Topic on Talk:Content translation

saving is not trustworthy

Jensbest (talkcontribs)

I lost parts of the translation (which took quite some research) when I stopped the translation and clicked back on "all translations". Losing work because there is no Save-Button to press and just being forced to trust auto-save is not good. --~~~~

Jensbest (talkcontribs)

It happened a second time. What do I do wrong? The paragraphs lost are the ones I added. In this translation I divided a paragraph from the original version (engl.) and made two of it in the translation. The second paragraph has disappeared.

I do like the functionalitites (references, wikilinks etc.) of the tool, but losing paragraph makes it unusable.

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi @Jensbest, this is a problem we are currently investigating as many people have reported similar problems, but under varying circumstances. Ideally, a warning would have been displayed to you (similar to an unsaved wiki page) if you were trying to go back to 'All translations' between 2 auto-saves, but if that did not happen then it is worrisome. Can you please tell me the article name and the language from which you were translating and into which language? Thanks.

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