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Manual:Pywikibot/cosmetic changes.py

From mediawiki.org

cosmetic_changes.py makes little changes in one or several wiki pages that make the source code look cleaner. These changes are not supposed to change the look of the rendered wiki pages.

Before running it on a specific wiki, each sub-module should be reviewed and checked if it is helpful for this wiki.

The script may be used in two ways

  1. python pwb.py cosmetic_changes [options] for a standalone use
  2. for regular use, it is recommended to put cosmetic_changes = True into your user-config.py

This script performs the following operations:[1]

  • fix self interwiki: interwiki links to the site itself are displayed like local links, removing their language code prefix.
  • standardize page footer: makes sure that categories, stars templates for featured articles and interwiki links are put to the correct position. templates and interwiki links are sorted into the right order.
  • clean up links: improves how links are presented by doing the following:
    • replaces underlines by spaces, also multiple underlines.
    • removes unnecessary leading spaces from a title.
    • removes unnecessary trailing spaces from a title.
    • converts URL-encoded characters to unicode.
    • removes unnecessary initial and final spaces from a label.
    • tries to capitalize the first letter of the title.
  • clean up section headers: for better readability of section header source code, puts a space between the equal signs and the title; for example: "==Section title==" becomes "== Section title ==" .
  • put spaces in lists: for better readability of bullet list and enumeration wiki source code, puts a space between the * or # and the text.
  • translate and capitalize namespaces: makes sure that localized namespace names are used. Does not change "image" alias on en-wiki or fr-wiki.
  • resolve html entities
  • valid xhtml: tries to make a valid XHTML document, for example, replacing "<br>" with "<br />"
  • remove useless spaces
  • remove non breaking space before percent: newer MediaWiki versions automatically place a non-breaking space in front of a percent sign, so it is no longer required to place it manually.
  • fix syntax: correct mediawiki syntax for external links
  • fix HTML: translates some HTML-entities into the corresponding mediawiki syntax; remove unneeded <ref /> tag.
  • fix style: convert prettytable to wikitable class (de-wiki and en-wiki only).
  • fix typo: change ccm with preleading number to cm³; change º to ° if it concerns degree Celsius or Fahrenheit
  • hyphenate isbn numbers: tries to hyphenate an ISBN


-step:n           When used with any other argument that specifies a set
                  of pages, only retrieve n pages at a time from the wiki

-wikidataquery    Takes a WikidataQuery query string like claim[31:12280]
                  and works on the resulting pages.

-untagged         Work on image pages that don't have any license template on a
                  site given in the format "<language>.<project>.org, e.g.
                  "ja.wikipedia.org" or "commons.wikimedia.org".
                  Using an external Toolserver tool.

-always           Don't prompt you for each replacement. Warning (see below)
                  has not to be confirmed. ATTENTION: Use this with care!

-async            Put page on queue to be saved to wiki asynchronously.

-summary:XYZ      Set the summary message text for the edit to XYZ, bypassing
                  the predefined message texts with original and replacements

-ignore:          Ignores if an error occurred and either skips the page or
                  only that method. It can be set to 'page' or 'method'.

Generators and filters available

Generator options
Parameter Description
-cat Work on all pages which are in a specific category. Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname" or as "-cat:categoryname|fromtitle" (using # instead of | is also allowed in this one and the following)
-catr Like -cat, but also recursively includes pages in subcategories, sub-subcategories etc. of the given category. Argument can also be given as "-catr:categoryname" or as "-catr:categoryname|fromtitle".
-subcats Work on all subcategories of a specific category. Argument can also be given as "-subcats:categoryname" or as "-subcats:categoryname|fromtitle".
-subcatsr Like -subcats, but also includes sub-subcategories etc. of the given category. Argument can also be given as "-subcatsr:categoryname" or as "-subcatsr:categoryname|fromtitle".
-uncat Work on all pages which are not categorised.
-uncatcat Work on all categories which are not categorised.
-uncatfiles Work on all files which are not categorised.
-file Read a list of pages to treat from the named text file. Page titles in the file may be either enclosed with brackets (example: [[Page]]), or be separated by new lines. Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-filelinks Work on all pages that use a certain image/media file. Argument can also be given as "-filelinks:filename".
-search Work on all pages that are found in a MediaWiki search across all namespaces .
-logevents Work on articles that were on a specified Special:Log. The value may be a comma separated list of these values:

or for backward compatibility:


To use the default value, use an empty string. You have options for every type of logs given by the log event parameter which could be one of the following:

spamblacklist, titleblacklist, gblblock, renameuser, globalauth, gblrights, gblrename, abusefilter, massmessage, thanks, usermerge, block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import, patrol, merge, suppress, tag, managetags, contentmodel, review, stable, timedmediahandler, newusers

It uses the default number of pages 10.


