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ResourceLoader/Guide de migration (utilisateurs)

Raccourci : RL/MGU
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page ResourceLoader/Migration guide (users) and the translation is 98% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Au fil du temps, les fonctions JavaScript du noyau MediaWiki et les sorties HTML ont été améliorées dans leur fonctionnalité, ont introduit de nouvelles méthodes, sont devenues obsolètes ou ont été modifiées d'autres façons. Ce document vise à mettre en évidence les problèmes les plus courants devant être résolus.

  • Voir ResourceLoader/Core modules pour un aperçu des modules disponibles dans le noyau MediaWiki.
  • Problèmes liés aux gadgets : voir s'ils figurent dans la liste ci-dessous. Si c'est le cas, demandez à un administrateur d'interface de les mettre à jour sur votre wiki.


The mediawiki.Uri module provides an API to create and manipulate MediaWiki URIs. This functionality already has browser's native support and the module has been deprecated.(T374314)


Le module jquery.cookie fournit une API pour lire et écrire des cookies bruts de navigateur via $.cookie. Cette fonctionnalité a été fusionnée dans le module mediawiki.cookie.

Le nom de module jquery.cookie est dorénavant un alias obsolète pour mediawiki.cookie. L'alias du nom de module a été supprimé dans MediaWiki 1.42.

A la fois $.cookie et mw.cookie sont maintenant fournis directement par le module mediawiki.cookie.


Le module jquery.hoverIntent fournit une méthode d'aide pour exécuter un code après qu'un élément ait été survolé avec la souris pendant une période de temps minimale. Il le fait en retardant votre procédure de rappel, de sorte que les brefs survols accidentels ne provoquent pas d'effet visuel potentiellement  « non intentionné ». Ce module est désormais obsolète (T311194).

Il existe deux manières pour migrer :

  1. Utilisez à la place la fonction jQuery on() intégrée (avec les événements mouseenter et mouseleave), ou
  2. Récréez un effet similaire à l'aide de setTimeout.

Tout d'abord, réfléchissez si vous avez encore besoin de la logique hoverIntent. When we introduced hoverIntent in 2010 (with MediaWiki 1.16 ), there are a number of notable differences compared to today. La version mobile était moins importante, pour les gadgets et les scripts utilisateurs, les attentes pour la conception et le comportement étaient différentes, et les performances étaient équilibrées en fonction de différents compromis entre les coûts de la CPU et ceux du réseau, plus avant qu'ils ne sont aujourd'hui. Dans votre conversion, essayez d'utiliser le on() intégré et faites le dialoguer avec votre gadget.

Documentation :

var $btn = $( '.tpl-mybutton' );

// ancien code (obsolète)
$btn.hoverIntent( function () {
    $btn.addClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
}, function () {
    $btn.removeClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
} );

// ancien code (obsolète)
$btn.hoverIntent( {
    interval: 300,
    over: function () {
        $btn.addClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
    out: function () {
        $btn.removeClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
} );

// nouveau code avec on()
    .on( 'mouseenter', function () {
        $btn.addClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
    } )
    .on( 'mouseleave', function () {
        $btn.removeClass( 'tpl-my-button--active' );
    } );

Est-ce mieux sans attente ? Si vous préférez conserver le comportement précédent, vous pouvez créer un effet de retard similaire en utilisant un appel à setTimeout avec deux variables locales :

var pending, done;
    .on( 'mouseenter', function () {
        if ( pending ) {
        pending = setTimeout( function () {
            $btn.addClass( 'tpl-mybutton--active' );
            done = true;
        }, 300 ); // temporisation
    } )
	.on( 'mouseleave', function () {
        if ( done ) {
            $btn.removeClass( 'tpl-mybutton--active' );
        clearTimeout( pending );
        pending = done = null;
    } );

Pour comparer les exemples côte à côte, voir https://codepen.io/Krinkle/pen/VwGWgqN.


Le module jquery.jStorage est obsolète en 2016 (MediaWiki 1.28). Il a été supprimé en 2021 (MediaWiki 1.38). Utilisez mw.storage du module mediawiki.storage à la place (T143034). Voir aussi : mw.storage

// ancien code (obsolète)
$.jStorage.set( 'mygadget-example', simple ); // simple = 'Hello'
$.jStorage.set( 'mygadget-example', object ); // object = { sub: 'Hello' }

simple = $.jStorage.get( 'mygadget-example' );
object = $.jStorage.get( 'mygadget-example' );

// nouveau (remplacement)
mw.storage.set( 'mygadget-example', simple );       // simple = 'Hello'
mw.storage.setObject( 'mygadget-example', object ); // object = { sub: 'Hello' }

simple = mw.storage.get( 'mygadget-example' );
object = mw.storage.getObject( 'mygadget-example' )

Paquet Gadgets

Voir aussi les Options des gadgets et T198758.

Les gadgets peuvent toujours être composés de plusieurs fichiers mais ils ont été simplement fusionnés et exécutés comme une seul script. MediaWiki 1.33 a introduit le concept de « fichiers de paquets », qui permettent une architecture JavaScript plus modulaire et avec la fonction require() et le modèle module.exports, de référencer les fichiers supplémentaires. En plus cela vous permet d'inclure des données venant de fichiers JSON. Cette fonctionnalité a été limitée aux modules du noyau MediaWiki et aux extensions.

Depuis MediaWiki 1.38 cette fonctionnalité est aussi prise en charge par le ResourceLoaderWikiModule, et l'extension Gadgets a été mise à jour pour utiliser ceci en définissant une nouvelle option appelée « package ».

Les administrateurs (tels les administrateurs d'interface des wikis de la WMF) doivent faire attention à échapper les caractères quand ils écrivent ou relisent du code JavaScript qui crée du HTML en fonction de texte issu de pages JSON, et ceci afin d'éviter les problèmes de sécurité.

Par exemple :

* mygadget[ResourceLoader|package]|mygadget-main.js|mygadget-Foo.js|mygadget-data.json|mygadget.css

Où MediaWiki:Gadget-mygadget-Foo.js exporte :

function Foo( config ) {
    // ...

Foo.prototype.format = function () {
    // ...

module.exports = Foo;

et MediaWiki:Gadget-mygadget-data.json :

    "setting": [
    "flag": true

De MediaWiki:Gadget-mygadget-main.js vous pouvez ensuite utiliser :

var Foo = require( './mygadget-Foo.js' ); // class Foo
var flag = require( './mygadget-data.json' ).flag; // true

Les gadgets peuvent aussi utiliser module.exports dans le fichier principal pour définir une interface publique accessible des autres gadgets avec require( 'ext.gadget.mygadget' ), tout comme n'importe quel autre module ResourceLoader.

jQuery Migrate 3

jQuery a été mis à jour à la version 3 dans MediaWiki 1.29 (diffusé en 2017). Dans jQuery 3.0, plusieurs fonctionnalités obsolètes ont été supprimées en amont. Nous avons temporairement remis ces éléments au travers de la couche Migrate jQuery pour permettre une transition progressive (T280944).

Dans la console de développement, vous pouvez trouver des avertissements comme :

JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.size() is deprecated and removed; use the .length property.

JQMIGRATE: Attribute selector with '#' must be quoted

Vous pouvez également voir apparaître des avertissements disant que « quelque chose est obsolète » sans dire que « c'est supprimé » également, comme :

JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated

Les avertissements qui ne mentionnent que « obsolète » concernent les fonctionnalités qui continuent à fonctionner même après que la couche de migration jQuery 3 est supprimée.

Pour comprendre la manière de mettre à jour votre code, utiliser les manuels suivants :

Les trois problèmes suivants peuvent être difficiles à trouver et possèdent certains pistes :

  • les balises HTML doivent être correctement imbriquées : cela signifie que vous avez utilisé un raccourci invalide comme <div/><p/>. Dans les versions jQuery plus anciennes, ce HTML non valide a été automatiquement corrigé en <div>, suivi de <p>. Avec jQuery 3 le comportement standard du navigateur est suivice qui signifie que cela devient un <p> dans un <div> comme ceci <div><p>..</p></div>. Pour préserver l'ancien comportement, ouvrez et fermez explicitement votre code HTML. Comme <div> </div> <p> </p>.
  • Cross-domain AJAX request with JSON-P: si vous utilisez des requêtes inter domaines avec $.ajax() ou $.get() vers des APIs qui renvoient des scripts exécutables JSON-P (au lieu de JSON à plat), alors vous devez ajouter l'option { dataType: "script" }. In previous versions, jQuery would guess between secure JSON and insecure JSON-P scripts.
  • Appeler .load() comme méthode d'événement : il n'est plus possible d'appeler $img.load(function). Remplacer par $img.on("load", function).


En tant qu'administrateur de site exécutant MediaWiki 1.35.3 ou plus récent, vous pouvez dés à présent choisir de désactiver la couche migration en initialisant $wgIncludejQueryMigrate à false. La désactivation de la couche migration améliore les performances du chargement des pages et vous permet de vérifier si vos extensions et vos gadgets sont prêts pour la mise à jour. Par exemple, si vous avez du code ancien qui utilise toujours des méthodes supprimées en jQuery 3, ceci peut échouer comme suit.

Uncaught TypeError: $elem.size is not a function.

Dans MediaWiki 1.37, la couche migration sera désactivée par défaut. Un administrateur de site peut le réactiver temporairement, le temps que les problèmes comme ceux ci-dessus soient résolus.

Dans MediaWiki 1.38, la couche migration sera supprimée de manière permanente.

Cette version n'est pas prise en charge.

Module user.tokens

Le module user.tokens a été fusionné dans le paquet du module user.options. L'ancien nom du module est maintenant un alias devenu obsolète dans MediaWiki 1.35. Il sera supprimé dans MediaWiki 1.36 plus tard en 2020. – T235457

Pour rester compatible, mettez à jour les listes des dépendances ou les déclarations du chargeur de « user.tokens » à « user.options ».


Le module mediawiki.notify a été fusionné dans l'environnement de base MediaWiki. Ce module fournissait la fonction mw.notify(), qui à son tour chargeait lentement le module mediawiki.notification, plus gros. – T233676

Pour rester compatible, supprimer simplement mediawiki.notify de toutes les listes de dépendance ou des déclarations du chargeur.

Module obsolètes


JQuery UI est obsolète depuis des années, mais reste disponible en raison du passage lent à ses alternatives. Toujours dans le but de continuer nos efforts pour réduire les coûts de bande passante, les 27 modules obsolètes de jQuery UI ont été fusionnés en un seul méga module également obsolète (Gerrit, T219604).

Pour rester compatible, mettez à jour les listes des dépendances et les déclarations du chargeur de « jquery.ui.* » en « jquery.ui ».


Le greffon jquery.accessKeyLabel est disponible via mediawiki.util depuis 2014 (MediaWiki 1.24).

