Nápověda:Growth/Nástroje/Editační tipy

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Growth/Tools/Suggested edits and the translation is 26% complete.
Domovská stránka a seznam editačních tipů

Děkujeme, že používáte Editační tipy, a že se o nich chcete dozvědět více!

Editační tipy jsou součástí projektu Editační tipy týmu Growth Nadace Wikimedia. Suggested edits are available at all Wikipedias.

This page reviews the suggested edits feature available on desktop browsers and mobile browsers. The Wikipedia Android app also offers suggested edits.

Účel Editačních tipů

Cílem editačních tipů je pomoci nováčkům uložit své první editace. Když se na Wikipedii zaregistrujete, možná chcete editovat něco konkrétního. Pokud tomu tak je, Editační tipy vám mohou pomoci naučit se dovednosti, které na Wikipedii potřebujete. Nebo také můžete chtít editovat, ale zatím nevědět jak začít.

Editační tipy zobrazují seznam článků, které potřebují úpravy, spolu s tím, jakého druhu tyto úpravy jsou (např. korektury či přidání odkazů), a jak často jsou tyto stránky navštěvovány. Klikněte na článek, abyste ho mohli začít editovat!

Jak Editační tipy použít?

Video on how to access homepage and using the suggested edits module
Pro visual guidance with steps se podívejte na stránku: Special:MyLanguage/Help:Growth/Tools/Suggested edits#Visual guidance.

The suggested edits feed is located on your homepage. If you need help enabling and finding your homepage, click here. Follow the buttons and screens to initiate the suggested edit feed. Once initiated, you will see a series of articles that need work. You can filter the feed by difficulty and topic.


Výběr témat (mobilní zobrazení)

One of the menus in the suggested edits feed allows you to choose a difficulty level. There are many ways to edit Wikipedia, and the suggested edits feed contains five different types. Úkoly jsou rozdělené podle obtížnosti: Jednoduché, středně obtížné, a obtížné

  • Jednoduché
    • Copyediting is about making a small fix to the way an article is written, and it is a valuable and easy way to get used to editing Wikipedia. Korektury pomáhají článku, aby vypadal více profesionálně a důvěryhodně.
    • Přidávání odkazů je nejjednodušším způsobem, jak začít editovat. Odkazy pomáhají čtenářům přesouvat se mezi jednotlivými články, a tím se rychleji dozvídat nové informace.
  • Středně obtížné
    • Během přidávání referencí používáte knihy či webové stránky, abyste ověřili, že Wikipedie obsahuje přesné informace, a tyto zdroje přidáváte do článku, aby si čtenáři mohli být pravdivostí obsahu Wikipedie více jistí.
    • Updating articles is needed because articles get out of date as time goes on and new events occur. Find and add the correct information so that Wikipedia always contains the current truth.
    • Add an image suggests an image from other wikis that match the article topic. Newcomers have to check if the image is accurate, and write a caption. [This feature is a test at a few Wikipedias ]
  • Hard
    • Expanding articles is needed because many Wikipedia articles are only a sentence or two long. Find more information and add it to make the article more complete.
    • Creating a new article is one of the most difficult things to do in Wikipedia. We don't recommend that newcomers try this as their first edit.


Můžete filtrovat seznam tipů podle toho, o co se zajímáte. Find articles based on four groups of topics: "Culture", "History and Society", "Science, Technology, and Math", and "Regions". Choose one or many topics you are interested in editing!

[This feature is a test at a few Wikipedias (ar, bn, cs, es)] You can filter the topics in two ways: "Alespoň jedno z vybraných témat" or "Všechna vybraná témata".


Toto je ta nejdůležitější část! Jakmile najdete článek, který vás zajímá, klikněte na něj. Můžete pak kliknout na tlačítko Editovat (na mobilu pak kliknout na ikonku tužky), a udělejte změny. The visual editor will open, even if you had previously been using the source editor. This is because the guidance that is provided is focused on using the visual editor. Nemusíte pracovat na celém článku. Jakkoli i malé změny jsou důležité. Fix spelling, add links, add references—or do all of those things together.

Help panel with guidance

When you're at the article, you will receive guidance about how to click edit and complete the edit successfully. You can find the guidance in the help panel at the bottom right of your screen (or at the bottom on mobile).

The guidance is divided into simple steps with examples that can help you quickly understand how to perform a certain task type.

You can always minimize and reopen the panel to revisit it whenever you like!

Then you can publish your edit, and work on something else!

If you turn off the Help panel in the settings, then you will also lose hints for the Suggested edits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are topics applied to articles?

Topics are chosen for the articles based on machine learning. Predictions are usually, but not always, correct.

What if the feed doesn't show me any articles?

If you're not seeing any articles, you should try adding some more topics of interest or adding some more task types.

What happens after I publish my edits?

In most languages, your edit is immediately live and visible on the Internet! In some other languages, your edit will have to get approved by an experienced editor before other people can see it.

Do I have to work on the entire article?

No. You can just fix whatever part you want to, even if it is just a small typo. Wikipedia readers value each and every contribution you make.

Why can't I choose the "create a new article" task type?

Creating a new article is one of the most difficult things to do on Wikipedia, because it requires using so many Wikipedia skills together. We recommend that you first learn to do simpler edits before trying to write an article yourself. That's why this isn't an available task, although we may make it possible in the future.

What if I need more help?

Editing Wikipedia is not always easy, and other volunteers are ready to help you! One great way to ask for help is through your mentor. On your homepage, you are assigned a mentor, and you can click to ask them a question. You will usually hear back within a couple days.

How can I learn more about suggested edits and the larger project?

Visual guidance

Desktop version

Mobile version