Topic on Talk:Content translation

Alow translations in other namespaces and ability to translate existing translations

Psubhashish (talkcontribs)


  1. I was trying to edit a "Help" namespace article from English (en:Help:CHEAT). It first automatically translated the namespace in EN WP to English so the Content translation interface showed a nonexistent page in EN WP.
  2. Then I created a user sandbox and copied the EN WP article and tried to translate keeping the option Odia to Odia. The "to be translated" window is small and doesn't allow to correctly edit a table. I ended up removing parts of the table content while I was trying to replace English text with Odia on the right side box.
  3. The right side box is almost covered with the message/warning/guide box that doesn't allow one to see the entire content especially content on the right side. Please help fixing this otherwise it will be frustrating experience for a user to even test the tool.
KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Thanks for trying ContentTranslation. I've reported this bug at, You can track it there.

Meanwhile, Do you have any other issues translating articles in Main namespace? Please let us know!

Psubhashish (talkcontribs)

Thanks @KartikMistry: I have tried to create another article w:or:ଭାଷା ଲୋକାଲାଇଜେସନ but after I am half way through in an ongoing translation and try to publish it shows that it will overwrite the existing page. I do understand that there are chances that the article might have been edited during my publishing revisions but there should be a way to help an editor for the same. I am also not being able to edit an article that I had already edited or exiting in the destination Wikipedia. This is sad! When I tried to edit an existing article it showed me a warning on the top of the page saying the article is already there and below that the English article and the Odia (destination WP for me is Odia here) Wikipedia translation field to be done from the beginning. Why should one translate that are already translated and why the Content Translation tool could not show the existing translation? Would really appreciate if these could be fixed. Thanks,

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Thanks for another feature requests :)

  1. If article already exists, Content Translation will warn you. You can still override warning and create article. Warnings are clear. Did you see this at the time you were creating article?
  2. Continue existing translation is big feature - which we are tracking at
  3. You can still use Content Translation to create new articles without any issue.
Psubhashish (talkcontribs)

Qn for #1. If I am overriding then it is creating a fresh new article ignoring the old translations. I want to edit and add an article and not create the same article from the beginning. Hope I clarified it. :)

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

I've changed topic title as per contents discussion. Generic title lead to confusion and difficult to understand (without reported bugs references).

Psubhashish (talkcontribs)

Thank you. Could you please help in solving the issues I reported as well?

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Sure. We're working on these issues.

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