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From mediawiki.org

This is a personal space to quote down my various involvements with the Wikimedia movement.

Upcoming events

Name of the event Location Country Year Date of the event Role Links Remarks

Past events

Name of the event Location Country Year Date of the event Role Links Remarks
Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 Athens Greece 2023 19 - 21 May, 2023 Participant/ Trust and safety team Worked on task T336692 to use ChatGPT to summarise Wikipedia article sections. - Demo: here.

- Report: here

Wikimedia Hackathon 2019 Prague Czech 2019 17 - 19 May 2019 Participant/ Friendly Space Team member Worked on Tool to upload pictures from Google Drive to Wikimedia Commons - Hackathon project published at Toolforge

- Pictures uploaded to Commons: Wikimedia 2018 Collection

Wikimedia Hackathon 2018 Barcelona Spain 2018 18 – 20 May 2018 Mentor/Participant Wikimedia Hackathon 2018/Venue and Barcelona Report coming soon
Wikimania 2018 Cape Town South Africa 2018 18 – 22 July 2018 Participant Wikimedia DE Scholarship to attend the program Report coming soon at Wikimania_2018
MediaWiki Training 2018 Bangalore India 2018q 1 - 2 Feb Mentor, Participant Event: CIS Mediawiki Workshop 2018 Images: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:CIS-A2K_MediaWiki_Training_2018
Wikimania 2017 Montreal Canada 2017 9 - 13 August Participant

Could not make it due to other issues that came up

Submitted proposal Wikimedia DE Scholarship to attend the program[1].
Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 Vienna Austria 2017 19-21 May Participant, Mentor https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T159081 Report: What can happen in 3 days
FOSSASIA 2017 Singpore Singpore 2017 17-19 March Speaker Event: http://2017.fossasia.org/

TPS request

Workshop on "Developing your functional Mediawiki Extension in 80 Minutes"

Workshop help: User:01tonythomas/Hackathons/ExtensionHack

KDE Conf India IIT Guwahati India 2017 10-12 March Speaker Event: https://conf.kde.in/ Talk on "Why apply for GSoC in 2017". Slides
Wikimedia Conference Berlin Germany 2017 31 March - 02 Apr Attendee Event N/A
WikitoLearn India Conference LNMIIT, Jaipur India 2017 18-19 Jan Mentor (speaker) Event: https://india2017.wikitolearn.events Slides: http://slides.com/tonythomas01/deck-23#/

Report: Blog post. Funded by KDE

Wikimedia Hackathon, Amrita University Kerala India 2016 1-2 Oct Organizer Event: Wikimedia Hackathon Amrita University Funded by WMF
Wikimedia Hackathon, BITS Hyderabad Hyderabad India 2016 24 - 25 Sept Mentor Event: Wikimedia Hackathon BPHC Slides: http://slides.com/tonythomas01/deck-22, Funded by WMF
Wikimedia Conference India Chandigarh India 2016 3rd August Speaker Event: Wiki Conference, India Slides: http://slides.com/tonythomas01/deck-21#/
Wikimedia Hacakthon, IIT Roorkee Derahdun India 2016 12 March Mentor + Organizer Event: Wikimedia Hackathon IIT Roorkee Slides: http://slides.com/tonythomas01/wikimedia
Wikimedia Hackathon 2016 Jerusalem Israel 2016 31 Mar - 04 Apr Attendee Event: Wikimedia Hackathon 2016 Mostly worked on Newsletter extension tasks and also key changes to the HTML Email GSoc project (with Tyler)
Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario Italy 2016 21-28 June Attendee Event: Wikimania 2016 Report: User:01tonythomas/Wikimania 2016
Wikimedia Hackathon 2015, Lyon Lyon France 2015 23- 25 May Attendee Event: Wikimedia Hackathon 2015 Mostly worked on the Newsletter extension with the GSoC 2015 team
GSoC Mentors Summit SFO USA 2016 28 Oct- 1st Nov Attendee Event: GSoC Mentors Summit Ran discussion on GSoC failures
Wikimedia Developers Summit SFO USA 2015 26 - 27 Jan Attendee Event: MediaWiki Developer Summit 2015 Talk on 'Implementing bouncehandler to handle Email bounces'