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پروژه:فضاهای‌ نام

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Project:Namespaces and the translation is 29% complete.

ساختار مطالب در MediaWiki.org

فضای نام پروانه مطالب مثال‌ها
آرم مدیاویکی
آرم مدیاویکی
اصلی CC BY-SA همۀ اطلاعات عمومی دربارۀ نرم‌افزار. مقدمه، توسعه‌دهندگان، تاریخچه، اطلاعات به‌روزرسانی، مطالب، خبر، پوسته‌ها/سبک‌های ویژه.
آرم مدیاویکی
آرم مدیاویکی
Manual: CC BY-SA All technical or more detailed stuff behind the surface, that is not part of the basic help pages (full handbook, mainly for people setting up their own wiki). Main and detailed parts of Meta's MW help, technical reference, configuration settings, hooks, ... (not including extensions).
Extensions logo
Extensions logo
Extension: CC BY-SA All extensions and directly related stuff. Extensions and tools, that are not part of the default MediaWiki distribution.
Project icon
Project icon
Project: CC BY-SA Organization of MediaWiki.org, this NS should be as small as possible. Hints for translation of the main introduction, coordination of pd help pages ...
PD Help icon
PD Help icon
Help: مالکیت عمومی Set of basic help pages for users of an existing wiki (formatting etc.) The first aim is a complete English version, that can be shipped with the MW distribution. Like Wikipedia's help: start a new page, formatting, insert a picture, use of simple tables, how to categorize, revert vandalism ...
NS:Help is thought to be a basic stand-alone help, this namespace must be coherent when it is ready, and should not contain any internal links other than to itself therefore. (still needed: T6469 -> extra sitenotice!)
NS:Manual can link to wherever; the basic help could be seen as a "small" addition to the full "manual".
All namespaces have an associated talk namespace, where related discussion is held.

تمام فضاهای‌نام در MediaWiki.org

Variables Alternate syntax Name, linked to list of all pages Notes
{{ns:-2}} {{ns:Media}} "Media" pseudo-namespace for images and other files themselves, as opposed to the image description pages; see also below
{{ns:-1}} {{ns:Special}} "Special" pseudo-namespace for special pages
- main main namespace, no prefix, or optionally a colon (this is needed when using the page as template)
{{ns:1}} {{ns:Talk}} Talk  
{{ns:2}} {{ns:User}} User logged-in users (list: Special:Listusers) have a personal page User:username (linked to by the system from lists of edits, page histories, and from signatures).
{{ns:3}} {{ns:User_talk}} User talk  
{{ns:4}} {{ns:Project}} Project the project namespace for matters about the project itself
{{ns:5}} {{ns:Project_talk}} Project talk  
{{ns:6}} {{ns:Image}} File images and other uploaded files, with image description pages
{{ns:7}} {{ns:Image_talk}} File talk  
{{ns:8}} {{ns:MediaWiki}} MediaWiki system messages, editable by sysops
{{ns:9}} {{ns:MediaWiki_talk}} MediaWiki talk  
{{ns:10}} {{ns:Template}} Template the default namespace for templates: the wikitext code {{name }} refers to and includes the page Template:name
{{ns:11}} {{ns:Template_talk}} Template talk  
{{ns:12}} {{ns:Help}} Help A general User's Guide, set of basic help pages.
This NS is in the public domain on MediaWiki.org.
{{ns:13}} {{ns:Help_talk}} Help talk  
{{ns:14}} {{ns:Category}} Category each page represents a category of pages, with each category page displaying a list of pages in that category and optional additional text.
{{ns:15}} {{ns:Category_talk}} Category talk  
{{ns:90}} {{ns:Thread}} Thread Extension:LiquidThreads
{{ns:91}} {{ns:Thread_talk}} Thread talk  
{{ns:92}} {{ns:Summary}} Summary Extension:LiquidThreads
{{ns:93}} {{ns:Summary_talk}} Summary talk  
{{ns:100}} {{ns:Manual}} Manual Manual pages, technical reference handbook
{{ns:101}} {{ns:Manual_talk}} Manual talk  
{{ns:102}} {{ns:Extension}} Extension Manual:افزودن ها
{{ns:103}} {{ns:Extension_talk}} Extension talk  
{{ns:104}} {{ns:API}} API Pages describing MediaWiki API
{{ns:105}} {{ns:API_talk}} API talk  
{{ns:106}} {{ns:Skin}} Skin Manual:پوسته‌ها
{{ns:107}} {{ns:Skin_talk}} Skin talk  
{{ns:486}} {{ns:Data}} Data Extension:JsonConfig
{{ns:487}} {{ns:Data_talk}} Data talk  
{{ns:828}} {{ns:Module}} Module پسوند: اسکریبونتو
{{ns:829}} {{ns:Module_talk}} Module talk  
{{ns:1198}} {{ns:Translations}} Translations اکستنشن:ترجمه
{{ns:1199}} {{ns:Translations_talk}} Translations talk  
{{ns:2600}} {{ns:Topic}} Topic Extension:StructuredDiscussions - allows users to watch individual Flow topic discussions