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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20180910

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • Mid september - Mid october, Antoine to take off some weeks/days/part time
  • October 5th (Friday) - Željko on a conference (https://2018.webcampzg.org/ )
  • October 8th - Holiday (Indigenous People's Day, Independence Day - Željko)
  • November 1 (Thursday) - Holiday (All Saints' Day - Željko)
  • November 9th - Holiday (Veteran's Day)
  • November 22+23 - Holidays (Thanksgiving)
  • Week of December 3rd - Team offsite
  • December 24-28 - Holidays (Christmas)

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R
  • July 02 - wmf.11 - Zeljko - no train, Fourth of July
  • July 09 - wmf.12 - Zeljko
  • July 16 - wmf.13 - Zeljko
  • July 23 - wmf.14 - Zeljko
  • July 30 - wmf.15 - Mukunda
  • Aug 06 - wmf.16 - Mukunda
  • Aug 13 - wmf.17 - Mukunda (No train - Wednesday is a holiday)
  • Aug 20 - wmf.18 - Tyler
  • Aug 27 - wmf.19 - Dan && Antoine lurking over the shoulders
  • Sep 03 - wmf.20 - Antoine
  • Sep 10 - wmf.21 - Antoine (No train due to DC switchover) <----
  • Sep 17 - wmf.22 - Antoine
  • Sep 24 - wmf.23 - Zeljko (only one week for me? -- Željko)
  • Oct 01 - wmf.24 - Dan
  • Oct 08 - wmf.25 - Dan (No train due to DC switchover)
  • Oct 15 - wmf.26 - Mukunda (last 1.32 wmf.XX release, 1.33 starts the next week)
  • Oct 22 - wmf.1 - Mukunda


  • July 04 - Dan
  • July 11 - Antoine
  • July 18 - Antoine
  • July 25 - Tyler
  • Aug 01 - Tyler
  • Aug 08 - Zeljko
  • Aug 15 - Dan (No SoS this week)
  • Aug 22 - Zeljko
  • Aug 29 - Zeljko
  • Sep 05 - Tyler / Željko
  • Sep 12 - Tyler / Željko <----
  • Sep 19 - Dan
  • Sep 26 - Dan
  • Oct 03 - Zeljko
  • Oct 10 - Zeljko
  • Oct 17 - Antoine
  • Oct 24 - Antoine
  • Oct 31 - Mukunda

Team Business



  • Software Engineer position open and reviewing/hiring for now

First Offsite



  • Week of December 3rd
  • At the Queen Mary hotel in Long Beach
  • Deb T will be facilitating


Needs attention

  • Deprecate and remove the EducationProgram extension from Wikimedia servers after June 30, 2018

  • eqiad row D switch upgrade (email with Greg and Mukunda on thread)
    • m3 db (phabricator) effected
    • either week of Sept 17 or 24th
    • mukunda to reply :)

Google Code In ?


Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

This week


Release Engineering


Last week


Release Engineering


Train status and happenings


Past week status updates

All of it in table form: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Release_Engineering_Team/Goals/201718Q4

Quaterly Goals for Q1


Pipeline: Move verify stage from Minikube to CI k8s namespace in production context

tracking task
  • Done

Code Health

  • T199253 - Investigate and propose record of origin (ROO) for deployed code (currently Developers/Maintainers page)
    • talked to Tyler a bit about this. Also need to hook up with SRE (and other stakeholders). This appears to be tightly coupled with the review queue process.
  • Perform existing Stewardship review process for Q1 cycle.
    • no reviews requested at the moment. Corey requested to meet with me today to discuss finding homes for some the platform code.
  • T199254 - Add test evaluation to post mortem review process.
  • Review existing e2e test coverage.
  • Define prioritization scheme.
  • Prioritize e2e testing gaps.
  • T199257 - make current unit testing coverage more visible by reporting out to Engineering Management.
    • worked on creating a template for the first montly report. Actually thinking that this will be part of a broader Code Health monthly newsletter.
  • T199259 - Platform and Search Platform teams are using TDM PoC
  • T199262 - Identify key Tech Debt areas
  • T199263 - Put in place Tech Debt management process for PEP
  • T199261 - Define base Code Health metric set.
    • scheduled WG kickoff meeting (tomorrow)

Developer Productivity

  • Make a hire to create the capacity needed for this program.
  • Write and share a survey to measure developer satisfaction and areas for investment. - task T197635

Other work







  • Nothing significant to note this week.


  • Statsd publisher -- still going? still needed?
    • Either needs to be expanded to collect more data or ditched
    • Doesn't allow for metadata so it's harder to narrow down stats to particular segments
    • In the end, it was a lot easier to pull stats from the Jenkins JSON API, but Jenkins only keeps 30 days worth of build data around
    • Can we simply extend the Jenkins retention period?


  • all quiet - no additional discussions have occurred since the initial barrage.




  • What I plan to do this week
    • disk space cleanup patch
    • new version of chromium in debian
  • What I'm blocked on
    • articleplaceholder quint test fixes
    • donationinterface composer-merge bug
  • Other?
    • Last train:
      • database corruption from parer-cache output


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Helping with CI disk-full problems – https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T202457
    • Rolling back stats publisher (wah wah)
    • Starting up new bigmem instance
    • Looking at JSON API based stats for tmpfs change and node types
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Disk full problems in CI
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • Continue work on ROO/Review Queue
    • Continue work on Code Coverage/Code Health report
    • Code Health Metrics workgroup is spinning up
    • Talk with Corey about platform code ownership
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Got new laptop (yay!). But it's got a firmware PW :-( and as a result can't migrate my current laptop's configuration.
      • WTF?!
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Work on developer productivity survey.
    • Finish phabricator support for elasticsearch 6.
    • Finish testing the phabricator spam-revert tool.
    • Pairing with Tyler (task TBD, probably catch up on scap and keyholder stuff)
    • Create a personal workboard in phab.
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?







Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart