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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20200826

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • 21 August Mukunda day off
  • 28 August Thcipriani moving some more :(
  • 28 August Jeena off
  • 31 August Lars day off
  • 1 Sep: Data center switchover—no train that week
  • 1 Sep: Lars day off
  • 1 Sep: Antoine kids heading back to school
  • 7 Sep (Labor day): US staff with reqs
  • 12 Oct: Indigenous People's Day
  • 3 Nov (Election Day): US staff with reqs
  • 11 Nov (Veterens day): US staff with reqs
  • 26-27 Nov (Thanksgiving): US staff with reqs

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R

  • 20 Jul -  wmf.1 - Jeena + Lars
  • 27 Jul -  wmf.2 - Lars + Brennen
  •   3 Aug -  wmf.3 - Brennen + Ahmon
  • 10 Aug - wmf.4 - Antoine + Mukunda (shortened train)
    • Group2 on Wednesday US
  • 17 Aug - wmf.5 - Mukunda + Dan
  • 24 Aug - wmf.6 - Dan + Jeena
  • 1 Sep - DataCenter Switchover: no train
  • 7 Sep - wmf.8 - Jeena + Lars
  • 14 Sep - wmf.9 - Lars + Brennen
  • 21 Sep - wmf.10 - Brennen + Ahmon
  • 28 Sep - wmf.11 - Ahmon + Antoine




  • 2019-08-14 onwards: Zeljko 🎸 🎷 \o/
    • Deb is in charge now.

Internal team notes, not for pasting into the SoS notes


SoS going async for now. 🎻





Team Business


Incoming/Needs attention

  • Offsite?
    • End of Sept.-ish?
    • No vehement kdsaljf opposition

Book club/Lunch and Learn


Monthly reflection on accomplishments - Aug '20 edition

Add as you have them!
  • Reduced the number of non-failure FAILURE messages in CI
  • After 9 months, Aphlict is finally back.
  • Scap version 3.15.0 released (in git, if not as .deb yet)



Our Workboards


TODO Triage!




Last week

  • Best thing
    •   New desk
  • Worst thing
    • Smoke

What's on your workboard =




Last week

  • Best thing
    • Work on Quibble resuming with Kosta and Adam Wight
  • Worst thing
    • turns out I am not familiar with doc.wikimedia.org docroot PHP app ;D

What's on your workboard




Last week


What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Best thing
    • My daughter running around holding her toy drill gun above her head yelling "dada dada dada!"
  • Worst thing
    • The air.

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Best thing
  • Worst thing

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Best thing
    • Finally got Scap release tagged
  • Worst thing
    • It took months to test new Scap release

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Best thing
    • Met with Erika, had good discussion. I learned that Erika is planning organize some sort of "agile practices" working group. As I understand it, this will will hopefully standardize some best practices and workflows around agile planning practices on wikimedia teams. I intend to contribute my phabricator knowledge and learn some things which will inform my work on improving Phabricator.
  • Worst thing
    • The best thing was way too many words.

What's on your workboard




Last week

  • Best thing
    • sooo cloose to automating that darn deployment calendar (very exciting technical problems)
  • Worst thing
    • MoooOoVinG/physical exhaustion :(((

What's on your workboard




Last week


What's on your workboard


What's on no-one's workboard
