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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20180115

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • Jan 15 (Mon): Martin Luther King Day (All US Staff)
  • Jan 22/23: Dev Summit
  • Jan 24: Tech Management F2F
  • Jan 25/26: WMF All Hands
  • Jan 29-31: Team offsite
  • Feb 19 (Mon): President's Day (All US Staff)
  • Mar 30 (Fri): WMF Holiday
  • April 14 (Fri): WMF Holiday
  • May 15?/16/17: Team offsite in Barcelona
  • May 18-20: Wikimedia Hackathon in Barcelona
  • May 21 (Mon): Tech-Mgt F2F

Team Business


Rotating positions and absences


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R

Jan 15 and Jan 22

  • Train: Tyler
  • SoS: Mukunda
  • Out
    • Jan 15 (Mon): Martin Luther King Day (All US Staff)
    • Jan 22/23: Dev Summit
    • Jan 24: Tech Management F2F
    • Jan 25/26: WMF All Hands

Jan 29 and Feb 05

  • Train: Chad
  • SoS: Tyler
  • Out
    • Jan 29-31: Team offsite

Feb 12 and Feb 19

  • Train: Mukunda
  • SoS: Chad
  • Out:
    • Feb 19 (Mon): President's Day (All US Staff)

Actions from last meeting


Scrum of Scrums

Greg to copy to etherpad after meeting: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Scrum-of-Scrums

This week


Release Engineering


Last week

  • Blocking
    • None?
  • Blocked
    • ops: zuul package update (blocks gerrit upgrade)
    • ops: node-tunnel-agent package update (blocks moving node testing to docker in ci)
  • Updates
    • 2 weeks of normal MediaWiki deploys (this and next) followed by 2 weeks of no MediaWiki but SWATs as needed (DevSummit/All Hands followed by RelEng team offsite)
    • Currently building nightlies of Mediawiki on the new “releases” (aka non-CI) Jenkins host. Working with Security on best way to handle security patches (which is the goal, to ensure security patches stay cleanly applicable).

Puppet SWAT

list of patches you want to submit to Puppet SWAT

Logspam \ Last week's train updates

** The problem was apparently fixed on Friday but it missed the window of opportunity for deploying the fix during the week.
** Monday was a US holiday
** Therefore, 1.31.0-wmf.16 is finally to be deployed on Tusday January 16th just as wmf.17 is being cut from master.

Other Team Business


Q3 goal/project check-in

All of it in table form: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Release_Engineering_Team/Goals/201718Q3

Quarterly Goals


Program 1: Outcome 5: Milestone 1: Develop and migrate to a JavaScript-based browser testing stack

Due: End of this quarter
What: Specific improvements to the now canonical framework, see: task T182421, notably:
Upgrade webdriverIO to version 4.9
Investigate replacing nodemw with mwbot
Video recording for Selenium tests in Node.js
Task: T182421

Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure

Draft requirements for a Kubernetes based solution for CI - T183513
Migrate MediaWiki PHPUnit tests to Shipyard (docker-based CI) (~40% of Nodepool usage) - T183512
Unify production and CI docker image build process - T177276

  • <insert here>

Program 3: Outcome 1: Objective 2: Identify and find stewards for high-priority/high use code segment orphans

Due: End of quarter
  • SLAs defintion
    • the SLA structure is currently dependent on task/bug priority. As this is not a consistently used attribute, basing SLAs on it could be problematic. Started dialog with Andre to see what alternatives we might have (such as severity) to segment the bugs into manageable sizes.
  • Stewardship definition is being reviewed by Toby and Victoria. Desire is to get their support in rolling this out across WMF.

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Define and implement a process to regularly address technical debt across the Foundation

Due: End of quarter
  • restarted work on TechDebt blog post series. Targeting 1/18 for review and following week for publish.

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 3: Promote and surface important technical debt topics at large gatherings of Wikimedia developers (e.g., DevSummit and Hackathon(s))

Due: End of next quarter

no progress

Program 6: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline

Due: End of this quarter
Keyword: SSD
phab project: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/2453/
Verify basic functionality of 'production' deployment and image (initially targeting mathoid):
Functional PoC within integration in the deployment-pipeline
Deploy to isolated k8s
  • Minikube packaging going slowly but happening (may need to pair with Dan at some point)

Quaterly non-goal "Work"


Program 1: Outcome 1: Objective 1: Scap (Tech Debt Sprint FY201718-Q2)


Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure


Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 1: Maintain Gerrit


Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 2: Maintain Phabricator

Streamline logspam workflows by adding some integration with phabricator
Store git-lfs (and other phab uploads) in swift: T182085

Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: MW Nightlies server


Other work

*New service reviews and the review queue
**One of the outcomes of a recent post portem review meeting was the desire to better understand what we currently due to review new components/extensions/services prior to their first deployment to production.  In addition to the initial review, I am also investigating what ongoing reviews are done to deployed components/extensions/services.  
*** Started conversation with Marko and Daniel on this topic.  Goal is to see if "active stewardship" should be one of the pre-deployment requirements.



Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart