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Reading/Readers contributions

From mediawiki.org



What kind of tasks that could be done by readers or casual contributors, and which are needed (and welcomed) by editors, at the same time?

After the work on community of readers and the user interaction consultation, the Reading team would like to move forward with a conversation that helps the team frame a theme of products, where readers are actively contributing with some of the required editing tasks.

This work is initiated by the Android team. Selected ideas will be implemented on Android, as an initial stage before the move to web, as well (if community and team decided to move it to the web). One piece of work we have already begun planning is the enablement of wikidata description editing in the Android app. A version of this for iOS was demoed at the hackathon in Lyon in 2015 (youtube demo). Work for that is expected to start in October of 2016. This was identified as the lowest risk experiment we could run in this field while still generating value for our projects. We encourage you to include your feedback below promptly if you feel there are major concerns around this ability.

You can check the Reading team thoughts on the topic here, while below is a list of suggested tasks, and their evaluation based on some criteria. Please feel free to add more ideas, and add to criteria if needed.

Grid of possible tasks (in random order)


(please add your comments below)

Get work done Description Concerns Moderation needs Value created notes
1 identifying "citation needed" or other inline markers user selects sentence and chooses from small set of template options (E.g. just a few out of Enwiki's list of all inline templates)
2 article level feedback (preset) user selects from preset group of feedback about article (ex: more info needed, possibly biased, etc.)
3 recording of audio titles user contributes a recorded pronunciation of the article's title using their mobile device's microphone. (e.g. en:Eyjafjallajokull which can be linked in Wikidata e.g. D:Q39651#P443) seems ripe for vandalism/slander See partially complete work on the pronunciation recording grant
4 wikidata description editing Allow editing Wikidata through Android App In implementation
5 suggesting edits open form article feedback tool Article feedback/Version 5 did this, and was rejected because of increased burden on oversighters + low value of comments on pop culture articles.
6 request more information Provide a simple way for the user to request additional information on a certain topic. If enough users request similar information, it can serve as a cue for editors to contribute it, or expose it more prominently. (see User_Interaction_Consultation/Request_information)
7 image moderation users can categorize, approve or reject new commons uploads
8 image submission users can upload images (only if we help with moderation)
9 lead image centering/cropping user can drag and center lead image to avoid things like this example (if there is metadata storage in commons with API)
10 lead image selection user can scroll through gallery in Android or iOS and select a better lead image
11 show nearby items that need image user of app gets a notificaiton that something nearby needs an image, other readers can moderate by answering "is this a picture of the eiffel tower" before it gets submitted
12 infoboxes from Wikidata, with editing In articles for which this is possible, show an infobox with data populated from Wikidata, and allow this data to be edited in a simple way (e.g. up/down spinners, combo boxes, etc)
13 edit simple english version make simple english more prominent and promote editing there
14 identify table or other thing that doesn't look good let editors know when a template, table, fixed-width columns, or something else doesn't look good on phones
15 Find a citation hunt for citations directly from article (like citation hunt) -probably hard for most mobile users
16 Article rating/voting grade article to give editors another metric That was Article feedback/Version 4. It turned into a popularity contest for articles about pop culture.
17 Readers thank editors let editors know they are making an impact
18 wikigrok 2.0 quiz that populates wikidata
19 Sentence-level editing Allow mobile users to easily correct a single sentence
20 Sourcing with barcodes Allow mobile users to source statements by scanning barcode of a book The scan should be followed by the possibility of adding page number, etc
21 Train machine learning via wiki labels With ORES we have the infrastructure for software to do very complex work, like scoring the likelihood of vandalism in order to inform the work of humans. This machine learning requires humans to train it. Wikilabels already provides this mechanism..while it might not work for revisions, it might work for other judgements (like "is this comment aggressive")
22 Readers help identify similar media (e.g. images) with the help of Perceptive hashing With Perceptive hashing (see pHash) it is possible to identify duplicate images with a high degree of accuracy. This is a much more powerful tool than simple sha1 hash of the image. When it fails, it may be because of simple differences that a human can tell, and this would help in tagging images. The software can highlight duplicates that readers can then confirm or reject, and this data is surfaced to editors. Might have performance issues due to time taken to generate the pHash on huge images or videos No moderation needed, readers will only agree or disagree with the similarity of images. Identify duplicates

Search using image (pHash)


Show similar images when adding to article

Leverage imagemagick to do this and surface api for other editing / reader tools

Flag (or tag) or block uploaded of previously deleted duplicates (slightly changed, e.g rotated)

Readers help verify duplicates being reuploaded

23 Mobile wikidata location based campaigns Create mobile campaigns for people to add data related to their country. For example, popular cuisine in Australia (name, type, location), historic locations, landmarks, parks, "secret beaches", traditional games, etc ... vandalism ORES Encourages contributors to provide local information

Provides hard to get data

Encourages contributors to become editors

Provides description for existing monuments