Topic on Talk:Content translation

Impossible de publier

Patachonf (talkcontribs)


Suite à la création dans l'espace de travail, de Helmut Deutsch d'après l'article anglais, impossible de publier : erreur 504... Il a fallu tout recommencer à la main, sauf heureusement la traduction elle même, excepté un bout perdu parce qu'il manque un retour en arrière (ctrl z comme toute interface) qui annulerait telle modification malencontreuse !

Bon... je laisse la page en l'état quelques jours, en cas de débogage éventuel...


Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello @Patachonf, I am sorry I don't know French and I tried to understand your comment using Google Translate. I believe you encountered a 504 error while publishing and we are sorry for the trouble. Please allow us a little time to go through our logs to check what may have caused it. Thank you.

GregZak (talkcontribs)

Trying to publish, I got parsoidserver-http: HTTP 503 three times running so far. Then there was a popup message saying that my translation has already been published and suggesting either doing this again or publishing as a draft. I saw it was there and wanted to edit interwiki links - but there was another problem there: on the page with the article in translation the two automatically added interwikis while dislaying the names of their languages floated screen tips "Translate into ..." (names of interwiki languages). I refreshed the page and clicked on Add languages, but instead of taking me to Wikidata another pop-up told me that to use this function I neede to be signed in at the central repository. This was strange, for previously if logged in in any Wikimedia project, I was automatically logged in all the rest. I repeated the process with the source page in English and got the same pop-up sevral times even after logging separately to Wikidata - I have been unable to reach the Wikidata page for either the source page.or its translation even after unchecking usage of your application in my account. Also, while translation I saw in the left pane blue links to related articles in the source Wikipedia, but when I clicked on them I was taken to their pagenames in the target Wikipedia and certainly there were no pages with these names untranslated. .

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hi @GregZak Can you please tell me the languages you were translating from and into, and the article name? We have been trying to reproduce the HTTP 503 error the past few days and haven't been able to narrow down the cause (some problems with references seem to be a likely cause, but its still unclear). Thanks.

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