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Topic on Talk:Content translation

Issues and comments

TomT0m (talkcontribs)

Hi, I just try the tool on the french Wikipedia, I have several questions and I can raise issues:

Save an ongoing translation & use back the tool ?

If I'm not satisfied of the process of having an ongoing translation but having to stop at some point. I don't know if the paragraph I translated are saved somewhere, like on the translation tool on multilingual wiki. Actually I had to stop my browser, and when I restarted it everything was lost and the process was restarted from the beginning.

The question is: in this case, if I save at some point, will the translation tool be still available when I'll restart ?

Link translation

I don't know, with automatic translation, how to be sure a link for which we know there is an article in the target language has or not been validated. As I see this right now, I just can select the link, the french article link shows on the right column, but when I hover my mouse othe the link in the translated paragraph box, what shows up is still the name of the english article, which puzzles me.


When a line stops with a reference, a [1] upperlined shows at the end. The problem is that if I want to add a point in the translation box after the [1], it's upperlined to ... no way to know how make it back to normal script.

(PS: for the flow folks, the "Alt+shift+P" usual preview shortcut does not work.

That's all for now.

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello, thanks for bringing this up. I will reply per topic:

> Save an ongoing translation & use back the tool ?

I suspect this may have happened due the the issues we were facing since last week with saving and publishing. Generally, when you are translating the content automatically gets saved every few seconds. If at any time you have to stop you will see that the unfinished translation is shown in your dashboard as 'in-progress'. When you are ready to restart, you can click on the article name from the dashboard and your saved work should be displayed again inside the editor. Could you please let me know which article you were trying to translate? We would like to check in case any special template (or anything else) may be preventing the translation to be saved.

> Link translation

This should be automatically adopted i.e. when you click and add contents to each paragraph the link from the appropriate French Wikipedia page, if it exists will be picked up. Could you please let us know on which article you saw this problem?

> references

This is definitely a bug. If its not already in our phabricator system, I will add it. Thanks for letting us know.

TomT0m (talkcontribs)

it is Metaclass_(Semantic_Web) on enwiki. Thanks for the quick answer :)

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Did you try publishing this page again? I could publish this page on the beta instance and another page on the French Wikipedia without any problems. So am wondering if last night's updates have fixed the problem that you were facing. Thanks.

TomT0m (talkcontribs)

Hi, I did not publish the page at all /o\ I did not understood I had too.

I translated a few sections, closed the navigator again, and after reopening it seems some of my translations are still there, some are not.

I also noticed that the message that says that the paged has been saved the moment before stays as is, which is a problem because I don't really know when it was saved ...

TomT0m (talkcontribs)

OK, I did now, and this fails. But even if the publication fails, the text seems to be saved when I click on the "publish" button.

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Okay. So now we need to check if there is something hidden in that page thats causing the problem. Thanks for letting us know.

TomT0m (talkcontribs)

And now, I'm finishing the translation, I got a weird white space addition that seems to grow over time:

Bug withe space added beetween paragraphs, don't know what triggers.Seems to grow other time. Appears when I reload the translation.
TomT0m (talkcontribs)
Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

This is definitely very helpful. Sorry for all the trouble and confusion. We will dig deeper into the problems and try to sort them out as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for your patience and support.

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)
Dizzi90 (talkcontribs)

Save button

Despite the autosave, being able to force a save can have a beneficial psychological effect. I made the mistake when doing my first translation using the CT-tool of thinking that I had to publish to save. That may just be me being extra-ordinarily stupid, but I generally think of my mistakes as unlikely to be unique.

Casper Tinan (talkcontribs)

I tried the tool a few days after it was made available in french and rapidly gave up because of a problem with the autosave function (worked just once). Beyond the autosave problem, I found that the formatting options were too restricted. I think Content Translation should at least include the same functions to format the text as the Visual Editor. The management of internal links was chaotic and most of the time I did not get the text for the link right. Finally, I would find it useful to save the content in my draft section straight away and not to be forced to create the article first. This would enable me to add an infobox and tables to the article before publishing it.

Runab WMF (talkcontribs)

Hello, there is actually a work around for this and we use it all the time while testing. When you start translating an article you can use a working title under your userspace for the target page. For instance, if you are translating the article about the city of Boston from English to French, in the Translation page title you can use Utilisateur:<username>/Boston. Later you can copy it over as a new article. Hope this helps.

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