Topic on Talk:Phabricator/Help

Email notifications - Unsubscribe

Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

Currently, the emails you receive from Phabricator lack an "Unsubscribe" kind of button that would mute the task they were coming from without you having to go there and mute it manually. Or do they? Is there a way I can do what I want to do? Can a function like that be implemented? It would make things much more flexible.

AKlapper (WMF) (talkcontribs)

You may not have received a notification email because you are subscribed to a specific task, but because of watching a project tag that the task has. See also Phabricator/Help/Managing mail for what's possible. How would muting a task from within an email notification work?

Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

@AKlapper (WMF), that's exactly the case. Lately I watched the project of good new tasks given that I've been lurking in Phab for a while now and wanted to try and help a bit, not only ask for help. That project is filled with new comments being added every 30 minutes or so, usually in a chat like manner. That has made my emails totally unmanageable sometimes receiving 5-10 emails per day. But I wouldn't want to totally unsubscribe from the project as I find it valuable. (It has helped me start being more interactive around.) I'd just want to be able to unsubscribe from certain tasks I find uninteresting because at the moment I keep getting emails for everything, even for tasks I'm not interested in.

That project aside, even before subscribing there, I did get a lot of notifications from Phabricator. I would give minor comments to many tasks about specific details and eventually that accumulated to getting many emails about tasks months later I had no idea existed.

How would muting a task from within an email notification work?

I'm guessing something like you press an unsubscribe button which maybe automatically sends an email back to Phabricator and that unsubscribes you from getting further notifications from the said task or mutes it. I don't exactly know, that's why I asked. But anything that facilitates stopping email notifications and gives more flexibility in that direction would be appreciated by new users like me who go interacting with many tasks but not in a very organic manner.

AKlapper (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I'm afraid that apart from options described on the page I linked to (and being more selective in what you follow and/or additional filtering), there's no good other concept. (And I don't think that your email client should send emails that you never wrote yourself. :) )

Klein Muçi (talkcontribs)

Okay then... I'll try scrutinizing my past actions (and future ones) on site more carefully. Thank you for the fast answers anyway! :)

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