![]() Release status: stable |
Implementation | Tag , Parser function |
Description | Outputs a bulleted list of most recent items residing in a category, or an intersection of several categories. |
Author(s) | IlyaHaykinson and Amgine |
Latest version | Continuous updates |
Compatibility policy | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible. |
MediaWiki | 1.23+ |
PHP | 5.4+ |
Database changes | No |
License | GNU General Public License 2.0 or later |
Download | |
Example |
<DynamicPageList> |
Quarterly downloads | 0 |
Translate the DynamicPageList extension | |
Issues | Open tasks · Report a bug |
The DynamicPageList extension allows wiki users to create a list of pages that are listed in a set of categories.
[edit]It was originally developed for Wikinews. It is currently installed on most language Wikinews projects (see n:Wikinews:DynamicPageList), Meta, MediaWiki.org, and a few other small projects. It will not be installed on any more Wikimedia wikis due to performance issues.
This extension was previously known as DynamicPageList/old and later Intersection. You may also be interested in DynamicPageList3 , which has more features.
Installation and setup
[edit]- Download and move the extracted
folder to yourextensions/
Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/intersection - Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
wfLoadExtension( 'intersection' );
Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.
[edit]The extension also supports a couple of configuration variables. Normally you wouldn't want to change the default, but if you do you can add them to your LocalSettings.php
after wfLoadExtension( 'intersection' )
. Here is the supported configuration variables along with their default values:
# Configuration variables. Warning: These use DLP instead of DPL
# for historical reasons (pretend Dynamic list of pages)
$wgDLPmaxCategories = 6; // Maximum number of categories to look for
$wgDLPMaxResultCount = 200; // Maximum number of results to allow
$wgDLPAllowUnlimitedResults = false; // Allow unlimited results
$wgDLPAllowUnlimitedCategories = false; // Allow unlimited categories
// How long to cache pages using DPL's in seconds. Default to 1 day. Set to
// false to use the normal amount of page caching (most efficient), Set to 0 to disable
// cache altogether (inefficient, but results will never be outdated)
$wgDLPMaxCacheTime = 60*60*24; // How long to cache pages in seconds
[edit]DynamicPageList can be used with XML-like syntax in the wiki edit view. The parameters control the pages to list, order, and display mode. See the following sections for information on each parameter. For example, the following are the oldest five pages on this wiki that were recently moved to MediaWiki.org.
<DynamicPageList> category = Pages recently transferred from Meta count = 5 order = ascending addfirstcategorydate = true </DynamicPageList>
An example of a really complex DynamicPageList:
<DynamicPageList> category=foo count=20 namespace=file addfirstcategorydate=ymd imagewidth=70 galleryshowfilesize=yes galleryshowfilename=yes imagesperrow=7 gallerycaption=Galleries! ordermethod=sortkey order=ascending mode=gallery offset=12 </DynamicPageList>
Lists the 12th to the 31st pages in the file namespace that are also in category foo, formatting them into an image gallery, with the date they were added to category foo in the caption in year month day format, and having the images have a width of 70px
Page selection
[edit]category lists categories to intersect. DynamicPageList will list pages that are found in every category listed. A minimum and maximum number of entries to list is set in the extension's source code. You may use magic words like {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} in the category name.
The syntax is category = category name
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo category = Demo 1 </DynamicPageList>
[edit]notcategory restricts the list of pages to those not in a particular category. You can use magic words like {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} in the category name.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo notcategory = Demo 1 </DynamicPageList>
[edit]namespace restricts the list of pages specified above to those in a particular namespace, specified by name or number (see the List of default namespaces). Any invalid name is equivalent to the main article namespace.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo namespace = Help </DynamicPageList>
[edit]redirects determines whether or not to include redirect pages. The value can be exclude (default, don't list redirects), include (list redirects), or only (don't list pages that aren't redirects).
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo redirects = only </DynamicPageList>
[edit]stablepages determines whether or not to include stable (flagged) pages when using Extension:FlaggedRevisions . The value can be exclude (don't list), include (list stable and non-stable. default), or only (only list stable pages). Requires FlaggedRevs to be installed to work.
[edit]count restricts the number of results that are shown. By default, the pages added to the category most recently are shown (see order). Note that the extension will not list more results than the maximum defined in the extension source code.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo count = 2 </DynamicPageList>
[edit]offset starts the list from somewhere other than the first page on the list. For example, this can be used with count to make multi-column layouts.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo offset = 2 </DynamicPageList>
Column demo
<table> <tr><th colspan="3"> recent articles in [[:category:Demo|:category:Demo]]</th></tr> <tr><td> <DynamicPageList> category = Demo count=5 </DynamicPageList> </td> <td> <DynamicPageList> category = Demo offset = 5 count= 5 </DynamicPageList> </td> <td> <DynamicPageList> category = Demo offset = 10 count=5 </DynamicPageList> </td></tr></table>
Details displayed
[edit]shownamespace displays the namespace in the page names.
The value can be true
(default, display in name: Help:Contents ) or false
(don't display in name: Contents ).
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo shownamespace = false </DynamicPageList>
[edit]addfirstcategorydate shows the date each article was added to category. The value can be true (display date), false (default, don't display date), or a date specifier (ymd, md, dm, dmy, mdy, and ISO 8601). If many categories are specified, it uses the first category. The linked page names are prepended with the date formatted according to your local MediaWiki date display preferences.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo addfirstcategorydate = true </DynamicPageList>
[edit]mode determines the format of the list. The value can be:
- unordered — bulleted list
- ordered — numbered list
- none — plain links with line breaks
- gallery — image gallery, like
- inline — comma separated list
unordered: <DynamicPageList> category = Demo mode = unordered </DynamicPageList> ordered: <DynamicPageList> category = Demo mode = ordered </DynamicPageList> plain links: <DynamicPageList> category = Demo mode = none </DynamicPageList> inline: <DynamicPageList> category = Demo mode = inline </DynamicPageList>
[edit]Gallery is a special mode where the output is an image gallery. If Extension:PageImages is installed, then the page-image if one exists will be used for non-file pages. Otherwise non-File namespace pages will just be a blank space.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo mode = gallery namespace= file </DynamicPageList>
Gallery mode also supports the options imagewidth (how wide the images should be in gallery, you may need to also set imageheight if using this), imageheight (how high the image should be) galleryshowfilesize (show the image size, like on category pages), galleryshowfilename (show filename like on category pages), imagesperrow (number of images per row in gallery), gallerycaption (caption for gallery).
If addfirstcategorydate is in use, the date is appended to the caption of the image.
Note, gallerycaption at the moment cannot accept links. (but it can accept things like {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}})
A complex gallery example might be:
<DynamicPageList> count=20 namespace=file addfirstcategorydate=ymd imagewidth=70 galleryshowfilesize=yes galleryshowfilename=yes imagesperrow=7 gallerycaption=Look at my pretty gallery. mode=gallery shownamespace=false </DynamicPageList>
[edit]suppresserrors hides errors. The value can be true (hide errors) or false (default, show errors).
true: <DynamicPageList> category = Dem suppresserrors = true </DynamicPageList> false: <DynamicPageList> category = Dem suppresserrors = false </DynamicPageList>
[edit]nofollow sets rel="nofollow"
on the links.
This prevents spiders from getting to the page through the link from the DynamicPageList.
In general this is useless, as spiders will either be able to index the page from other links, or not at all due to robots.txt/$wgDefaultRobotPolicy .
In general you should not use this option unless you know what you are doing, and have a good reason.
The primary usecase is that on the English Wikinews, Google News considers anything linked from the main page to be an article.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo nofollow = true </DynamicPageList>
[edit]This is a hack for wikinews. Previously, Google News only considered articles with numbers in them to be news articles [1], so this appends ?dpl_id=<id of article> to the end of the urls on the list. You shouldn't use this option unless you have a good reason to (however it won't hurt anything). This replaces the showcurid option that is no longer supported.
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo googlehack = true </DynamicPageList>
[edit]ordermethod determines the order and date to display. The value can be:
- categoryadd — default, sort by date pages were categorised for first category
- lastedit — sort by date pages were last edited
- length — by article length
- created — by article creation date
- categorysortkey — essentially alphabetical order by the sort key of the first category
- sortkey — alias of categorysortkey
It should be noted, that lastedit really sorts by the last time the page was touched.
In some cases this is not equivalent to the last edit (for example, this includes permission changes, creation or deletion of linked pages, and alteration of contained templates).
If you do not specify a category, some of these order methods will not work—specifically, categoryadd and categorysortkey fallback to created if there is no category
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo addfirstcategorydate = true ordermethod = lastedit </DynamicPageList>
alphabetical example:
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo ordermethod = sortkey </DynamicPageList>
[edit]order decides the sort direction. The value can be descending (default, most recent to oldest) or ascending (oldest to most recent).
<DynamicPageList> category = Demo order = ascending </DynamicPageList>
[edit]To use inside a template and pass parameters, use parser functions etc., use the {{#tag:
{{#tag:DynamicPageList| category = {{{1}}} count = {{#if: {{{2|}}} | 10 | 20 }} ordermethod = sortkey order = ascending }}
The template page itself will display an error message because the category value is empty on the template page unless you put the template inside <includeonly>
tags. Example:
Error: You need to include at least one category, or specify a namespace!
Derived extensions
[edit]- Derived extensions: DPLforum outputs in forum style. Extension:GoogleNewsSitemap is like this but outputs an RSS feed. DynamicPageList3 is a modified version with more features, but also more resource-expensive. It is not used on Wikimedia's sites.
- Extension:DynamicPageListEngine - makes dynamic page lists available to Scribunto modules.
![]() | This extension is being used on one or more Wikimedia projects. This probably means that the extension is stable and works well enough to be used by such high-traffic websites. Look for this extension's name in Wikimedia's CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php configuration files to see where it's installed. A full list of the extensions installed on a particular wiki can be seen on the wiki's Special:Version page. |
![]() | This extension is included in the following wiki farms/hosts and/or packages: This is not an authoritative list. Some wiki farms/hosts and/or packages may contain this extension even if they are not listed here. Always check with your wiki farms/hosts or bundle to confirm. |
- Stable extensions
- Tag extensions
- Parser function extensions
- GPL licensed extensions
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control
- ParserFirstCallInit extensions
- All extensions
- Extensions used on Wikimedia
- Extensions included in Miraheze
- Extensions included in WikiForge
- Page content extensions
- Category intersection extensions