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Project:Support desk

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Welcome to the MediaWiki Support desk. This is a place where you can ask any questions you have about installing, using or administrating the MediaWiki software.

(Read this message in a different language)

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  1. To help us answer your questions, please indicate which version of MediaWiki you are using, as found on your wiki's Special:Version page:
  2. If possible, add $wgShowExceptionDetails = true;error_reporting( -1 );ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); to LocalSettings.php in order to make MediaWiki show more detailed error messages.
  3. Please include the web address (URL) to your wiki if possible. It's often easier for us to identify the source of the problem if we can see the error directly.
  4. To start a new thread, click the box with the text "Start a new topic".

I need to delete a page

228coffee (talkcontribs)

the page about my son needs to be deleted. It is false information and is causing a lot of problems in the family

Leaderboard (talkcontribs)
Reply to "I need to delete a page"

لقد وجدت ثغرة اختراق

Abobakr515 (talkcontribs)

لقد وجدت ثغرة اختراق في موقعكم واريد التواصل معكم ل اخباركم عنها معلومات خاصة

Clump (talkcontribs)

Problem with URLs of thumbnails

Wbean43 (talkcontribs)

My site is version 1.40.1 and is in /var/www/html/site. Mediawiki and the images file is in /var/www/html/mediawiki-1.40.1. I have a symbolic link wiki->/var/www/html/mediawiki-1.40.1 in /var/www/html. My site httpd conf file includes the statement "Alias "/wiki" "/var/www/html/wiki"

When I upload an image the thumbnails are created properly under the images directory. When I try to display a thumbnail, using

File:Mass 6 12 2020.jpg
Massachusetts Covid-19 as of 6/12

the url for the image is given with the full file path: "https://site.org/var/www/html/wiki/images/thumb/4/45/Mass_6_12_2020.jpg/200px-Mass_6_12_2020.jpg"

I do not see why "/var/www/html" appears in this link? Without it I get the correct thumbnail. Any suggestions?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Please post your LocalSettings.php (excluding any passwords)

Reply to "Problem with URLs of thumbnails"
Jef-unc (talkcontribs)

Hi team,

I've installed mediawiki from the official download link (https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.41/mediawiki-1.41.1.tar.gz). Environment is PHP.8.2.19 and MySQL 8.2

All seems great until I try to switch language to French or Canadian French then comes a message

[ace29be1f11173093572d0ca] /index.php?title=Sp%C3%A9cial:Pr%C3%A9f%C3%A9rences&useskin=vector&wprov=vctw1 MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(882): Parser->lock()

#1 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(4821): Parser->preprocess('Votre page d\xE2\x80\x99...', Object(MediaWiki\Title\Title), Object(ParserOptions)) ....


from C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(6309)

#0 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(882): Parser->lock()

#1 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(4821): Parser->preprocess(string, MediaWiki\Title\Title, ParserOptions)

#2 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\MessageCache.php(1442): Parser->transformMsg(string, ParserOptions, MediaWiki\Title\Title)

#3 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1464): MessageCache->transform(string, boolean, Language, MediaWiki\Title\Title)

#4 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1011): Message->transformText(string)

#5 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1059): Message->format(string)

#6 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\linker\Linker.php(2207): Message->text()

Any idea ?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

What extensions do you have installed. Does it still happen if all extensions are disabled?

Does this only happen on Special:Preferences or all pages?

Jef-unc (talkcontribs)

No extension at all or default extensions brings the same result.

It seems to be the on every page and further the markups are not interpretated anymore (such as the sitename that renders as {{ SlTENAME }}and not the site name by itself)

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

By any chance does the error message go on longer than that?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Huh, you are the second person to report this issue. Both of you were using the french localization. I wonder if there is a MW bug here.

Jef-unc (talkcontribs)

Here is the complete error message. I've also tried with other skins than default and same result. I wonder about some issue with the Parser.php or with language data (bad escape sequences for apostrophs may be ?)

[b2f0906e38269c1116736832] /index.php/Accueil MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(882): Parser->lock()

#1 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\parser\Parser.php(4821): Parser->preprocess('Votre page d\xE2\x80\x99...', Object(MediaWiki\Title\Title), Object(ParserOptions))

#2 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\MessageCache.php(1442): Parser->transformMsg('Votre page d\xE2\x80\x99...', Object(ParserOptions), Object(MediaWiki\Title\Title))

#3 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1464): MessageCache->transform('Votre page d\xE2\x80\x99...', true, Object(Language), Object(MediaWiki\Title\Title))

#4 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1011): Message->transformText('Votre page d\xE2\x80\x99...')

#5 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\language\Message.php(1059): Message->format('text')

#6 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\linker\Linker.php(2207): Message->text()

#7 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\linker\Linker.php(2388): MediaWiki\Linker\Linker::titleAttrib('pt-userpage', Array, Array, Object(DerivativeContext))

#8 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentLink.php(236): MediaWiki\Linker\Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs('pt-userpage', Array, Array)

#9 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentLink.php(183): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentLink->applyLinkTitleAttribs(Array, true, Array)

#10 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentLink.php(254): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentLink->makeLink('userpage', Array, Array)

#11 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentListItem.php(170): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentLink->getTemplateData()

#12 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentListItem.php(221): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentListItem->makeListItem('userpage', Array, Array, Array)

#13 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\components\SkinComponentMenu.php(166): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentListItem->getTemplateData()

#14 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\Skin.php(2470): MediaWiki\Skin\SkinComponentMenu->getTemplateData()

#15 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\SkinTemplate.php(641): Skin->getPortletData('user-page', Array)

#16 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\SkinTemplate.php(181): SkinTemplate->getPortletsTemplateData()

#17 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\SkinMustache.php(125): SkinTemplate->getTemplateData()

#18 C:\www\mediawiki\skins\Vector\includes\SkinVector22.php(329): SkinMustache->getTemplateData()

#19 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\SkinMustache.php(92): MediaWiki\Skins\Vector\SkinVector22->getTemplateData()

#20 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\skins\SkinTemplate.php(174): SkinMustache->generateHTML()

#21 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\Output\OutputPage.php(2947): SkinTemplate->outputPage()

#22 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\MediaWiki.php(978): MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage->output(true)

#23 C:\www\mediawiki\includes\MediaWiki.php(613): MediaWiki->main()

#24 C:\www\mediawiki\index.php(50): MediaWiki->run()

#25 C:\www\mediawiki\index.php(46): wfIndexMain()

#26 {main}

Reply to "Fatal error"
2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:512D:41C:6D44:DFFF (talkcontribs)

Hello everyone !

I recently installed mediawiki with the 'Parser' extension.

But when I try to log in to my wiki, I get this error :

"[ZkDhPaXGad5SVb3nIP2RQAAAAAM] /wiki_test2/index.php?title=Accueil MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 /var/www/alternc/t/titouan/www/queernet.xyz/wiki_test2/includes/parser/Parser.php(882): Parser->lock()"

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this ?

Thanks :)

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I have never heard of an extension named "Parser". Presumably the extension is broken.

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:512D:41C:6D44:DFFF (talkcontribs)

i think the extension is called ParserFunctions. its under the Syntax Analyser Add-ons options when you install mediawiki

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

There is a very big difference between "Parser" and "ParserFunctions".

Normally the error message should be longer then that. The rest of the error message likely provides information on the cause of the problem.

Syntax Analyzer Add-ons is not a product we make (nor have i ever heard of it). If you are having trouble with a third party distribution of MediaWiki, consider using the official version at Download. The amount of help we can provide for unofficial distributions made by third parties is limited.

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:2D10:2604:D876:5217 (talkcontribs)


I don't think this is a third party issue since I downloaded via the official mediawiki site. However I might have gotten the name of the categories wrong since I installed it in French (it was called 'greffons d'analyseur syntaxique') and I'm not sure what the English name is.

The whole error message is pretty long so I'm going to spilt it to avoid getting blocked. Here is the first part :

[ZkIaXNlSSMkzRXDjL4XVsgAAACk] /wiki_test2/index.php?title=Accueil MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 /var/www/alternc/t/titouan/www/queernet.xyz/wiki_test2/includes/parser/Parser.php(882): Parser->lock()

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:2D10:2604:D876:5217 (talkcontribs)
Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I did not get the error when going to your site (maybe it only happens if not logged in), but the image of the error was what i needed.

I think its unlikely that this error has anything to do with the ParserFunctions extension.

Can you double check to make sure that your version of vector skin is the correct version for your wiki? Does the error message happen on other skins too or just vector?

If that doesn't work, i would suggest disabling all skins & extensions, then re-enabling them one by one to see if a specific extension/skin is causing it.

P.s. if there is something you're not sure what the english name of is, just also include the french name.

