projects where data from Wikidata is available, this option allows you to see changes to the Wikidata items connected to pages on your wiki, as well as changes to the wiki pages themselves.
This can help catch vandalism on Wikidata that could be seen on your wiki.
Gewisen Ännerungen
- Kleng Ännerungen op menger Iwwerwaachungslëscht verstoppen
- Ännerunge vu Botten op menger Iwwerwaachungslëscht verstoppen
- Meng Ännerungen op menger Iwwerwaachungslëscht verstoppen
- Ännerunge vun anonymme Benotzer (IP-Adressen) verstoppen
- Ännerunge vun ugemellte Benotzer verstoppen
- Kategorisatioun vu Säite verstoppen
- Iwwerkuckten Ännerungen op der Iwwerwaachungslëscht verstoppen
- Use these options to filter out changes you are not interested in from the watchlist. Note that the categorization option only affects changes shown when watching the category, not changes shown when watching the page being added or removed from the category.
Iwwerwaacht Säiten
- Säiten a Fichieren, déi ech änneren, op meng Iwwerwaachungslëscht derbäisetzen
- Säiten a Fichieren, déi ech réckelen, automatesch op meng Iwwerwaachungslëscht setzen
- Säiten a Fichieren, déi ech läschen, op meng Iwwerwaachungslëscht setzen
- Säiten, déi ech zréckgesat hunn, op meng Iwwerwaachungslëscht setzen
- Nei Fichieren, déi ech eroplueden, op meng Iwwerwaachungslëscht setzen
- Selects the "watch this page" checkbox by default when performing each of the specified actions. It can still be unselected manually. Some options may not appear if you don't have sufficient permissions to perform the action in question.
- Watchlist token: This token is used to generate a RSS feed from your watchlist. Anyone who knows this token can use it to access your watchlist. If the token is discovered by someone else, you can use the "Click here if you need to reset it" link to create a new token. Once you have done this, you will need to edit the URL of your feed subscription in your feed reader to account for the new token.
- Zuel vun de Sichresultater fir op all Säit ze weisen: - How many results to display on each page of a search. Defaults to 20, maximum is 500.
Suchvorschläge (komplexer Algorithmus)
These preferences control the Completion Suggester used to provide suggestions of article titles when you type a search query, including possibly correcting any typos.
- Standard (recommandéiert)
- Verbessert bis zu zwéin Tippfeeler. Hëlt Viruleedungen ewech déi ganz änlech wéi den Haapttitel sinn.
- Subphrasenübereinstimmung (empfohlen für längere Seitennamen)
- Verbessert bis zu zwéin Tippfeeler. Léist änlech Viruleedungen op. Fënnt Deeler vu Sätz an den Titelen.
- Strikte Modus (erweidert)
- Tippfeeler ginn net verbessert. Accenten musse richteg ugi sinn. Strikt Korrespondenz.
- Viruleedungs-Modus (erweidert)
- Tippfeeler ginn net verbessert. Berécksiichtegt änlech Viruleedungen.
- Weiterleitungsmodus mit Subphrasentreffern (erweitert)
- Keng Verbesserung vun Tippfeeler. Léist änlech Viruleedungen op. Fënnt Deeler vu Sätz an den Titelen.
- Präfixsuchmodus
- Keng Verbesserung vun Tippfeeler. Entsprécht dem Ufank vun den Titelen.
Erweidert Sich
- Den Interface fir déi erweidert Sich net weisen - Disables Advanced Search. Erweidert Sich setzt e Formulaire op d'Spezial-Sichsäit dobäi. Dëst erlaabt Iech et fir spezialiséiert Sichen ze maachen esouguer wann Dir d'Sichsyntax net kennt. Et ännert och d'Manéier wéi Nimmraim eraus gesicht kënne ginn..
This section of your preferences allows you to enable or disable any gadgets that have been set up by your wiki's interface administrators to improve browsing experience.
Beta Funktionalitéiten
On Wikimedia wikis, the Beta features tab allows you to enable experimental features before they are made available to everyone. If you choose to turn on any of these features, you should be prepared to encounter bugs and problems, and you may see sudden changes in the way the feature looks or works as development continues.
Each feature has a "discussion" link next to it, so you can offer your suggestions or report any problems.
The following Beta Features are available:
- ⧼visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-label⧽ (lead: James Forrester) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-description⧽
These features are only available on some wikis:
- ⧼popups-refpreview-beta-feature-message⧽ (lead: Lena Meintrup) – Show a preview of a reference by hovering over its footnote marker.
- Content translation (lead: Amir Aharoni) – A tool to quickly translate pages into your language with side-by-side editor.
- Flow on user talk (lead: Roan Kattouw) – Enables a new structured discussion system on your user talk page.
These features are beta features on some wikis while enabled for everyone on all others:
- Diskussiouns-Geschier (lead: Ed Sanders) – Enable certain features of the DiscussionTools extensions that are not yet enabled for everyone (the list varies by wiki).
- Ännerungskonflikt op Basis vum Abschnitt (lead: Lea Voget) – Weist de Konflikt vun der Ännerung baséiert op den Abschnitt mat enger neier Versioun vun der Software.
- ⧼visualeditor-preference-core-label⧽ (lead: Roan Kattouw) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-core-description⧽
- ⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-label⧽ (lead: Ed Sanders) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-description⧽
- Automatically enable all new beta features: If you turn on this option, new beta features will become active for you as soon as they are added to the Beta Features system.
This section of your preferences allows you to control what notifications you receive and how you receive them.
Opt-in and opt-out
If you opt-out of any type of notifications, then these notifications generated while you were opted-out are not generated for you and not stored in databases. Opt-in will not display them afterwards. The only notifications that may be displayed are the one that existed before the opt-out.
Notifications by email or on wiki
To turn notifications on or off for any category, simply check (or uncheck) the box next to it. You can enable (or disable) notifications on the web or by email for most categories. (Some notifications cannot be disabled, such as changes to your user rights or new talk page messages: these notifications are too important to be dismissed.) You can also control how often to receive email notifications, from single emails for each event to daily or weekly digests. When you're done, be sure to click the "Späicheren" button at the bottom of the page to update your preferences.
Muting users
You can mute on-site notifications from individual users, by typing their username into the box at the bottom of the notifications preferences. When you start typing the usernames will autocomplete. Users without JavaScript should type one username per line, without any wikitext or prefix.
You will still receive notifications if a muted user writes or participates on your user talk page (no matter if the page uses Flow or unstructured wikitext), or reviews a page you have created. Watchlist behavior and emails are not affected by the mute list.
The muted user will still receive a successful mention notification, if they've enabled that preference. A user's mute list is private from all other users on the wiki, including administrators or any other functionary.
Muting pages
Muting pages is possible for "page linked" notifications.
You can mute "page linked" notifications for a page by typing the page name into the box at the bottom of the notifications preferences.
When you start typing the page titles will autocomplete.
Users without JavaScript should type one page title per line, without any wikitext or prefix.