Topic on Talk:Content translation

Section translation in other wikis?

Ата (talkcontribs)

In a nutshell, I'd like to see this on ukwiki. I see on the project page that it's currently focused on smaller wikis. When can it be expected on larger wikis? A vague answer is totally fine 🙂

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your interest in the tool, @Ата.

As you mentioned our focus is on supporting smaller wikis to learn how these new opportunities to translate could help them grow. However, that does not exclude other wikis that may be interested in the tool, and we are very happy to hear about such interest. So we'll consider Ukrainian as a candidate for next enablements.

I cannot comment on timelines since the purpose of enabling gradually is to improve the tool based on feedback before enabling it in more places. So depending on the feedback we get from the next set of wikis we'll have a better sense of when, how many, and how large the wikis for the next set of enablements will be.

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