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Topic on Talk:Talk pages project/Replying/Flow

V2 Feedback: wladek92

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)

Version 2.0 testing feedback

TASK #4: What are your initial impressions of the tool? What stands out to you? Do you find something particularly eye-catching? Confusing?

1.Too wide - better to have a hide/show mechanism for the indentations. Table of content is good to see the topics but could then develop 1 by one or all levels according to what i search. 2.Difficult to see where I have replied; may be a light color could be used in background to isolate where are my lines.

TASK #5: Could you figure out how to write and style a comment in the tool's visual mode do so? What did you think of this experience?

ok, natural way; no remark.

TASK #6: Could you figure out how to ping someone who has commented in the section you are replying in? What did you think of this experience?

Ping for me is 'are you there ?' - what use is it here, I dont know. So I search in the doc. I found ping is a template. Using {{ , i discovered templates can be inserted in the response but it seems this is not the solution. Then I discover '@' i could use as a shortcut for 'user:' . May be this was requested ? ...

TASK #7: Could you figure out how to ping someone who has not commented in the section you are replying in? What did you think of this experience?

I use the same way with '@' on an IP address.

TASK #8: Could you figure out how to delete the ping you created in Task #7? What did you think of this experience?

I cannot delete a line of response - so a ping -. (apart from the edit tab)

TASK #9: Could you figure out how to see the comment you were writing in the visual mode, in the source mode before posting the comment to the talk page? What – if any – part the wikitext looked different from how you expected?

ok show preview - is standard; no remark.

TASK #10: Could you figure out how to post the comment you had written in Tasks #1 - #9 to the talk page?

use corresponding button; no remark

TASK #11: Does the diff you created by posting a comment look as you expected? What – if anything – were you surprised to see?

no surprise.

OVERALL: If there are other comments or questions you would like to make the team aware of, please write them here.

1. How can I correct a previous comment I have emitted ? impossible via editor

2. there is a risk on indentation alignment (?) to keep the possibility of allowing direct source 'modify' via the top tab or 'section modify'.

3. if too many blocks are embedded we do not recognise to which subject the answer was addressed to (again show/hide mecanism would be welcomed).

4.(added August,1 2020) => is there an easy way to attach documents on the flow ? Sometimes discussions end with 'please send me your screenshot' - naturally you would click on the file and drag/drop it on the discussion frame to make it attached.


PPelberg (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This feedback is helpful – thank you for taking the time to try the prototype and to share what you think about it, @Wladek92.

Below are some comments and questions that came to mind after reading the feedback you shared above.


Then I discover '@' i could use as a shortcut for 'user:' . May be this was requested ? ...

Exactly...we were wondering whether people would try typing the @ sign to trigger the feature without there being an icon for it. It sounds like there not being an icon created some confusion for you [and others].

As such, we will be introducing an icon for this. That work is happening in this ticket: phab:T254366.

Out of curiosity: what do you think of the icon used for mentioning in this discussion system? It looks like "+👤".

> wlad => its ok, logical use; 'add a user' is in the top right corner

1. How can I correct a previous comment I have emitted ? impossible via editor

Currently, you will need to use the full page editor to edit the comment you posted.

We have explored introducing functionality for editing specific comments, but this has not yet been implemented nor do we have plans to add this functionality in the near-term. This task has more information: phab: T245225.

> wlad => opening the editor is dangerous: if i bring back some snippet with markup inside (see my try with '==') I can break the indentation

3. if too many blocks are embedded we do not recognise to which subject the answer was addressed to (again show/hide mecanism would be welcomed).

Definitely. We will be exploring what visual changes can be made to make it easier to read and understand conversations. I've added the comments you shared to the task where we are gathering research: phab: T249579.

If there are other issues you've encountered using talk pages, we would value hearing them!

> wlad => ok, please keep me informed when some mokeup are available


Too wide...

Can you share a bit more here? What did you notice being more difficult because of the width of the Reply tool's text input area? Are the text formatting tools harder to "reach"? Something else?

> wlad => observe there is a horizontal lift bar at the bottom of the page. Push it right forward and lift up/down the page to see my 'eeeeeee' text appear. If the text exceeds the width of the screen, it would be nice to have it indented and continuing on the next line of the reply. That means that each reply should be contained in a kind of message box to be able to see the list of other replies. Dynamic of resizing the page respects its contents.

Also, do you recall how large the browser window was when you were trying the tool?

> wlad => 1280x800 but not important, if boxes are implemented

In the meantime, I've added this comment to the ticket where we are collecting feedback about how the tool looks and behaves: phab: T254208

...better to have a hide/show mechanism for the indentations

Can you describe this in a bit more detail? Are you suggesting the indentation marks be made visible in the tool's visual mode? If so, why do you think they should be shown?

> wlad => the idea is to use a hierarchical tree (something like on translatewiki discussions ex: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Fileimporter-filenameerror-illegal/fr#Invalider%E2%80%A6_invalide_57975). Take the text around 'This is a Reply for testing...'. I add a '+' if the node holds responses. I add a '-' if there is no reply. By default the full page is shown. At least each node has a topic. You click '+' to develop the sub levels and - to hide them. Thus the view may become :
   +This is a Reply for testing the discussion tool. I'm liking it. Though it still uses description list elements in HTML. Regards, (talk) 20:31, 8 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
   -Tis is a reply to user (talk) 20:19, 8 April 2020 (UTC) Wladek92 (talk) 12:52, 1 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Or after some manipulations by the reader :
   -This is a Reply for testing the discussion tool. I'm liking it. Though it still uses description list elements in HTML. Regards, (talk) 20:31, 8 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
       +Making a change doesn't seem to work. "Go back in" from [2] should work like how? (talk) 20:35, 8 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
   -نصّ باللغة العربية
    English text.
    Big brother...
    What else? So pinging @Google123 and ساسوكي Dyolf77 testing 02
    Thanks. -- Dyolf77 TEST (talk) 22:22, 27 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
       +Just pinging Arabic character user name: @ساسو Dyolf77 TEST (talk) 22:24, 27 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
       -Hello @Dyolf77 TEST! Happy to see you there. @Colin August do you want to test this tool? (talk) 05:10, 1 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
           -Hey @Barkeep49 (no ping)! (talk) 05:12, 1 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
               +Text written with source editor:
                Writing a list:
                    item 1
                    item 2 Dyolf77 TEST (talk) 13:56, 1 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]                       
   -Tis is a reply to user (talk) 20:19, 8 April 2020 (UTC) Wladek92 (talk) 12:52, 1 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Difficult to see where I have replied; may be a light color could be used in background to isolate where are my lines.

Are you referring to it not being clear where your comment has been posted to the page immediately after clicking "Reply"? If so, did you notice the yellow highlight that appears after the comment you've written is published to the page? See image below...

Screenshot of talk page comment highlight
> wlad => yes you are right but the color disapears. Come one week later to check the responses: there is no more color on the page. So I search again: CtrlF etc ...

I cannot delete a line of response - so a ping -. (apart from the edit tab)...

Do you remember whether you tried deleting the ping before or after you had published the comment you were drafting?

> wlad => all with ping is ok; I was just meaning that an option is missing to say 'delete my comment'

2. there is a risk on indentation alignment (?) to keep the possibility of allowing direct source 'modify' via the top tab or 'section modify'.

Before responding, I want to make sure I am understanding what you are saying...are you saying there is a risk the tool could incorrectly indent the comment and therefore, there should be an easy way to edit the level at which a comment is indented? Are you saying something else entirely?

> wlad => this is related to '1. How can I correct a previous comment' where I speak of the danger to made the editor available (introducing of '==' tags)
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