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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20190617

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • June 10 – July 21 - Dan leave (6 weeks, then additional leave later)
  • June 19 (Juneteenth) - US Staff
  • June 20 - Željko, Corpus Christi
  • June 21 - Željko, vacation
  • June 24 - Željko, vacation
  • June 25 - Željko, Statehood Day
  • July 2 - Greg's birthday, unsure if taking off, already have one meeting
  • July 4 (US Independence Day) - US Staff
  • July 10 - Lars off (swapping with weekend)
  • July 22 - August 9 - Željko vacation
  • August 7–19 - James off (inc. Wikimania)
  • August 12 - September 8 - Dan leave
  • August 12 (Glorious Twelfth) - US Staff
  • August ??? - ??? - Antoine
  • August 14–18 - Wikimania
    • Attending: James, Lars, Jean-Rene
  • August 15 - Željko, Assumption of Mary
  • August 25 - September 4 - Brennen vacation
  • September 2 (Labor Day) - US Staff
  • October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day) - US Staff
  • November 11 (Veterans' Day) - US Staff
  • November 28–29 (Thanksgiving) - US Staff
  • December 6 - Lars, Finnish Independence Day
  • December 25–31 (Christmas) - US Staff
  • December 25–26 - Lars, Christmas
  • 2020 January 1 (New Year's Day) - US Staff, Lars

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/s3KW8bpsXhYF/#R
  • June 10 - wmf.9 - No Train (SRE Summit)
  • June 17 - wmf.10 - Mukunda (but Juneteenth on the Wednesday? Yes. Do group0 and group1 an hour apart on Tuesday)
  • June 24 - wmf.11 - Jeena (with Mukunda)
  • July 1 - wmf.12 - No train (Fourth of July)
  • July 8 - wmf.13 - Jeena
  • July 15 - wmf.14 - Lars (with Antoine)
  • July 22 - wmf.15 - Lars
  • July 29 - wmf.16 - Brennen (with Tyler)
  • Aug 5 - wmf.17 - Brennen
  • Aug 12 - wmf.18 - No Train (Wikimania)
  • Aug 19 - wmf.19 - Zeljko 😱
  • Aug 26 - wmf.20 - Zeljko 😭


  • Zeljko 4eva! :)

Team Business


Timespent spreadsheet

For the avoidance of doubt: fill out the sheet week number for the previous week

Book club


AUP exceptions


Fall Offsite + TechConf19

  • Decided: 1 long trip, offsite after TechConf
    • dates? 2019-11-1{6,7}--2019-11-21..ish



Annual Planning


Monthly reflection on accomplishments - May '19 edition

Add as you have them!

Incoming/Needs attention

  • REL1_33 branching for extensions: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T220653
    • Reedy said he'll move forward with rc0 announcement soon.
    • Mukunda tried to run the script but it ran into trouble. Will re-try, manually.
    • Switching on HTTP Auth again still seems blocked. Barricade should help with this; review when Tyler gets back.
      • Update 2019-06-03: Fighting fires last; should be able to do this week.
    • 2019-06-10: Done with a quick hack by Reedy; do we need to fix the script for next time?
      • http auth patches merged in upstream, next week is the earliest it'll be released
    • 2019-06-17: Gerrit 2.15.14 is out, need to build and release, hopefully this week

Scrum of Scrums


Incoming from last week



Outgoing this week (wrong section heading level is on purpose for copy/pasting into Scrum of Scrums etherpad


Release Engineering



  • Release Engineering

Train status and happenings

  • New filtered fatal monitor dashboard including markers for scap deployments: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/app/kibana#/dashboard/77cc3e90-aa27-11e7-9109-51bd3197f7a9?_g=()
  • Need to fix scap clean :\
    • thcipriani has a crappy fix in mind until http tokens in gerrit are back
      • Any idea when HTTP tokens will come back? Weeks? Months? Never? :-(
      • ~Weeks
    • 2019-05-06: cleaned up stuff last week on deploy hosts, just not the gerrit branches
    • 2019-05-13: …
    • 2019-06-03: upstream issues/patches we want resolved before doing this
    • 2019-06-10: upstream cutting new version with security fixes (hopefully) end of week, ETA early next week
    • 2019-06-17: gerrit 2.15.14 is out, need to build and release, hopefully this week

Quarterly Goals for Q4



TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Undeploy the CodeReview extension.
WHO: James, need help from CPT
  • James will ping CPT about this this week (April 8th)
    • … and again w/c 15 April.
    • … and again w/c 6 May (in SoS).
    • … and again w/c 27 May (in SoS).
    • [Recurring item]

TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Setup 1-3 of the CI WG options (Zuul v3, Argo, GitLab)
WHO: Lars
  • Gitlab:
    • https://wmf-gitlab3.vm.liw.fi/ is up and accepts registrations with wikimedia.org (and liw.fi) email addresses
    • Please play with it and tell Lars anything that seems iffy

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Instrument Quibble for data collection
WHO: Mukunda, Antoine
  • Blocked

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Create a graph where time is spent and make a prioritized list for improvements.
WHO: Mukunda, Antoine
  • Blocked

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Prepare the Deployment Pipeline for changes to our CI tooling.
WHO: ???, ???
  • Blocked by not having new CI tooling yet

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

GOAL: Create a .pipeline/config.yaml standard to give users more control over how their tests are run in the pipeline and allow the easy saving of artifacts at pipeline completion. (RelEng)
WHO: Dan, Tyler, ???

Yes Done

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

Adopt more services into Deployment pipeline - task T212801
Wikidata Termbox SSR, Kask for Session Storage Service, cpjobqueue (stretch), ORES (stretch)
WHO: Dan, Tyler, Lars

There are tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T220403

  • Wikidata Termbox SSR
    • In progress In progress
  • Kask for Session Storage Service
    • Yes Done
  • cpjobqueue (stretch)
    • N Not done pushing to next quarter

TEC12 (DevProd): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Provide an "Official" Docker base image for local development of MediaWiki based on the production tooling.
WHO: Jeena, Brennen
  • Done for MediaWiki, for some values of "done" and "MediaWiki". Production-likeness needs considerable work.

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 3

GOALs: Presentation/session(s) at the Wikimedia Hackathon on the current state of Code Health projects (technical debt and code stewardship)

Yes Done

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

Publish a re-imagination of the Review Queue process.
Develop and implement metrics around task and code-review responsiveness
WHO: Greg, JR (and Andre)
  • Review Queue
    • Blocked on Greg time
  • Task and code-review responsiveness metrics
    • No progress last week.

= TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 4 / Output 4.2

Expand SonarQube reporting into CI infrastructure
Perform SonarQube analysis on all extensions
Engage user communities in direct feedback solicitation
WHO: JR, Zeljko, Code Health Metrics
  • Continued working towards expansion of coverage to all extensions in Code Health Pipeline. Going to do so in smaller chunks to see how infrastructure reacts.

Other non-goal work


Release MW 1.33

  • Handed off to Reedy along with security releases.









QA/Code Health







  • What I plan to do this week
    • Finish reviews of Awight Quibble patches. Hopefully cut a new Quibble release
    • Polish up zuul/layout.yaml a bit more, specially jobs for MediaWiki release branches
    • Cleanup CI puppet manifests -- https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/bug:T225735
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?
    • Lot of efforts have been put to speed up MediaWiki tests. Moaare needed, specially the Selenium tests seem unreasonably slow (too many login actions).




  • What I plan to do this week
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Security Council Meeting (already done!) ;)
    • Get and response to final budget/plan
    • Q1 Goals
    • TechConf nominations review
    • TechConf topics review (post office hours last week)
      • including reviewing of things not covered from last techconf
    • Phabricator board triaging/reconfiguring again/still (sorry!)
    • Read chapter 12 of book
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • schedule Core Review WG kickoff
    • work on goal planning
    • work on Tec13 1.1 (responsiveness metrics)
    • continue working on Code Stewardship tasks
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Finally make patchset for deployment-charts
    • work on other charts for deployment-charts
    • fix some bugs I found in local-charts
    • fill out planning chart
    • Read CD book
    • Prepare for train next week
    • Look into beta needs for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T222820
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • read chapter 12 of CD book
    • make v2 of CI arch doc based on feedback so far
    • write up a CI implementation around GitLab, using Gerrit
    • plan next FY work for my own part
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Train
    • Rebuild phabricator sshd with a patch for T224677
    • Phabricator deployment if possible
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Remove barricade v2 lucene dependency (with dcausse)
    • Gerrit 2.15.14 released, will deploy
    • Finish Blubberoid policy file work
    • get up-to-date on the lib/extension dependency work
  • What I'm blocked on
    • scap 3.10.0-1 ot poke SRE
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • T199113 All repositories with Selenium tests should use wdio-mediawiki - TwoColConflict is the only one left from the original list, have to cross check with new repos added to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Selenium/Node.js#write-tests
    • T223774 The first Selenium test for WikibaseCirrusSearch - could not get the extenstion working on vagrant :P will be able to do most of the stuff anyway
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?
    • holiday on Thursday (20th), vacation on Friday (21st) and Monday (24th), holiday on Tuesday (25th)



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart