Topic on Talk:Content translation

Machine Translation failed

Bluetpp (talkcontribs)

Is it normal that machine translation failed? Lately I've been encountering this problem quite often, I don't know what's wrong.

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

It can fail when, 1. Machine Translation service is down, 2. If paragraph is too large or has very large table to handle by service. To debug further, can you provide following information?

1. Language pairs and Machine Translation used (ie Google Translate, Apertium, Yandex,..)

2. Any error noticed during translation on browser console (To open browser console: press Ctrl+Shift+j (or Cmd+Alt+J () on a Mac).

3. If possible, article name and browser used in translation.


Bluetpp (talkcontribs)

@KartikMistry Hi, thank you for your reply.

1. I translated from English to Vietnamese and both Google and Yandex were failed.

2. I have already published the translation and didn't notice any error?

3. The article name is Kingdom Hearts, the part that failed is Kingdom Hearts#Games. I use Google Chrome.

Thank you very much!

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)


I just checked and paragraph is too large (12607 chars > 10000 chars) for Machine Translation to handle. I'll check what we can do here to avoid such errors.

YTRK (talkcontribs)

@Bluetpp You've said that it occurs often recently?

This could be related so I'll put it here.

Reply to "Machine Translation failed"