Depuis MediaWiki 1.34, les dépendances impliquant ce greffon ne sont plus prises en charge. Mettez à jour les listes de dépendances et les déclarations du chargeur de « jquery.accessKeyLabel » à « mediawiki.util »  pour rester compatible.


Le module mediawiki.RegExp est disponible via mediawiki.util depuis 2015 (MediaWiki 1.25). – T218339

Depuis MediaWiki 1.34, les dépendances impliquant ce module ne sont plus prises en charge. Mettez à jour les listes de dépendances et les déclarations du chargeur de « mediawiki.RegExp » en « mediawiki.util »  pour rester compatible.

La fonction mw.RegExp.escape() est également obsolète (bien que sont alias soit conservé, livré avec mediawiki.util). Remplacer l'utilisation par mw.util.escapeRegExp().


Le module jquery.tabIndex a existé pour aider à calculer l'index (petit ou grand) d'onglet correspondant aux éléments désignables d'une page. Dans la plupart des cas, ce code était redondant. Il est préférable de supprimer entièrement les lignes de code qui impliquent firstTabIndex() ou lastTabIndex(). Le module est obsolète dans MediaWiki 1.34.

// supprimer simplement
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1 );

Si l'effet de ce code est toujours souhaité, il peut être réalisé de manière plus simple sans ce greffon JavaScript. Par exemple, pour définir un petit indice d'onglet, utilisez tabindex="0".

// supprimer
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', $( document ).firstTabIndex() );
// ajouter
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', '0' );

ou, pour définir un grand index d'onglet, utilisez tabindex="999" à la place, comme ceci :

// supprimer
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1 );
// ajouter
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', '999' );

Pour retrouver à tout prix le comportement exact de la fonction lastTabIndex originale, utilisez ceci :

// supprimer
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', $( document ).lastTabIndex() + 1 );
// ajouter
var lastIndex = Math.max.apply(null, $.map($('[tabindex]'), function (el) { return +el.tabIndex; }));
$thing.attr( 'tabindex', lastIndex + 1 );

mw.user.tokens editToken

La clé editToken de mw.user.tokens est devenue obsolète en 2016 (MediaWiki 1.26). Elle a été supprimée en 2019 (MediaWiki 1.34). – T233442

Remplacer par la clé csrfToken. Par exemple, remplacez mw.user.tokens.get('editToken') par mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken').

Note Note : la classe mw.Api n'a pas changé. Le code tel que mw.Api.getToken('edit') continue à fonctionner et n'a pas à être modifié.

Api modules

Tout les sous-modules mediawiki.api.* ont été fusionnés dans le module principal mediawiki.api, il vous suffit donc d'inclure ce module principal; l'appel des sous-modules génère des avertissements d'obsolescence. Ces sous-modules ont été conservés en tant qu'alias obsolètes de « mediawiki.api », et supprimés dans MediaWiki 1.33.

Method mw.util.wikiGetlink(), which was deprecated since MediaWiki 1.23, has been removed. Use mw.util.getUrl() instead.


The wgEnableAPI and wgEnableWriteAPI keys of mw.config are deprecated as of MediaWiki 1.32, and will be removed in MediaWiki 1.35 (change).

The value of these configuration keys is always true. Any check for them in JavaScript code is redundant and can be safely removed.

Internet Explorer 10 browser

With this version, we have stopped JavaScript support for IE10. See Compatibility for details.


Deprecated in MediaWiki 1.29 (change), removed in MediaWiki 1.31.

The shim for the native placeholder attribute became obsolete as all supported browsers for JavaScript support this natively. Simply remove the call to .placeholder().


The functionality was originally provided by a module called jquery.mwPrototypes in MediaWiki 1.17 (r76320). This was renamed to jquery.mwExtension in MediaWiki 1.19 (r94227).

The module was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.26, and removed in MediaWiki 1.30.

  • $.trimLeft, $.trimRight: These have native JavaScript methods available now.
  • $.ucFirst: No replacement, rarely used. Simple enough to do in plain JavaScript as str[0].toUpperCase + str.slice(1).
  • $.escapeRE: Moved to mediawiki.RegExp; later moved to mediawiki.util.
  • $.isDomElement: No replacement, rarely used. Use duck-type checks like !!obj.nodeType instead.
  • $.compareArray, $.compareObject, $.isEmpty: No replacement, rarely used.

Legacy removals

JavaScript functions and variables part of wikibits.js that had been deprecated since MediaWiki 1.17 or 1.18 have been removed:

User-Agent variables: is_gecko, is_chrome_mac, is_chrome, webkit_version, is_safari_win, is_safari, webkit_match, is_ff2, ff2_bugs, is_ff2_win, is_ff2_x11, opera95_bugs, opera7_bugs, opera6_bugs, is_opera_95, is_opera_preseven, is_opera, ie6_bugs, clientPC.

DOM manipulation: changeText, killEvt, addHandler, hookEvent, addClickHandler, removeHandler, getElementsByClassName, getInnerText.

Utilities: setupCheckboxShiftClick, addCheckboxClickHandlers, mwEditButtons, mwCustomEditButtons, injectSpinner, removeSpinner, escapeQuotes, escapeQuotesHTML, jsMsg, addPortletLink, appendCSS, tooltipAccessKeyPrefix, tooltipAccessKeyRegexp, updateTooltipAccessKeys.

How to migrate

Below is a table containing migration information for the wikibits functionality. Many of the replacements are part of the mediawiki.util module, which is not loaded by default. Please declare your dependency on this module if you refer to mw.util, as described in the development guide.

Gadget type

See also T42284.


