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This page is a translated version of the page BlueSpice and the translation is 35% complete.
MediaWiki-kiterjesztések kézikönyve
Kiadási állapot: stabil
Megvalósítás MyWiki , Notify, Lapművelet , Felület , Ajax
Leírás MediaWiki-disztribúció üzleti igényekhez
További információk…
Szerző(k) Hallo Welt! GmbH
Legfrissebb verzió 4.5.4 (2025/01/22)
Kompatibilitási irányelv For every MediaWiki release that is a Long Term Support release there is a corresponding branch in the extension.
MediaWiki csak 1.39.x
PHP 8.0.x
Adatbázis-változtatások Igen
Licenc GNU General Public License 3.0
Letöltés A BlueSpice hivatalos letöltési oldala

BlueSpice - Foundation :

BlueSpice - Extensions:

BlueSpice - Skin :

Release notes
Példa en.demo.bluespice.com (en), de.demo.bluespice.com (de)
Fordítsd le a(z) BlueSpice kiterjesztést
Problémák Nyitott feladatok · Hibajelentés

A BlueSpice nyílt forrású vállalati MediaWiki-disztribúció. It enhances MediaWiki, in particular in the following areas: quality management, process support, administration, rights management, editing, security, and social content. BlueSpice is used worldwide as a platform for collaborative knowledge management, as a knowledge base in customer support and as an uncomplicated tool for documentation and handbooks.


The development of the BlueSpice distributions serves the following goals:

  • To make MediaWiki available to less tech-savvy user groups: spreading MediaWiki's unique collaboration approach beyond Wikimedia by providing an open source solution for organizations and businesses as an alternative to proprietary systems.
  • To promote the open-source idea and culture: development under free licenses; faster, user-oriented development; transparent software development and increase of data security; and development of new ideas and approaches within a lively developer community
  • To solve well-known MediaWiki maintainer problems: reducing the effort of continuous maintenance of extensions; ensuring continuous development and bug fixing; integrating features (e.g., Semantic MediaWiki ); unifying the code base; improving acceptance through better usability, meeting compliance requirements (e.g., EU GDPR[1][2], accessibility); offering adaptability and scalability; providing continuous documentation.


Since 2015, BlueSpice development has been financed by a subscription model based on the models SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux. Within the framework of this model, different editions and service contracts are provided. A BlueSpice free kiadás a legkisebb, a kereskedelmi BlueSpice pro és BlueSpice farm további funkciókat tartalmaznak, melyek nagyobb vállalkozások szükségleteihez (kezelési rendszer, dokumentáció, kézikönyv, tudásbázis). De a kereskedelmi kiadások szoftverét is kiadték, és szabad licenc alatt van, így elérhető a MediaWiki-fejlesztői közösség számára.


Table editing
Table editing

Enhanced Editing Options
  • Insert magic words and tags in visual editing mode
  • Visual editing and styling of table properties, filterable tables
  • Több fájl feltöltése
  • Inline text-formatting options on highlighted text
Search center
Search center

Navigation & Search
  • Search quickly in titles, in full text, categories, namespaces and attached files (Office, PDF, etc.)
  • Filter the search results via facets
  • The fully revised navigation concept focuses on quick access to the most needed tools
Review workflow
Review workflow

Process Support & Quality Management
  • Create review workflows
  • Assign articles to specific editors
  • Set reminders
  • Create page drafts
Permission management
Permission management

Administration & Permissions Management
  • Manage users, groups and namespaces with an easy-to-use graphical interface
  • Connect your MediaWiki centrally to your LDAP server or Active Directory
Social content
Social content

Social Content
  • Additional discussion and blog functionalities
  • A timeline and notification system supports editorial processes
  • Add file attachments to any wiki page


A BlueSpice három változatban érhető el: free, pro és farm. Az összes BlueSpice-kiadás a MediaWikin alapul.

BlueSpice bundles numerous extensions. Many of them are written and maintained by Hallo Welt!. Besides this, there are many extensions from third-party developers part of the BlueSpice distribution. The current volume of the different distributions is described in the official BlueSpice software catalog.

BlueSpice free

BlueSpice free is an entry level solution for businesses, but it is also intended as a free ready-made solution for non-profit organizations. It adds lots of user-friendly features and supplements it with a multitude of helpful functions for teams and small businesses.

Ilyen funkciók például:

  • optimalizált felhasználói felület,
  • nagy teljesítményű keresés (Elasticsearch),
  • jogkezelés,
  • jobb rendszerbiztonság és
  • integrációs és csatlakozási lehetőségek API-n keresztül.

BlueSpice pro

BlueSpice pro is the business-critical solution with comprehensive functionalities, a growing number of available extensions and long-term support – updates and patches are also included. It is available as BlueSpice pro Cloud and On Premises.

A BlueSpice Freehez képest további funkciók például:

  • minőségbiztosítás,
  • working with approvals,
  • PDF manuals with export function,
  • semantic features for working with forms and meta information, and
  • a blog and comment function for team collaboration.

BlueSpice farm

BlueSpice farm is a scalable solution for creating and managing multiple wikis on one server.

The additional functions to BlueSpice pro includeː

  • one-click installation of new wiki instances
  • push & merge
  • nyelvválasztás
  • kiterjesztett keresés


A BlueSpice free az alábbi helyekről tölthető le:


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