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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20171211

From mediawiki.org



Vacations/Important dates

How to do it
  • December Fridays - Greg is taking off
  • December 20-22: Dan - holiday
  • December 25 (Monday): Željko - holiday (Christmas Day)
  • December 26 (Tuesday): Željko - holiday (St Stephen's Day)
  • Dec 25-Jan 1 - End of year/new year holidays
  • January 1 (Monday): Željko - holiday (New Year's Day)

Team Business


Rotating positions and absences


Maniphest query for deployment blocker tasks: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/?project=PHID-PROJ-fmcvjrkfvvzz3gxavs3a&statuses=open%28%29&group=none&order=newest#R

Dec 4 and Dec 11

  • Train: Chad
  • SoS: Mukunda
  • Out
    • Dec 4th (Monday): Antoine

Dec 18 and Dec 25

  • Train: NO ONE!
  • SoS: Chad
  • Out:
    • Dec 25-Jan 1 - End of year/new year holidays
    • December 25 (Monday): Željko - holiday (Christmas Day)
    • December 26 (Tuesday): Željko - holiday (St Stephen's Day)
    • Antoine - not sure yet of the exact dates

Jan 1 and Jan 8

  • Train: Mukunda
  • SoS: Tyler
  • Out:
    • January 1 (Monday): Holiday, everyone

Actions from last meeting


Scrum of Scrums


This week


Release Engineering

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • [MW Train] Reminder! This is your last week of deployments for the year/quarter! No non-emergency deploys starts the week of December 18th.
    • [Meta] Q3 goal planning
    • [Security/Ruby] T180878 Upgrade RuboCop and Rubyzip (Ruby)
      • All done except for Minerva (needs a +2) and mediawiki/debian (unsure if needed).
    • [Security/Jenkins] Upgraded a bunch of Jenkins plugins Monday morning EU time (after a bunch of security releases).
    • [Phabricator] Exploring the use of Selenium tests for search quality regressions
    • [TechDebt] Getting further on the definition of “steward”. We will be talking with Victoria and Toby “soon”.
    • [SSD] One more merge (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/395570/) and our quarterly goals are complete.
    • [PostMortem] ORES post-mortem completed last week: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Post-Mortem-T181006

Last week

  • Blocking
  • Blocked
  • Updates
    • [MW Train] Reminder! This is your last few weeks of deployments for the year/quarter! No non-emergency deploys starts the week of December 18th. [wiki][email]
    • [MW Train] The post mortem for T181006 (Watchlist and RecentChanges failure due to ORES on frwiki and ruwiki) is scheduled for December 7th.
    • #mw-1.30-release MediaWiki 1.30 is about to be released in the next few days, so last call for any blockers people might have...you know...forgotten

Puppet SWAT

list of patches you want to submit to Puppet SWAT

Logspam \ Last week's train updates


Other Team Business


Q3 goals! :) :)


Program 1: webdriver.io
  • T182421 Selenium framework improvements
    • Things to do in the next quarter.
Program 3: Tech Debt

Outcome 1

  • Objective 2: Identify and find stewards for high-priority/high use code segment orphans - task T174091
  • Objective 3: Define and steward a light-weight process for adopting or orphaning/sunsetting products and infrastructure.
    • This is done by the Sunsetting working group

Outcome 2

  • Objective 2: Define and implement a process to regularly address technical debt across the Foundation
  • Objective 3: Promote and surface important technical debt topics at large gatherings of Wikimedia developers (e.g., DevSummit and Hackathon(s))

Program 6: SSD
  • Pre-Dependency on Ops:
    • CI k8s cluster for the Verify pipeline stage

Program 1: Outcome 1: Objective 1: Scap (Tech Debt Sprint FY201718-Q2) =

Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure =
Goal: A generalized POC for a docker-based CI.
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/3008/ (shipyard workboard)
  • Draft requirements for a CI k8s cluster in preparation for Ops to create it in the following quarter(ish)
  • Nodepool deprecation: npm and php jobs, but there will be a long tail of corner case jobs
Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: MW Nightlies server
  • chad point on this, bulk of time
  • Sam Reed and Chad will work on setting it up this week

Q2 goal/project check-in

All of it in table form: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Release_Engineering_Team/Goals/201718Q2

Quarterly Goals


Program 1: Outcome 5: Milestone 1: Migrate majority of developers to JavaScript based browser test framework (webdriver.io)

Due: End of this quarter
Quarter Goal Task: Port Selenium tests from Ruby to Node.js - task T139740

  • T139740 Port Selenium tests from Ruby to Node.js
    • Progress. Flow deleted tests. :|
  • T180777 Move portal deployment artifacts into their own repo
    • wikimedia/portals/deploy has Selenium tests!
  • T182160 Develop tests for phabricator search to detect regressions / search quality issues
    • Selenium tests for Phabricator search

Program 3: Outcome 1: Objective 1: Define a set of code stewardship levels (from high to low expectations)

Due: End of this quarter
Quatertly Goal task: - task T174090
  • Had additional discussions regarding the definition of stewards vs owners.
    • Final updates will be complete this week.
  • Worked on discussion points for meeting with Toby and Victoria
    • Path to completion is review with Toby and Victoria and then broader discussion with engineering managers and leagues.

Program 3: Outcome 1: Objective 2: Identify and find stewards for high-priority/high use code segment orphans

Due: End of next quarter
Quaterly Goal task - task T174091
  • no progress this past week.

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 1: Define a “Technical Debt Project Manager” role that regularly communicates with all Foundation engineering teams regarding their technical debt

Due: End of this quarter
  • done

Program 3: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Define and implement a process to regularly address technical debt across the Foundation

Due: End of next quarter
  • behind on the blog post completion. Finishing up with week.

Program 6: Outcome 2: Objective 2: Set up a continuous integration and deployment pipeline to publish new versions of an application to production via testing and staging environments that reliably reproduce production

Due: End of this quarter
Keyword: SSD
Complete build phase of release pipeline
    • Build test variant
    • Run test entrypoint w/developer feedback - services dependency
    • Build production variant w/developer feedback - services dependency
    • Tag production container
    • Push to production docker registry - ops dependency - staging namespace
Tracking: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T157469
current status: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/2453/

Quaterly non-goal "Work"


Program 1: Outcome 1: Objective 1: Scap (Tech Debt Sprint FY201718-Q2)


Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: Maintain existing shared Continuous Integration infrastructure

Goal: A generalized POC for a docker-based CI.
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/3008/ (shipyard workboard)
  • Upgraded a bunch of Jenkins plugins (security updates)

Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 1: Maintain Gerrit


Program 1: Outcome 6: Milestone 2: Maintain Phabricator


Program 1: Outcome 5: Objective 1: MW Nightlies server


Other work




Team Kanban Board Review and Triage


Once / month-ish review of backlog(s)


Kanban stats

Burnup chart