Since early 2011, gadgets with styles (both "only styles" and "styles and scripts") had their styles loaded twice. T42284 and change 308096 fix this bug.

What's new

This bug was addressed by adding support in the Gadgets extension for the ResourceLoader "type" feature. This allows gadget developers to configure how the module should be loaded

  • type=styles: Load module styles via <link rel="stylesheet">, and completely omits loading any JavaScript files. (Loads styles early, applies styles before skin and page are ready, also works when JavaScript is disabled.)
  • type=general: Load module scripts and/or styles via mw.loader.load(). (Applies styles after the skin and page are ready, right before JS execution, has better caching.)

Gadgets with only styles, internally get type=styles by default. Gadgets with only scripts default to type=general.

Before MediaWiki 1.30, Gadgets with both scripts and styles defaulted to loading both ways, thus loading the styles portion twice. Before that, we sent a warning in the browser console in a transition period that asked developers to set the desired type. After the transition period, we made type=general the default for gadgets that have both scripts and styles.

To load styles through the type=styles system, while also loading JavaScript files, two separate gadget definitions need to be specified.

How to migrate

Gadget "mygadget" styles loaded twice. Migrate to type=general. See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T42284.

If you see this warning, that means your gadget contains both scripts and styles. Here are two ways to fix the warning:

  1. If the styles in your gadget are there to provide styling for things created by the gadget, add "type=general" to your gadget definition ("MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition").
  2. Or – If the styles in your gadget are there to provide styling for things that are part of the skin or on the page, then these styles should not be together with the scripts in the same gadget. Convert the gadget to two separate gadgets. One gadget that is styles-only, and the other with the scripts. If the scripts gadget also has its own styles, then also set "type=general" on the original gadget (per point 1). If you want to keep presenting the modules as one gadget on the Preferences page, use #Gadget peers.

As you can see, in most cases the solution is "type=general." And in the future, this will become the default and we will not load styles twice. Right now, loading twice remains the default for compatibility with older gadgets covered by point 2 above. Changing these mixed gadgets to type=general now would cause some styles to load too late and cause a "flash of unstyled content".

Gadget peers

See also T42284.

For a long time, gadget authors have been interested in being able to provide a visual enhancement for all pages and also accompanying some scripting logic to apply related changes to interactive interfaces created by other modules. This requires the gadget to have both scripts and styles, but most of the styles are not required by the scripts – rather, the styles should apply directly to the page without waiting for JavaScript. So far this required either creating two gadgets (and requiring users to enable both), or creating a single gadget with the downside of the styles applying slightly after the page loads.

To accommodate the use case of a single gadget providing both page styles (which don't depend on JavaScript) and JavaScript code with its own styles, a new setting was introduced: peers. This is similar to dependencies, except that where dependencies load before the main module (not before the page itself), peers will allow one to reference a separate gadget module that will be loaded regardless of whether JavaScript is enabled.

For example:

* example [ResourceLoader|dependencies=mediawiki.util|peers=example-pagestyles] | example.js | example.css
* example-pagestyles [hidden] | example-pagestyles.css

This will register a gadget named "Example" in the preferences which, if enabled, will load example-pagestyles before the page renders. And, once JavaScript is available, the example module will also be loaded with its own dependencies, styles and scripts.

Internet Explorer 9 and pre-ES5 browsers

With this version, we have stopped JavaScript support for IE9 and other browsers that do not support ES5. See Compatibility for details.

This version is not supported.

Legacy default: mediawiki.util

The $wgPreloadJavaScriptMwUtil option was removed. This option allowed third-party MediaWiki administrators to re-enable the unconditional preload of mediawiki.util by default for all users (for backwards compatibility). It was disabled by default since MediaWiki 1.26, and has been disabled on Wikimedia wikis since 2014. Extensions, skins, gadgets and scripts that use the mediawiki.util module must express a dependency on it.


The internal Wikimedia domain "bits.wikimedia.org" was deprecated sometime mid-2015. The following common paths should be migrated to avoid breakage once the domain is decommissioned (T107430).

  • bits.wikimedia.org/:domain/load.phphttps://:domain/w/load.php . Moved back to local domains, alongside /w/index.php and others.
  • bits.wikimedia.org/static-current/*https://:domain/static/current/: Moved to local domain, sharing a hostname-agonistic Varnish cache.
    • bits.wikimedia.org/skins/*https://:domain/static/current/skins
  • bits.wikimedia.org/static-1.xx-wmf.X/*https://:domain/w/*: Specific versions can now be accessed through the regular script path. Wikimedia's multiversion entry point automatically serves the file from to the wikis' current MediaWiki version. (T99096)
    • bits.wikimedia.org/static-1.xx/skins/* https://:domain/w/skins/*
    • bits.wikimedia.org/static-1.xx/extensions/* https://:domain/w/extensions/*
    • bits.wikimedia.org/static-1.xx/resources/* https://:domain/w/resources/*

Internet Explorer 8

Following the deactivation of JavaScript in Internet Explorer 6 and 7 in MediaWiki 1.24, JavaScript has been deactivated in Internet Explorer 8. See Compatibility for details.

Legacy gadgets

Gadgets are now required to use ResourceLoader. For many Gadgets, migrating to ResourceLoader will be as easy as adding [ResourceLoader] to its definition on MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition. If after adding that, the gadget is not working properly, consult the rest of this page to look for functionality that may have been removed since the gadget was last maintained. If you run into any issues or find features that don't work without a clear way of making it work, please reach out to MediaWiki developers and fellow gadget authors on the talk page, via IRC, or on the wikitech-l mailing list.

