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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20181119

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • November 19 - Jeena's start date
  • November 21 - Dan vacation (road trip!)
  • November 22+23 - Holidays (Thanksgiving)
  • November 25-december 2nd: Mukunda vacation (in California ahead of the offsite)
  • Week of December 3rd - Team offsite
  • December 24-28 - Holidays (Christmas)

Rotating positions



Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R
  • Oct 08 - wmf.25 - Dan (No train due to DC switchover)
  • Oct 15 - wmf.26 - Mukunda (last 1.32 wmf.XX release, 1.33 starts the next week)
  • Oct 22 - wmf.1 - Mukunda (warning, TechConf happening, ping Greg if you need responses from anyone there...)
  • Oct 29 - wmf.2 - Tyler
  • Nov 05 - wmf.3 - Tyler
  • Nov 12 - wmf.4 - Antoine
  • Nov 19 - wmf.5 - No Train (Thanksgiving) <----
  • Nov 26 - wmf.6 - Antoine
  • Dec 03 - wmf.7 - No Train (Offsite)
  • Dec 10 - wmf.8 - Zeljko
  • Dec 17 - wmf.9 - Zeljko
  • Dec 24 - wmf.10 - No Train (Holiday break)
  • Dec 31 - wmf.11 - No Train (Holiday break)
  • Jan 07 - wmf.12 - Dan
  • Jan 14 - wmf.13 - Dan
  • Jan 21 - wmf.14 - Mukunda
  • Jan 28 - wmf.15 - No Train (All Hands)
  • Feb 04 - wmf.16 - Mukunda
  • Feb 11 - wmf.17 - Tyler
  • Feb 18 - wmf.18 - Tyler
  • Feb 25 - wmf.19 - Antoine


  • Zeljko for ever :)

Team Business


Welcome Jeena!

  • Hi Jeena :)
    • Welcome!

December Offsite



Activity decision: Both the Aquarium of the Pacific and the USS Iowa on Friday.

All Hands


OMG Surveys

  • Engagement survey
    • Please take it! :) You should have an email from "Culture Amp".

Incoming Triage/Needs attention

  • deploy1001:/srv/mediawiki out of date?
    • https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T207602
    • Found because the Security team noticed that a previously deployed security patch was no longer deployed, should sync up with them this week about that (Reedy or Brian)
    • See: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T207600
    • 2018-10-22: no idea, thcipriani will look, I guess
    • 2018-10-29: scap updated, needs release this week
    • 2018-11-05:
      • Need to poke Reedy re:T207600
      • scap still needs release - mukunda will take care of it
    • 2018-11-19:

  • deployment-prep region migration
    • See email with same subject on releng@lists
    • Question: incrementally or not?
      • looks like "however Andrew wants to do it"
      • REMINDER: send an email update to wikitech-l@/qa@ with the planned timeline/outage
      • 2018-10-29: ACTION: Tyler to reply saying "take it away, andrew, and when are you going to do it?"
      • 2018-11-05: Email response Yes Done -- blocking task from Krenair https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208101 -- Dan and Mukunda graciously volunteered ;)
    • 2018-11-19: squeeze in the migration this week? Yes. Mukunda to work on that with Andrew and use paring with Tyler to discuss any breakages.

  • Migrate the Integration cloud project to eqiad1-r
    • https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208803
    • 2018-11-12: Need a point person to work with Andrew on this
    • 2018-11-19: Tyler and Andrew migrated a few, no issues so far. integration-publishing migrated. castor02 can be migrated the same ways as other slaves, culprit might happen see task for details.
  • Migrate the contintcloud cloud project to eqiad1-r
    • Nodepool stopped on Thursday. Antoine asked for project to be deleted.

Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

Incoming from last week

  • Blocking: nothing...

Outgoing this week (wrong section heading is on purpose for copy/pasting into Scrum of Scrums etherpad


Release Engineering




Train status and happenings


Quarterly Goals for Q2


TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Release MediaWiki 1.32
WHO: Mukunda, (Tyler on backup)
  • 2018-11-05: Mukunda to release MediaWiki 1.32 RC.0
    • rc.0 Done

TEC1 (Maint): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Determine the procedure and requirements for an automated MediaWiki branch cut.
WHO: Mukunda, Tyler, Antoine
  • mukunda + tyler to pair on deploy notes this week

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 1 / Output 1.2

GOAL: Formalize the collection of CI infrastructure and tooling metrics
WHO: Dan, Antoine