Titouan315 (talkcontribs)

Hi !

Sorry for getting back to you after so much time.

It is indeed only when you log in that you get the error.

I have tried changing skins and the error persits with every skin.

I have also tried disabling all extensions but even with all of them disabled, I was still getting the error.

I have also tried downloading media wiki again without extensions but that didn't work either.

Do you have any other idea as to what might cause the issue?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Weird, you are the second person to report this , both on the french localization. Maybe there is a MediaWiki bug here.

Reply to "parser error"

Block Video Uploads for Non Admins - Extension Troubleshooting

Kimmywingz (talkcontribs)


I am working on a custom extension that would only allow admin users to upload video files, the extension is enabled and appears under Special:Version. The permission also appears under the correct category under Special:ListGroupRights.

However, when I attempt to upload a video (mp4) under Special:Upload, it goes through.

I just enabled error reporting / showExceptionDetails / debugToolbar / ShowDebug / DevelopmentWarnings and added print statements to my extension file, but I am not seeing any indicators that it's trying to work but is failing.

I am hoping somebody could point me in the right direction on how to debug this more efficiently or offer insight into the problem. Thank you for your time and expertise.

In the PHP file:

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\VideoPermissions;

use MediaWiki\Hook\UploadVerifyUploadHook;

use User;

use UploadBase;

class PermissionCheck implements UploadVerifyUploadHook {

public function onUploadVerifyUpload (UploadBase $upload, User $user, ?array $props, $comment, $pageText, &$error) {

$file = $upload->getLocalFile();

if ($file->getMediaType() !== MEDIATYPE_VIDEO) {


} else {

$title = $upload->getTitle();

if ($user->definitelyCan('videopermission-allow', $title)) {

} else {

$error = 'videopermission-no-perm-to-upload';

return false;


in the extension.json file:

"AvailableRights": ["videopermissions-allow"],

"GroupPermissions": {"sysop": {

"videopermissions-allow": true


"Hooks": {"UploadVerifyUpload": "main"


"HookHandlers": {"main": {

"class": "\\MediaWiki\\Extension\\VideoPermissions\\PermissionCheck"


Bawolff (talkcontribs)

So, first of all, print() (and echo) won't work in mediawiki due to output buffering. Always use var_dump() if you want to output something for debugging purposes to the page (or if you want to output to the debug log, use the debug logging system. You can use wfDebug() as a one off, or add a LoggerFactory as a dependency if you want to do it more properly for longer lived code). I personally tend to use var_dump() for one off debugging instead of debug log system, as i find it easier, but its a matter of personal preference.

One thing to note is that in workflows where a POST request is made, processing happens, and then the user is redirected to a different page, the debug messages will be associated with the redirect not the target. I believe that upload processing is one such example of this. In these cases wgDebugToolbar and var_dump wont work (a hack sometimes used is to follow var_dump() immediately by die() to stop processing). In such a case i reccomend setting $wgDebugLogFile to some file and then using wfDebug() for debugging. That way you wont miss the debug messages on redirects.

Based on your description it sounds like permissions are being setup correctly, but the hook is not firing. My suggestion would be to verify if that is true, by putting wfDebug("HERE"); as the first line of your onUploadVerifyUpload function and checking the debug log file to see if it is called at all. If it is being called then i would suggest recording the values of various conditions variables to ensure they match what you think they should be.

Another thing to check - i'm not sure at what point this hook is called. Determining media type is part of file verification. Possibly this hook happens before the file object knows the file is a video. If so, you might have better luck using the $props array passed to the hook. I believe it should also have media type information.

Kimmywingz (talkcontribs)

@Bawolff Thank you for that information. I think you are correct that the hook doesn't know the file object is a video. You mentioned using the $props array, so I tried this (I also switched around the permissions so users were defaulted to not having video permission and admin users did) and it seems to get the file information, however it makes it so no users can upload videos (but they can upload other types of files). I have also tried definitelyCan vs isAllowed (same results). I have also switched up the logic (same results).

class PermissionCheck implements UploadVerifyUploadHook {

public function onUploadVerifyUpload (UploadBase $upload, User $user, ?array $props, $comment, $pageText, &$error) {

if ($props['mime'] === 'video/mp4' && $user->isAllowed('not-upload-videos')) 

$error = 'videopermission-no-perm-to-upload';

return false;

Other variation:

if ($props['mime'] !== 'video/mp4') {


} else {

$title = $upload->getTitle();

if ($user->definitelyCan('not-upload-videos', $title)) {

$error = 'videopermission-no-perm-to-upload';

return false;

Any thoughts you have would be most welcomed.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Hmm. Are you sure permissions are set up correctly (e.g. the list on Special:listGroupRights matches what you expect, and admins really do have the correct permission)?

Kimmywingz (talkcontribs)

@Bawolff It was totally the permissions! I tried it with both permission - the ability to allow video uploads and a permission to not allow them and IT WORKED!!!!! My first extensions, so awesome!! Thank you for your guidance!!!

Kimmywingz (talkcontribs)

Incase the code is useful for anybody else. I gave videopermissions-allow to admin and not-upload-videos to all users

class PermissionCheck implements UploadVerifyUploadHook {
    public function onUploadVerifyUpload (UploadBase $upload, User $user, ?array $props, $comment, $pageText, &$error) {
        $title = $upload->getTitle();
        if ($props['mime'] !== 'video/mp4' || $user->definitelyCan('videopermissions-allow', $title)) {
        } else {
            if ($user->definitelyCan('not-upload-videos', $title)) {
                $error = 'videopermission-no-perm-to-upload';
                return false;
Reply to "Block Video Uploads for Non Admins - Extension Troubleshooting"

Problem making account

2 (talkcontribs)

Hello I try to make account at your page but I don’t understand this question, tree letters in English alphabet? I tried to answer ABC But it’s incorrect, what is the answer then? It is impossible to make account if it’s not this answer I think

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

This probably isn't our website. You would have to contact the pwner of the website in question.

Reply to "Problem making account"

I am blocked, a novice user here.

Harshadsubhash (talkcontribs)

Dear Administrators,

I am trying to use my account after a very long while from date of creation.

I wish to translate as well as edit a few pages for wiki.

First, I recovered my password and then tried to have a look at the preferences.

When I try to actually start working for a page on wikipedia, I cannot login. and I see a message that my IP is blocked all of a sudden. (The expiration of blockage is in 2026)

Please help me to resolve this.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Hello. This is a separate site from Wikipedia, so we cannot help with blocks as they are handled at Wikipedia.

However, please see the instructions at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block#Requesting_to_be_unblocked for how to appeal your block (Assuming this is for the english language wikipedia. Each language has a different process). Sometimes people get blocked accidentally when admins try to block someone else, which may be what happened here.

Reply to "I am blocked, a novice user here."

Reporting a hateful & offensive wiki that you guys seem to be hosting.

Regardance53409 (talkcontribs)

Hello. I have a serious matter to address. Apparently, there's this wiki called BonziPEDIA (https://wiki.bonziworld.org/Main_Page) which hosts gore, doxxes (like name leaking), misinformation to put innocents down. Take a look. Please do something about it like deleting, or having the wrongful pages deleted/changed, because it takes a toll on their lives. It really, really concerns me. Thanks in advance.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

We do not manage that website. Everyone can use the MediaWiki software and host their own copy of it, we do not control them.

Please contact the website author, website hoster or, in extreme circumstances, your local authorities.

Reply to "Reporting a hateful & offensive wiki that you guys seem to be hosting."
Stepperlink (talkcontribs)

I know this has come up from time to time on the forums but wanted to bring it up again since I have a couple of NEMA 23 steppers and controllers just laying around. The main factor with being able to run the machines faster is cutting power (mix between the steppers and the router/spindle) and the rigidity of the machine. It seems that with the 76 oz-in stepper motors, the machine is limited to about 10-15 mm/s and about a 1-3 mm DOC (highly dependent upon the material). Anything more and you are at risk of losing steps. For a large machine like the LowRider, it would be advantageous to boost up the cutting power if the rigidity allows for it. I imagine the Dewalt 611 has enough cutting power to allow for faster speeds so that leaves the size of the steppers.

I would place NEMA 23s on the X and Dual Y axis. Dual Z Axis will remain NEMA 17 (it seems more than enough power there).

Has anyone started a mod for installing NEMA 23 stepper motors on the LowRider? I have started some initial designs for the plates and am working to fit a NEMA 23. I mainly wanted to see what people think about it and if there has been any work on the subject.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

This is the support forum for the MediaWiki software stack. We have no knowledge of NEMA 23. You likely are not in the right location.

Reply to "VIEWS OF NEMA 23"