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Reading/Multimedia/Scrum notes/gi11es/2014/05

From mediawiki.org


  • Yearly planning meeting
  • Wrote weekly team update
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Triaged bugs
  • Picked up the sha-1 changeset
  • Continue work on sha-1 changeset


  • Weekly team planning
  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • 1-on-1 with Fabrice
  • Managed to limit the amount of getting sucked into the wikimedia-l drama to one hour
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Reviewed Dan's GWToolset changes (out-of-focus)
  • Review one of Aaron's changes, we'll have to continue writing unit tests ourselves. I still have to look into the sha-1 changeset (out-of-focus)
  • Yearly planning meeting
  • Continue review of Mark's UploadWizard's massive refactor, since it probably needs multiple passes
  • Pick up Mark's work on sha-1 changeset
  • Write weekly update


  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Finished generating intermediary thumbnails. Sent for review. (#600)
  • Weekly team planning
  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • 1-on-1 with Fabrice


  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • 1-on-1 with Neil
  • Continued working on generating intermediary thumbnails. Getting close to full test coverage on the code I wrote. (#600)
  • Finish generating intermediary thumbnails. Write the remaining tests and send it for review. (#600)


  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Continued working on generating intermediary thumbnails. Local implementation works, but I will need to write a ton of tests to make sure that I'm not breaking anything. (#600)
  • Continue working on generating intermediary thumbnails (#600)
  • 1-on-1 with Neil


  • UploadWizard planning meeting
  • Sync up call with Rainer Rillke (GSoC)
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Started working on generating intermediary thumbnails (#600)
  • Continue working on generating intermediary thumbnails (#600)


  • Weekly team meeting
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Resolved Jenkins issue on EventLogging sampling improvements (#619)
  • Investigated the GWToolset bug reported by Fae. Falls into "out-of-focus", which Gergo is doing this week, but I took advantage of Fae responding.
  • Made jslint voting on UploadWizard (#642)
  • Backported QUnit fix for issue caused by yesterday's backport (#643)
  • Backported EventLogging sampling improvements (#644)
  • Prepared today's deploy to Italian and Russian wikipedias as well as upcoming ones (#633)
  • UploadWizard planning meeting
  • Start working on generating intermediary thumbnails (#600)
  • Sync up call with Rainer Rillke (GSoC)


  • Figured out the Jenkins issue preventing me from getting the changeset to work thanks to Timo (#619)
  • Addressed concerns on my changesets, but ran into another Jenkins issue, emailed QA for help again (#591 and #619)
  • Weekly team meeting


  • Addressed concerns on UploadWizard jQuery 1.9 fixes (#591)
  • Continued addressing EventLogging sampling issues. Made good progress on code but hit an impossible jenkins issue (#619)
  • Filled all the yearly review forms except coworker feedback, which I believe depends on nominations
  • Reviewed the queue
  • Figure out the Jenkins issue preventing me from getting the changeset to work (#619)
  • Respond to GSoC candidate's email


  • Booked flights for Wikimania
  • E2E tests are now running successfully on Firefox, Chrome, IE9 and IE10. Safari postponed because it depends on the QA team, which is working on a transition for the E2E test platform. (#577)
  • Wrote the code for the chevron highlight when pressing the wrong arrow (#554)
  • Caught up with the EventLogging sampling issue and wrote two changesets to take into account the new sampling factor on our graphs (#619)
  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • 1-on-1 with Brian Wolff
  • Add tooltips to Media Viewer (#546) or start work on generating chained thumbnails (#600)


  • Design review meeting
  • IE10 tests started working following my fix, IE9 ran into another problem so I spent time installing cucumber on an IE9 vm to reproduce. It turned out to be a real IE9 bug: pressing the back button doesn't close Media Viewer (#577)
  • Fixed the IE9 history navigation bug, hopefully the IE9 E2E should just work from now on (#617)
  • Versus test stopped working on Cloudbees, since it's working locally it might just be a timeout that is too short, pushed a change to extend it (#618)
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Fixed jQuery 1.9 compatibility of UploadWizard (#591)
  • Started working on second part of more prominent metadata (#554)
  • Complete more prominent metadata (#554)
  • Start work on generating chained thumbnails (#600)
  • Book flights for Wikimania


  • Team meeting
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Fixed a couple of issues in the SQL deployment script that Mark updated yesterday
  • Discussed an issue related to UploadWizard campaigns with Romain, filed a new task in the cycle for it (#612)
  • Prepared backport for IE9 fix (#613)
  • Set up Cloudbees jobs for Chrome, IE9 and IE10. Wrote a fix for the first error encountered on IE (hopefully, the only one) (#577)
  • Design review meeting
  • Start either UploadWizard jQuery 1.9 compatibility (#591) or chained thumbnails (#600)


