Talk:Content translation/Machine Translation/Google Translate

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Discussion about the Content Translation Google Translate article.

Blacklisted and can’t translate

Omotecho (talkcontribs)

Hello, paragraphs I have translated triggered a blacklist warning and not saved. Any way around? The content leads to think about your privacy using the tool, thus I wish to translate the whole document. C&P as beliw, and wonder if the G name could be whitelisted:

You do not have permission to create this page, for the following reason:

The title "Translations:Content translation/Machine Translation/Google Translate/34/ja" has been banned from creation. It matches the following blacklist entry: .*g+(o+)g+le?\S?((?!Summer of Code\/\d{4})|(?!Code-in\/\d{4})).*

Reply to "Blacklisted and can’t translate"
Czar (talkcontribs)

Does Google licensing its Wikipedia translations apply only when the translation happens through its API via the MW Content translation tool? Or if I copy/pasted cc-by-sa-3.0 Wikipedia into GT, would the result be licensed under a cc-by-sa-3.0 license as well?

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