Global variables are not global

When ResourceLoader loads a gadget script, it is not executed in global context. This means that local variables you define in the script are actually local, and not assumed to be also global. They are local to the function your code is wrapped in. It's best to modularize your code to avoid using globals, see "Globals" in MediaWiki's JavaScript coding conventions. However, if you need to export a variable to the global scope, you can explicitly assign them as window properties. For example:

// This is a local variable
var foo;
// This is a local function
function bar() {

// This is a global variable (accessible from other scripts, and from legacy event handlers, e.g. onclick="javascript:Quux();"
window.Quux = function( width, height ) {

Code within your gadget can access foo and bar. Code outside the gadget (or code evaluated as separate programs, such as legacy onclick handlers), can only access Quux..

Comme depuis août 2015, ResourceLoader debug mode still executes scripts in global scope (phab:T64605), so your code may seem to work fine in debug mode but be broken in regular mode.

Font mw-geshi

The font-size of ‎<syntaxhighlight> was often too small by default due to a font-family CSS bug. This was fixed in MediaWiki 1.26 (see (phab:T28204).

The mw-geshi, source-css, source-javascript and related classes no longer exist. Related code such as the following can be safely removed:

/* Fix <syntaxhighlight> text size. [[phab:T28204]] */
div.mw-geshi div,
div.mw-geshi div pre,
pre.source-lua {
    font-family: monospace, Courier !important;

Inline scripts

To inject JavaScript inline, use ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript() to wrap the JavaScript code in an anonymous function that can access MediaWiki-related objects properly, and OutputPage::addScript() to add the results to the page source for execution.

For example:

$outputPage = RequestContext::getMain()->getOutput();

$js = 'alert("hello world");';
$wrappedJS = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript($js);

Legacy removals

The jquery.delayedBind JavaScript module, deprecated in MediaWiki 1.23, has been removed. See phab:rMW8f2ebcbf6769.

Internet Explorer

Browser support for Internet Explorer 6 and 7 changed from Grade A to Grade C. This means JavaScript is no longer executed in these browser versions. See Compatibility for details.


This method has been deprecated in favour of mw.notify.

The jsMessage message was designed to be a drop-in replacement fully compatible with the legacy wikibits jsMsg function (deprecated since 1.17, removed in 1.29). The 2012 notification system on the other hand was designed with developer usability and security in mind.

For most cases, the new method is just as easy to use as the old one, and requires only a the same single parameter that represents the message. For example, with plain text:

// Deprecated (dependencies: mediawiki.util)
var msgText = 'Hello world';

// New, as of 2012 (dependencies: mediawiki.notify)
var msgText = 'Hello world';

And another example, with a DOM element, or a jQuery object:

// Deprecated (dependencies: mediawiki.util)
var $myWidget = ExampleWidget.create( {
    having: '2-buttons',
    toggle: '#sidebar'

// New, as of 2012 (dependencies: mediawiki.notify)
var $myWidget = ExampleWidget.create( {
    having: '2-buttons',
    toggle: '#sidebar'

If you're currently using raw HTML with mw.util.jsMessage(), the simplest way to migrate is to do what jsMessage used to do internally for you, which is to parse the HTML and place the node(s) in a jQuery object, as follows:

// Deprecated (dependencies: mediawiki.util)
var msgHtml = '<form><button>Click me</button></form>';

// New, as of 2012 (dependencies: mediawiki.notify)
var msgHtml = '<form><button>Click me</button></form>';
var $msg = $($.parseHTML(msgHtml));

New diff styles

This version introduces a new diff view, greatly improved in clarity especially for whitespace and other small changes and colour-blind users. If your wiki has custom CSS for the diffs, they may be in conflict with the new style (as happened on ptwiki and srwiki). You are recommended to remove the old code (or if still wanted by some users, update it to work with the new layout and create a gadget for it so that users can opt-in to it still).

wikitable style updates

As of MediaWiki 1.19 a few bugs have been fixed with the wikitable class (see phab:T32485 and phab:T35434 for more info). If your wiki maintains a legacy synonym of this class (e.g. "prettytable") you need to update its CSS to match the current style in core.

The current style as of 1.19 can be found here. Copy those rules to your wiki and replace "wikitable" with the synonym (example for nl.wikipedia).

If your wiki doesn't keep something like this, then no update is necessary and everything should take care of itself.

File page checkered background

The checkered background often applied to transparent file namespace pages is now part of the software. Local rules like the following should be removed (because they are redundant, and actually cause an additional unnecessary HTTP request for the image)

/* Put a checker background at the image description page.
   Only visible if the image has transparent background.
#file img {
	background: url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Checker-16x16.png") repeat;


Trackbacks were removed from MediaWiki core, so any styling targeting #mw_trackbacks can be removed.

Protocol-relative urls

This change only applies to Wikimedia Foundation wikis.

As of MediaWiki 1.18 there is native support for protocol-relative wiki installations. This means that a wiki could be accessible from both http://example.org/ and https://example.org./ To make it possible to a share a common cache for as much as possible, we make use of a technique called protocol-relative urls. Although browsers have supports this for ages, script writers generally aren't very familiar with it until fairly recently. Briefly explained, this means that <img src="//meta.wikimedia.org" /> when on "https://example.org" will be automatically expanded by the browser to https://meta.wikimedia.org./ This is much like (for example) <img src="foobar.jpg" /> or <img src="/w/foobar.jpg" />, which are are automatically expanded to "http://mediawiki.org/w/foobar.jpg".

Depending on how the scripts were written this may require some changes to be made to your scripts. If you use the following method to detect whether the script is executed on a certain wiki, this change will break your script:

if ( wgServer === 'http://en.wikipedia.org' ) {
	// Doesn't work anymore!

because wgServer is now "//en.wikipedia.org". For a few years there has been another config variable, called "wgDBname". You should use that instead to differentiate wikis, like:

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ) === 'enwiki' ) {
	// English Wikipedia!

Alternatively, you can use wgServerName which is without the protocol or port:

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgServerName' ) === 'en.wikipedia.org' ) {
	// English Wikipedia!

"Enabled by default" (Gadgets extension)

As of the version of the Gadgets extension at the MW 1.18 branchpoint, there is a new feature that allows a gadget to be opt-out instead of opt-in based. By setting "[default]" (or adding "|default" to an existing section) the gadget will be enabled by default for everybody, unless a user has specifically opted out by unticking the checkbox on Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets.

Note that this also loads it for all anonymous users. Gadgets that are only for logged-in users should be additionally restricted by, for example, requiring certain user rights.

See also Extension:Gadgets#Options.


The actual paths have not changed, but getting the path to the API and index.php has become a lot easier. This also makes the code more portable as it has no hardcoded wiki-specific paths.

This is how it used to go in many gadgets.

var foo = 'bar';
var apiUrl = '//www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?foo=' + encodeURIComponent( foo ) + '&baz=quux';

$.ajax( { url: apiUrl, ... } );

Instead use something like one of the following:

// Behold, mw.util.wikiScript!
var foo = 'bar';
var apiUrl = mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ) + '?foo=' + encodeURIComponent( foo ) + '&baz=quux';

$.ajax( {
	url: apiUrl,
} );

You may also want to use $.param to automatically escape and create things properly in the query string:

// $.param is also awesome. No need for encodeURIComponent that way :)
var foo = 'bar';
var apiUrl = mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ) + '?' + $.param( {
	foo: foo,
	baz: 'quux'
} );

$.ajax( {
	url: apiUrl,
} );

You can even use the data option of $.ajax, that abstracts away the need to deal with the query string entirely:

// No longer needed to inject the '?' or '&' in the url
$.ajax( {
	url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
	data: {
		foo: 'bar',
		baz: 'quux'
	}, ...
} );


See also jQuery

As of 1.17 the jQuery library is loaded by default on all MediaWiki pages. Each MediaWiki release will keep it up to date with the latest version of jQuery. If you used to load jQuery from within your script, (e.g. from ajax.googleapis.com), make sure you remove that. If you load jQuery more than once on a page, it overwrites the earlier version. Other scripts break because they may not work with an older version of jQuery.

Also, by overwriting the jQuery object, any plugins that were bound to that object are also lost.

Global identifier "$j" has been deprecated. Use jQuery or $ instead.

Tabs (vector)

In 1.17 the HTML construction for the navigation tabs has changed from <li><a><span /></a></li> to <li><span><a /></span></li>. The most common situation in which this causes problems is where scripts assume the presence of the span element when, for example, customizing the tab for "Main Page". Before 1.17 this usually meant that wikis had a different implementation for Monobook and one for Vector (or only one for each and the other was distorted).

Please use MediaWiki:Mainpage-nstab or refer to Snippets/Main Page tab for a script that will work in both Vector and Monobook for 1.17.

The legacy function addPortletLink has been rewritten as mw.util.addPortletLink. The syntax and argument order is fully backwards compatible. The differences

  • Support for all core skins now
  • Support for simple id-selector as 'nextNode' (see documentation for details).

Some wikis may have re-defined / overwritten the addPortlinkLink function to support a few extra skins. This is no longer needed. The function definition should be removed and calls adjusted to mw.util.addPortletLink.

The legacy version of addPortlinkLink has been preserved as-is in case some edge cases would behave differently (for that reason the addPortlinkLink does not redirect to mw.util.addPortlinkLink)


The legacy array mwCustomEditButtons has been refactored into the mw.toolbar library. The global array still exists in wikibits to avoid fatal errors but is no longer used due to race conditions. Code may run too late when the toolbar already exists. Using mw.toolbar.addButton will work always, even if the toolbar has already been created.

See mw.toolbar Documentation.

Note that mw.toolbar, just like the old mwCustomEditButtons array, are associated with the classic toolbar. The current default wikitext editor is WikiEditor, which has its own API. See Extension:WikiEditor/Toolbar customization for more information.


The legacy functions such as sajax_init_object have been deprecated. Instead, mw.Api from the mediawiki.api module, or jQuery.ajax.

Migration guide:

Client testing

Checking which browser, platform, layout engine etc. has should now be done with jQuery.client.

  • is_safari, is_chrome etc. are deprecated
  • No need to navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6")==-1 etc.

Sysop script

New in MediaWiki 1.17 is a user groups module that can automatically load scripts and styles from the MediaWiki namespace for a particular user group. For example, if the wiki has MediaWiki:Group-sysop.js, this script is automatically loaded for all users in that group.

This should obsolete customisations wikis may have with regards to loading MediaWiki:Sysop.js with importScript inside Common.js.


If you need certain scripts like jQuery UI's dialog or datepicker, instead of doing something like:

importStylesheetURI( mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/Example/css/jquery-ui-1.7.2.css' );

$.getScript( mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/Example/js/jui.combined.min.js', function () {
} );

Instead use this:

mw.loader.using( ['jquery.ui.dialog', 'jquery.ui.datepicker'], MyTool.init );

Or if you need to delay initialization until document.ready:

mw.loader.using( ['jquery.ui.dialog', 'jquery.ui.datepicker'], function () {
	$( document ).ready( MyTool.init );
} );

When a script depends on another module, such as oojs or mediawiki.util, you will need to declare this as a "dependency". This is because modules are loaded on-demand and asynchronously (in consecutive order: all at the same time), so a script needs to make sure a module has been loaded before it can use its methods. On-site modules, like gadgets, have a registry to declare these dependencies. For user scripts, one has to wrap code with mw.loader.using() .

While this has been required since 2011, many scripts have continued to work without declaring their dependencies. Scripts may have worked before by accident as long as at least one user script (that used the same methods) did declare their dependencies and happened to load earlier.

With MediaWiki 1.19, page view performance has been optimised to use fewer modules by default. This makes it increasingly more important to declare the dependencies. Otherwise, your script may fail because any of the 1000+ modules you might refer to in your code would not be loaded yet. Loading everything all the time would be much too slow.

The only two base modules that are always present are mediawiki and jquery.

In practice

Use mw.loader.using() to declare any modules that you need before executing the contents of "function". You can pass multiple modules as an array of strings.

mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util', 'oojs', 'jquery.cookie'], function () {

	/* some other script that uses $.cookie */

	/* some other script that uses mw.util and OO.EventEmitter() */

} );

Global wg variables

As of MediaWiki 1.17, the global config variables are deprecated. Rationale to clear the global namespace, working towards a reality where most of the core libraries will be object oriented as part of the mw object. Configuration is managed through an instance of mw.Map in mw.config. It is also supporting the behaviour of more script executing in their own local/private scope as opposed to the global scope.

Legacy globals will be kept for backwards compatibility, but people should start migrating so that they may removed in a future version of MediaWiki (T35837).

// One variable
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) === 'Search' ) {
	// Example for Special:Search

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgGlobalGroups', [] ).indexOf( 'global-rollbacker' ) !== -1 ) {
	// Example for users in the global group "global-rollbacker".

// Multiple variables
var conf = mw.config.get( [
] );
if ( conf.wgAction === 'edit' ) {
	console.log( 'Example when editing a page', config.wgScript );

More info: ResourceLoader/Default modules#mw.config

Ready, onload, hook

Check JavaScript deprecation overview for "addOnloadHook". Use $( function ); instead, or $( fn ); for short.

New CSS declarations in core

Headings overflow hidden

overflow:hidden for any of h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and/or h6 can be safely removed from stylesheets as this is now part of the core.

Italic redirects

Links to redirects now appear italicized by default on Special:AllPages, Special:PrefixIndex, Special:Watchlist/edit and in category listings. Overrides like the following are redundant and can be safely removed.

.watchlistredir {
 font-style: italic;


Per phab:T22276, input#wpSummary's width is now set in Vector as well (instead of just Monobook).

UsabilityInitiative no more

As of 1.17 the functionality developed by the UsabilityInitiative has been extracted to stand-alone extensions. Buttons like "#pt-optin-try" no longer exist. You can enable/disable these functions like other extensions via Special:Preferences.

Scripts and styles doing things like "HideUsabilityOptIn":

#pt-optin-try {
	display: none !important;

should therefore be deleted entirely as the button no longer exists.

Preformatted JS/CSS pages

It's no longer useful to wrap these pages in /* <pre> */ or // <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> etc. In newer versions of MediaWiki, these pages are rendered as code automatically (including syntax highlighting when available). See also T6801.

Table sorter

The old table sorter in wikibits.js was removed in favour of jquery.tablesorter.

Variables such as ts_alternate_row_colors, and functions like ts_parseFloat and ts_dateToSortKey no longer exist.

MediaWiki 1.16 and before


As of 2008, the importScript function commonly defined by communities locally became a built-in part of MediaWiki ("wikibits.js"). Wikis that previously defined this function themselves, are able to remove that. The new built-in function is automatically used. The same also applies to importStylesheet, importStylesheetURI and importScriptURI.

Note that importStylesheetURI and importScriptURI were subsequently deprecated in 2011 with MediaWiki 1.17, and disabled on mobile sites like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/. Use mw.loader.load instead.

As of 2008, the function addPortletLink is part of MediaWiki. Many wikis and gadgets have created functions like addLink, addLiLink, addlilink etc. these should be removed as they most likely don't support different skins (ie. only Monobook, not Vector or older skins). Be sure to check the syntax as there is no way of knowing the creator of those local functions used the same parameter order.

Note: The global function was deprecated in 2012 and moved to the mediawiki.util module as mw.util.addPortletLink()


As of 2008, the function appendCSS is part of MediaWiki. Wikis that have defined this function themselves may remove that. It will automatically use the new function.

Note: The global function was deprecated in 2012 and moved to the mediawiki.util module as mw.util.addCSS()

HTML bugs in core

html lang

This bugfix is obsolete as MediaWiki does this correctly by default. (example)

var htmlE = document.documentElement;
htmlE.setAttribute('lang', mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'));

CSS declarations new in core


The .wikitable CSS class is part of MediaWiki. Wikis that previously defined this class in their Common.css should remove it. Do check if the wiki has any customisations that should be retained (e.g. different background-color, or font-size).

The .plainlinks CSS class is part of MediaWiki. Wikis that previously defined this class in their Common.css should remove it.

Alternative names for this feature, that were in popular use on Wikimedia Foundation wikis, include: .plainlinksneverexpand and .nounderlines. Replace any usage on wiki pages "plainlinks", and afterward these alternate styles may also be removed. For example, use search and query for insource:plainlinksneverexpand.


