Topic on Extension talk:StructuredDiscussions

MW short hand links don't work

Subfader (talkcontribs)

With $wgFlowEditorList = none, [[Help:Navigation|]] does not parse as link text "Navigation".

It does so here when I switch the editor tho, but not on my wiki where I use $wgFlowEditorList = array( 'none' );

Mattflaschen-WMF (talkcontribs)

Are you using Parsoid with Flow, or not?

Subfader (talkcontribs)

No, I don't use Vector, the new editor or Parsoid.

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately, Parsoid has been required since September 2014. I've updated the docs to make this clearer. Sorry that it wasn't clearer before.

Mattflaschen-WMF (talkcontribs)

Parsoid is definitely recommended, but not strictly required currently. That bug is fixed. Updated the docs again.

Mattflaschen-WMF (talkcontribs)
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