  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • Registered for Wikimania
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Fixed Media Viewer IE9 support (#597)
  • Responded to latest round of review on DurationLogger code improvement (#571)
  • Cleaned up the analytics SQL repository so that it doesn't contain the hundreds of generated files anymore (#604)
  • Started working on swift bandwidth limiting, didn't get very far and emailed Aaron to get some information about the code (#537)
  • Team meeting


  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Added my own cron job running at 7am UTC to generate the data for the graphs, as Mark's seems to still be failing (#596)
  • Looked at the API graphs again and wrote a final analysis. I couldn't find anything alarming in the graphs, the impact of our last launches doesn't seem measurable. (#523)
  • The Commons village pump survey discussion brought up an interesting issue about visual artifacts currently introduced by our ImageMagick settings, which I did some research on.
  • Concluded the research on an alternative way to generate thumbnails (#584)
  • Started working on fixing Media Viewer IE9 support (#597)
  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • Finish fixing IE9 support (#597)
  • Pick a task from the tech debt list in the current cycle


  • Fixed the graph update issue but terrible performance on the actions data needs to be resolved (#596)
  • Got Ops to add badly needed indexes to the actions tables (#596)
  • Interpreted initial results of the image scaler survey. Not many respondent but so far people seem to like the chained images more than the current ones, eventhough they should be slightly worse quality... I suspect this is due to the extra sharpening. (#584)
  • Responded to comments on Commons village pump about the survey and addressed concerns (#584)
  • Reviewed everything in the queue except one large GWToolset change by Dan due to lack of time
  • Review Dan's GWToolset change (better duplicates handling)
  • Look into sample images provided by JHeald in the commons discussion
  • UW metrics if Gergo hasn't picked it yet


  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Put together a new survey for image scaling alternative techniques, sent it to wikitech-l and Commons village pump (#584)
  • Responded to Gergo's comments on DurationLogger improvements (#571)
  • Pick up more UploadWizard/Tech debt tickets from the current cycle if Gergo has started work on UW metrics, otherwise work on UW metrics


  • Weekly team meeting
  • Reviewed everything in the queue, including out-of-focus changes. Notably there was a series of massive changesets for the upload pipeline written by Aaron Schulz that will take a while to get to the point of being ready to merge. At this point I mostly asked for unit tests, as none of the new code introduced has any.
  • Started discussions on OOJS and OOUI on mailing list and bugzilla, in order to prepare for our upcoming decision to use those or not in UploadWizard
  • Went through the recent UploadWizard bug reports on bugzilla, since Wiki Loves Earth introduced a spike in usage and had a few bugs reported
  • Make a new survey with one intermediary thumbnail instead of a chain (#584) and send it to wikitech-l


  • Addressed further concerns on DurationLogger improvements (#571)
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Implemented fix for Safari defullscreen bug (#569)
  • Investigated the effect of pilot launches on image scalers (#523)
  • Implement unified image graph (#529)
  • Weekly team meeting


  • Addressed concerns on threshold of what is considered a browser cache hit for mmv.performance (#563)
  • Addressed concerns on DurationLogger improvements (#571)
  • Someone broke mediawiki.ui in core, which we rely on. I wrote a fix. (#572)
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • 1-on-1 with Rob
  • Fix Safari bug (#569)
  • Investigate the effect of pilot launches on image scalers (#523)
  • Implement unified image graph (#529)


  • Implemented fix for issue that might have been preventing OS X users from having API calls cached by their browser (#566)
  • Implemented fix for issue where the "versus" graph wouldn't pick up recent data (#564)
  • Implemented fix for daily cutoff of stats not happening exactly at midnight that would make the graphs look weird (#565)
  • Increased the threshold of what is considered a browser cache hit for mmv.performance (#563)
  • Improved some sinon.js code style according to Gergo's advice
  • Studied the results of the mipmapping survey, it looks like the most "extreme" solution is a no-go because the visual quality loss is too noticeable
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Tried following Dan's repro steps on a GWToolset bug, got pretty far but ran into an error I couldn't troubleshoot. Responded to the bug report.
  • Fix Safari bug (#569)
  • Investigate the effect of pilot launches on image scalers (#523)
  • Implement unified image graph (#529)


  • Ran more thumbnail chaining tests, results shared on the mailing list
  • Reviewed everything in the queue, including some old UploadWizard changesets rebased by Mark
  • Looked for any spikes in the API requests (#523) nothing looked worrying, asked Ops for confirmation.
  • Wrote the weekly team update
  • Implemented survey https://surveymonkey.com/s/FY89BTX to further discussion on image scaling optimizations
  • Investigate the effect of pilot launches on image scalers (#523)
  • Implement new global image graph (#529)


  • Weekly team meeting
  • Reviewed everything in the queue
  • Spent a bunch of time researching the bucketing issue/thumbnail intermediates and writing detailed responses on the mailing list
  • Set up limn production deployment thanks to Dan
  • Implemented the change to add the 95th percentile (#555)
  • Review Dan's GWToolset changesets
  • Write the weekly status report