The CSS classes .mw-plusminus-pos, .mw-plusminus-null, and .mw-plusminus-neg are now implemented by MediaWiki.

External URLs

Icons for protocols like HTTP, IRC, etc. and file types like PDF are now supported by MediaWiki.

Tooltip and accesskeys

Scripts like ta['pt-userpage'] = new Array('.','My user page'); are ignored. It was deprecated in 2009. The function akeytt() no longer exists. Tooltips and accesskeys are now supported from core. The most common values that wikis used with ta[] are the same that have now been integrated into the core (ie. "." for "my user page"). They can still be modified, if really needed, by sysops in MediaWiki-messages (no need for JavaScript workarounds anymore).

As of MediaWiki 1.19 the global dummy placeholder ta = new Object(); was removed from wikibits.js. Code trying to add members to it will likely emit an exception.

Best practices

The below are additional advices not related to a particular MediaWiki release, but rather general best practices.

Avoid document.write()

Do not use this method, as it can cause a page to become visually blanked. Instead, use jQuery to modify the document (adding elements, changing things etc.). To load external resources, use the import/loader functions instead.

Example: replace

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'
             + 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js'
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script>');



Event binding

Binding input events to callback functions can be hard to do in cross-browser compatible way for all browsers that MediaWiki supports.

It is recommended that you use jQuery for event binding. See the JavaScript deprecation overview on "addHandler" for examples.

Encoding and escaping

When working with regular expressions, user input and/or urls must always be encoded or escaped.


Do not extend native JavaScript constructors with non-standard methods (e.g. String.prototype.foobar, Regex.myMethod, Array.prototype.inArray etc.).

Such non-standard methods should be defined in your own namespace instead, for example MyThing.foobar, or using module.exports/require.


Before 2015, it was common for user scripts and gadgets to define fallback method for standard features of newer JavaScript engines. This is no longer needed in most cases, because the Base environment already ensures ES5 or later. This means ES5 methods such as String#trim and Array#forEach can be used directly.

Before MediaWiki 1.32, the es5-shim module was bundled with MediaWiki to automatically define polyfills if needed. It could be used like so:

// This using() command will immediately execute as "then()" in modern browsers.
// In older browsers, it loads es5-shim.js first, and then executes your "then()".
mw.loader.using( 'es5-shim').then( function () {
	console.log( '    bar    '.trim() ); // "bar"
	[ 'a', 'b' ].forEach( function ( val ) {
		/* .. */
	} );
} );

Getting URL parameter values

Functions like getURLParamValue, getParamVal, getParamValue, etc. are very common across wikis. Some are better than others (i.e. what if a parameter appears twice? (it should return the last one), does it ignore anything after the #tag?). As of 1.17 mw.util.getParamValue is available everywhere and takes these factors into account. Perform a full-text all-namespace search for these function names. If they are widely used perhaps make a note about it in the local village pump. Any site-wide scripts should be updated to use the mw.util function. If there are any serious problems with the local implementation (like not escaping the value for regex), it may be wise to redirect the function:

function getURLParamValue( p, url ) {
	return mw.util.getParamValue( p, url );

Avoid use of !important

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Cascading means what comes later overwrites what came earlier. In most cases there is no need to use !important. See the following example:

.my-element { color: blue; }
.my-element { color: green; }

Text inside <strong class="my-element"> will now be green.

Keep gadgets central

Use Meta.wikimedia.org or MediaWiki.org to store Gadgets' code, then import it into various local mediawiki.

Interface administrators: To update a gadget on your wiki:

  • Check MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition on your wiki and find the gadget in question.
  • The part after the pipe (|) is the scriptname (eg. "UTCLiveClock.js").
  • Go to MediaWiki:Gadget-<scriptname> (eg. MediaWiki:Gadget-UTCLiveClock.js)
  • Remove everything and replace with the code in they grey area below the scriptname in the list. For an example on how this is done, check out LiveClock on Simple Wikipedia.

Below is a list of gadgets that are :

  • centrally stored
  • compatible with 1.17
  • work in Monobook and Vector
  • can be loaded into any mediawiki, from WMF or external.


  • UTCLiveClock
  • contribsrange
  • modrollback
  • QPreview
  • ShortDiff
  • lastdiff Check Snippets/Last revision action
  • HotCat
 * This imports the latest version of HotCat from Commons.
 * HotCat is a gadget to make changes to categories much easier.
 * Full documentation can be found at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-HotCat
  • WikiMiniAtlas
 * WikiMiniAtlas is a popup click and drag world map.
 * See [[meta:WikiMiniAtlas]] for more information.
 * Maintainers: [[w:User:Dschwen]]
  • Navigation Popups (MediaWiki:Gadget-popups.js and MediaWiki:Gadget-popups.css respectively)
@import url('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-navpop.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css');

jQuery optimization

Use API instead of index.php

XML retrieved by invoking GET and POST methods on index.php is incompatible with HTML 5, which is the default as of 1.16 (and WMF sites since 17th of September, 2012). You should update code to use api.php, JSON format and jQuery.ajax immediately. Use the ResourceLoader modules that do this for you to simplify interactng with the API, including mediawiki.api.

A temporary fix for problems with DOM parsing of XML retrieved via AJAX: For example the method getElementById("foobar") on a XML object from Mozilla's DOMParser stopped to work as before. Replacing the getElementById with $('#foobar', client.responseText).get(0) might work without many other changes to your code. Updating your script to the above mentioned methods is strongly recommended, however.


See also