TwoColConflict 发行状态: 稳定版 |
实现 | 用户界面 |
描述 | 提供用于编辑冲突解决页面的双栏视图 |
作者 | 德国维基媒体协会(WMDE) |
最新版本 | 持续更新 |
兼容性政策 | 快照跟随MediaWiki发布。 master分支不向后兼容。 |
MediaWiki | >= 1.43 |
许可协议 | GNU通用公眾授權條款2.0或更新版本 |
下載 | |
帮助 | Help:Paragraph-based Edit Conflict Interface |
季度下載量 | 15 (Ranked 121st) |
正在使用的公开wiki数 | 944 (Ranked 268th) |
翻译Paragraph-based Edit Conflict Interface扩展 | |
問題 | 开启的任务 · 报告错误 |
基于段落的编辑冲突界面(代号:TwoColConflict)是编辑冲突解决表单的备用界面。 它会成对并排显示相互冲突的文本段落,使您更容易将文本与当前在线的文本合并。
启用新视图: 要启用解决编辑冲突的新视图,您需要先登录,然后在您wiki上的“测试功能”参数设置页面上勾选启用“基于段落的编辑冲突界面”。 如果您已经启用了先前提到的这个测试功能,那么您应该会自动地得到这个新视图。
1. Get oriented. In order to help you solve the edit conflict, the interface breaks down the differences between the two revisions like this:
- Text passages that differ are displayed in pairs next to each other: The current version of the page is shown in yellow and your version in blue. Inside, text that was changed is highlighted.
- Text passages that are identical in both versions are displayed as a grey bar, spanning the whole width.
A tutorial guides you through the interface the first time you encounter an edit conflict. You can open it again by clicking on the help icon (?).
- If you want to copy your version (the entire article text with your edits) of the article page, click on the 'copy full text' link next to the blue marked 'Your revision' headline on the top of the interface.
2. Build a new version by merging your text with the one that’s currently online.
- Select the passages you want to keep by clicking on the radio buttons next to them. By default, all texts from the other person are selected, so if you publish immediately, none of your text changes are saved.
- Edit passages, if needed.
- Click on the black pencil to open the editing mode for a text passage. If the pencil is grey, it means you need to select the text passage first. Otherwise, this version won’t be saved when you click publish.
- You can also edit text passages that are identical in both versions.
- The highlights that indicate the differences between the versions disappear when you edit a text passage.
- You can integrate parts from other text passages by copy and paste, either with the copy and paste function on your keyboard or with a right click.
- Click on the check mark to apply changes to a text box and to close its editing mode.
- If you want to discard your changes and reset the contents of the text box to what it was when the edit conflict occurred, click on the "X". This also restores the highlighting.
3. Publish a new page version. When you’re done selecting and editing all of the passages, click “Publish changes”. This composes all of the text passages you selected and the grey boxes into a new page revision. As on all wiki pages, you can preview the changes first via the Preview button. On clicking Cancel, you return to the current version of the page.
If you are not using JavaScript, the look or behavior of the feature will be as follows:
- All text passages are shown in editor boxes.
- There are no buttons within the editor boxes.
- Text passages that are identical in both versions are always expanded.
- 下载文件,并将解压后的
开发者和代码贡献人员应从Git安装扩展,输入:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict - 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
wfLoadExtension( 'TwoColConflict' );
- 按需求配置。
- 完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。
- (布尔值,默认为true)当Extension:测试功能 被启用时,将这个扩展视为一个测试功能而启用。$wgTwoColConflictSuggestResolution
- (布尔值,默认为true)提供一个简单的解决方案,用于当两位用户在同一时间回复时在讨论页上造成的编辑冲突。
此扩展用于一个或多个维基媒体项目。 这可能意味着扩展足够稳定、运作足够良好,可以用在这样的高流量的网站上。 请在维基媒体的CommonSettings.php和InitialiseSettings.php配置文件中查找此扩展的名称以查看哪些网站安装了该扩展。 特定wiki上的已安装的扩展的完整列表位于Special:Version页面。 |
此扩展在以下wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包中提供: 這不是一份權威名單。 即使某些wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包未在这里列出,它们也可能提供此扩展。 请检查你的wiki农场/托管网站或软件包以确认提供情况。 |
- Stable extensions/zh
- User interface extensions/zh
- GPL licensed extensions/zh
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/zh
- AlternateEdit extensions/zh
- EditPage::importFormData extensions/zh
- EditPage::showEditForm:fields extensions/zh
- EditPage::showEditForm:initial extensions/zh
- EditPageBeforeConflictDiff extensions/zh
- EditPageBeforeEditButtons extensions/zh
- GetBetaFeaturePreferences extensions/zh
- GetPreferences extensions/zh
- LoadUserOptions extensions/zh
- All extensions/zh
- Extensions used on Wikimedia/zh
- Extensions included in BlueSpice/zh
- Extensions included in Miraheze/zh
- Extensions included in WikiForge/zh