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 2 / Output 2.3

GOAL: Develop set of metrics to assess incident reports/post mortems - task T206622
WHO: Greg, Zeljko

TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcome 3 / Output 3.1

Adopt more services into Deployment pipeline - task T205919
Migrate graphoid to the Deployment pipeline
Deploy zotero v2 to the Deployment pipeline
Deploy blubberoid
WHO: Dan, Tyler, Lars
  • Lars created blubber production variant blubber file!
  • Saw movement on zotero this weekend, to prod this week
  • graphoid -- thcipriani to poke this week

TEC12 (DevProd): Outcome 2 / Output 2.1

GOAL: The Annual Developer Productivity Survey results are synthesized and shared, creating a first year baseline.
WHO: Mukunda, Greg
  • 2018-11-13:
    • 45 responses so far
      • 35 from staff
      • 9 volunteer
      • 1 other / 3rd party
    • Overall Satisfaction:
      • Local Development: 3.37 / 5 (67%)
      • Beta Cluster: 3.51 / 5 (70%)
      • Testing: 3.37 / 5 (67%)
      • Code Review: 3.37 / 5 (67%)
      • Deployments 4.0 / 5 (80%)
      • Production Systems: 4.0 / 5 (80%)
      • Tools: 4.0 / 5 (80%)
      • Documentation: 3.1 / 5 (62%)
    • Lots of good feedback given
    • I'm very happy with the results of this survey.

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 1 / Output 1.1

GOAL: Update/refresh review queue (review process for initial code deployment)

No activitiy.

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 2 / Output 2.2

GOAL: 5 of the 15 prioritized repositories have at least 1 end-to-end test - task T206621
WHO: Zeljko

Top 15 defined. Deeper dive into data to see if it supports other course of action.

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 2 / Output 2.3

GOAL: Assess Platform unit test practices and define improvement plan
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

Planned working session with Corey/Cindy Review Unit testing activities of Core

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 3 / Output 3.2

GOAL: Core Platform and Search Platform teams are using TDM PoC
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

Planned working session with Corey/Cindy

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 3 / Output 3.4

Identify key Tech Debt areas
Put in place Tech Debt management process for PEP
WHO: JR, Core Platform Team

Planned working session with Corey/Cindy

TEC13 (Code Health): Outcome 4 / Output 4.1

GOAL: Metrics defined and deployed for all 4 Code Health areas.
WHO: JR, Code Health Metrics Working Group

Post-merge SonarQube scanner setup and running.

Other non-goal work


TEC3 (Pipeline): Outcume 2 / Output 2.3

GOAL: Outline options for managing incident reports creation, follow-ups, and analysis
WHO: Greg, Mukunda, Zeljko
Task: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T208632
  • 2018-11-05: mukunda to make some comments
















  • What I plan to do this week
    • Maintenance
    • Doc about MediaWiki extensions testing. Hoping to publish draft by end of week
    • (stretch) fill tasks to migrate jobs from the old legacy Jenkins slaves
    • (stretch) push to get Nodepool decomissioned entirely
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Magic?!
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Prometheus! (for realz)
    • Be Jeena's onboarding buddy
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Knowing stuff
    • Being gone on Wednesday
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Onboarding :)
    • some workboard grooming (is a hope/desire)
    • Staging discussion tomorrow morning at 7am
      • warning on future meeting with Victoria
    • Review Zeljko's blog post
  • What I'm blocked on
    • determining when I should head back south/home :)
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Code Health Newsletter
    • RoO/Review queue
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Not blocked, but needed to postpone work with Core Platform Team to next week.
  • Other?




  • What I plan to do this week
    • Blubberfile for Blubber
    • Try to understand how Blubberoid could be deployed via delivery pipeline
  • What I'm blocked on
    • nada
  • Other?
    • nada


  • What I plan to do this week
    • Help andrewbogot with moving deployment-prep to the new cloud region
    • Assuming the above goes smoothly, release mediawiki 1.32.0-rc.1
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • pairing with Jeena if she has time this week
      • GPG signing and pwstore setup
    • Pipeline image versioning update
    • Graphoid poking
      • Move to no-helm-test pipeline to create base image post merge
    • Pairing on deploy notes
    • Gerrit 2.16 stable branch
    • Patches for docker on releases-jenkins
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I plan to do this week
    • T199133 Find top 15 target projects that could use Selenium tests to prevent incidents
      • You'll know more than you want to know by the end of the meeting
    • T207046 Code health metrics spike
      • I might need somebody's help (Antoine?) on Gerrit bots
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart