Topic on Talk:Edit Review Improvements/New filters for edit review

Don't drop the showlinkedto part of a "Show Related Changes" URL upon reload

Daniel Mietchen (talkcontribs)

This is a follow-up on Don't change the URL automatically when reloading page.

I can reproduce this now:

Since I am frequently using the namespace and limit parameters as well, I had originally suspected them to be the problem but they do not alter the core problem, i.e. omitting the showlinkedto part upon reload.

Kaartic (talkcontribs)

I just followed the above steps but couldn't reproduce it. I also tried changing the namespace and limit parameters, just in case. They are preserved too along with the showlinkedto part after a refresh.

Could you provide some environment details (browser details with version, skin, etc.)?

Daniel Mietchen (talkcontribs)

Firefox 62.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.1, using the default Vector skin on Wikidata.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I just followed the above steps but couldn't reproduce it either.

Do you have that issue when using an URL with &safemode=1 inside?

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