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This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Vector/2022 and the translation is 25% complete.
Cet habillage est fourni avec MediaWiki 1.38 et supérieur. Ainsi vous n'avez pas besoin de télécharger à nouveau. Néanmoins, vous devez encore suivre les autres instructions fournies.
Manuel des habillages MediaWiki - catégorie
Vector 2022
État de la version : stable
Politique de compatibilité Versions ponctuelles alignées avec MediaWiki. Le master n'est pas compatible arrière.
Composer mediawiki/vector-skin
Licence Licence publique générale GNU v2.0 ou supérieur
Exemple https://en.wikipedia.org/
  • $wgVectorNightMode
  • $wgVectorResponsive
  • $wgVectorStickyHeader
  • $wgVectorMaxWidthOptions
  • $wgVectorFontSizeConfigurableOptions
  • $wgVectorLanguageInHeader
  • $wgVectorLanguageInMainPageHeader
  • $wgVectorWvuiSearchOptions
  • $wgVectorTableOfContentsCollapseAtCount
  • $wgVectorPromoteAddTopic
  • $wgVectorWrapTablesTemporary
  • $wgVectorWebABTestEnrollment
  • $wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForNewAccounts
  • $wgVectorDefaultSkinVersionForExistingAccounts
Téléchargements trimestriels 587 (Ranked 1st)
Utilisé par les wikis publics 14,010 (Ranked 2nd)
Habillage par défaut des wikis publics 5,943
Traduisez l'habillage Vector/2022 sur translatewiki.net
Rôle Vagrant vector
Problèmes : Tâches ouvertes · Signaler un bogue

Vector 2022 is a MediaWiki skin that is the second evolution of the Vector skin. It was developed as part of the Desktop improvements project. It has been bundled in MediaWiki since MediaWiki 1.38 . It is the default skin for various Wikimedia projects.

Vector 2022 differs from most skins in that it does not have its own code base; rather, its code is part of the Vector skin's, and the two are downloaded together.

Version MediaWiki 1.38 of this skin marked official 3rd party support.

Note that sites running MediaWiki 1.36 or 1.37 that use Vector 2022 will hit challenges when upgrading to the 1.38 release. See T299104 and Extension:WikimediaMaintenance for more details.


  • Téléchargez et placez le(s) fichier(s) dans un répertoire appelé Vector dans votre dossier skins/.
  • Ajoutez le code suivant à la fin de votre fichier LocalSettings.php  :
    wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
  • Configurez selon les besoins.
  • Yes Fait - Naviguer vers Special:Version sur votre wiki pour vérifier l'installation correcte de l'habillage.

Dépendances facultatives

Vector 2022 can make use of the following extensions if they are installed, though none are required:

  • UniversalLanguageSelector - for the language switch button
  • PageImages - to include an image for each page (if available) in the search bar
  • ShortDescription - to include a description for each page in the search bar (Wikimedia projects have similar functionality, but not using this extension)


Faire de Vector 2022 l'habillage par défaut

For MediaWiki 1.38 and higher, add the following to LocalSettings.php to make this the default skin:

$wgDefaultSkin = 'vector-2022';

Night mode

Version de MediaWiki :

Vector 2022 features a night mode or dark mode, which has three possible states:

  • day - also known as light mode
  • night - also known as dark mode
  • os - also known as automatic. This mode will automatically adapt to the state of the operating system or browser

Night mode is gated by a feature flag. To enable it, set $wgVectorNightMode as follows:

  • $wgVectorNightMode['beta'] = true;
  • $wgVectorNightMode['logged_out'] = true;
  • $wgVectorNightMode['logged_in'] = true;

When enabled, the default theme mode is day. To change the default theme for all users to automatic mode or night mode, you set the default for the user option with either:

$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-theme'] = 'os'
// or 
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-theme'] = 'night'

Please note that your content has to be night mode compatible. You might want to read the recommendations for Wikimedia wikis .


Note that Vector 2022 has several unstable feature flags, which may disappear at any time. Most of these feature flags relate to incomplete features. It is not recommended to change any feature flag from its default value unless listed here.

  • $wgVectorMaxWidthOptions - Can be used to configure whether the max-width applies. Relativement stable jusqu'à présent.
  • $wgVectorLanguageInMainPageHeader - Controls whether the language button is shown on the main page in the header.
  • $wgVectorWvuiSearchOptions - Associative array with keys showDescription and showThumbnail (both booleans).

Vector 2022 allows control over whether various menus appear pinned in the sidebar or collapsed into the header. These options can be configured both by users in their preferences and by administrators as default settings.

The following pinning options are available:

  • vector-main-menu-pinned - Controls the main navigation menu position
    • 1 (default) - Menu is pinned in the left sidebar
    • 0 - Menu is collapsed into header hamburger icon
  • vector-page-tools-pinned - Controls the page tools menu position
    • 1 (default) - Tools are pinned in the right sidebar
    • 0 - Tools are collapsed into header icon
  • vector-toc-pinned - Controls the table of contents position
    • 1 (default) - Table of contents is pinned in the left sidebar
    • 0 - Table of contents is collapsed into a floating button
  • vector-appearance-pinned - Controls the appearance menu position
    • 1 (default) - Appearance options are pinned in the sidebar
    • 0 - Appearance options are collapsed into header icon

To change any of these defaults, add the corresponding lines to LocalSettings.php:

// Example: Collapse all menus
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-main-menu-pinned'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-page-tools-pinned'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-toc-pinned'] = 0;
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-appearance-pinned'] = 0;

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