-logevents:move gives pages from move log (usually redirects)
-logevents:delete,,20 gives 20 pages from deletion log
-logevents:protect,Usr gives pages from protect by user Usr
-logevents:patrol,Usr,20 gives 20 patroled pages by Usr
-logevents:upload,,20121231,20100101 gives upload pages in the 2010s, 2011s, and 2012s
-logevents:review,,20121231 gives review pages since the beginning till the 31 Dec 2012
-logevents:review,Usr,20121231 gives review pages by user Usr since the beginning till the 31 Dec 2012
In some cases it must be given as -logevents:"move,Usr,20"
-interwiki Work on the given page and all equivalent pages in other languages. This can, for example, be used to fight multi-site spamming. Attention: this will cause the bot to modify pages on several wiki sites, this is not well tested, so check your edits!
-links Work on all pages that are linked from a certain page. Argument can also be given as "-links:linkingpagetitle".
-liverecentchanges Work on pages from the live recent changes feed. If used as -liverecentchanges:x, work on x recent changes.
-imagesused Work on all images that contained on a certain page. Can also be given as "-imagesused:linkingpagetitle".
-newimages Work on the most recent new images. If given as -newimages:x, will work on x newest images.
-newpages Work on the most recent new pages. If given as -newpages:x, will work on x newest pages.
-recentchanges Work on the pages with the most recent changes. If given as -recentchanges:x, will work on the x most recently changed pages. If given as -recentchanges:offset,duration it will work on pages changed from 'offset' minutes with 'duration' minutes of timespan.

-recentchanges:20 - gives the 20 most recently changed pages
-recentchanges:120,70 - will give pages with 120 offset minutes and 70 minutes of timespan
-recentchanges:visualeditor,10 - gives the 10 most recently changed pages marked with 'visualeditor'
-recentchanges:"mobile edit,60,35" - will retrieve pages marked with 'mobile edit' for the given offset and timespan

rctags are supported, and the rctag must be the very first parameter part.
-unconnectedpages Work on the most recent unconnected pages to the Wikibase repository. Given as -unconnectedpages:x, will work on the x most recent unconnected pages.
-ref Work on all pages that link to a certain page. Argument can also be given as "-ref:referredpagetitle".
-start Specifies that the robot should go alphabetically through all pages on the home wiki, starting at the named page. Argument can also be given as "-start:pagetitle". You can also include a namespace. For example, "-start:Template:!" will make the bot work on all pages in the template namespace. default value is start:!
-prefixindex Work on pages commencing with a common prefix.
-transcludes Work on all pages that use a certain template. Argument can also be given as "-transcludes:Title".
-unusedfiles Work on all description pages of images/media files that are not used anywhere. Argument can be given as "-unusedfiles:n" where n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
-lonelypages Work on all articles that are not linked from any other article. Argument can be given as "-lonelypages:n" where n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
-unwatched Work on all articles that are not watched by anyone. Argument can be given as "-unwatched:n" where n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
-property:name Work on all pages with a given property name from Special:PagesWithProp.
-usercontribs Work on all articles that were edited by a certain user. (Example : -usercontribs:DumZiBoT)
-weblink Work on all articles that contain an external link to a given URL; may be given as "-weblink:url"
-withoutinterwiki Work on all pages that don't have interlanguage links. Argument can be given as "-withoutinterwiki:n" where n is the total to fetch.
-mysqlquery Takes a Mysql query string like "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, FROM page WHERE page_namespace = 0" and works on the resulting pages. See Manual:Pywikibot/MySQL .
-sparql Takes a SPARQL SELECT query string including ?item and works on the resulting pages.
-sparqlendpoint Specify SPARQL endpoint URL (optional). (Example : -sparqlendpoint:http://myserver.com/sparql)
-searchitem Takes a search string and works on Wikibase pages that contain it. Argument can be given as "-searchitem:text", where text is the string to look for, or "-searchitem:lang:text", where lang is the language to search items in.
-random Work on random pages returned by Special:Random. Can also be given as "-random:n" where n is the number of pages to be returned.
-randomredirect Work on random redirect pages returned by Special:RandomRedirect. Can also be given as "-randomredirect:n" where n is the number of pages to be returned.
-google Work on all pages that are found in a Google search. You need a Google Web API license key. Note that Google doesn't give out license keys anymore. See google_key in config.py for instructions. Argument can also be given as "-google:searchstring".
-yahoo Work on all pages that are found in a Yahoo search. Depends on python module pYsearch. See yahoo_appid in config.py for instructions.
-page Work on a single page. Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle", and supplied multiple times for multiple pages.
-pageid Work on a single pageid. Argument can also be given as "-pageid:pageid1,pageid2,." or "-pageid:'pageid1|pageid2|..'" and supplied multiple times for multiple pages.
-linter Work on pages that contains lint errors. Extension Linter must be available on the site. -linter select all categories. -linter:high, -linter:medium or -linter:low select all categories for that prio. Single categories can be selected with commas as in -linter:cat1,cat2,cat3 Adding '/int' identifies Lint ID to start querying from: e.g. -linter:high/10000 -linter:show just shows available categories.
Filter options
Parameter Description
-catfilter Filter the page generator to only yield pages in the specified category. See -cat generator for argument format.
-grep A regular expression that needs to match the article otherwise the page won't be returned. Multiple -grep:regexpr can be provided and the page will be returned if content is matched by any of the regexpr provided. Case insensitive regular expressions will be used and dot matches any character, including a newline.
-grepnot Like -grep, but return the page only if the regular expression does not match.
-intersect Work on the intersection of all the provided generators.
-limit When used with any other argument -limit:n specifies a set of pages, work on no more than n pages in total.
Filter the page generator to only yield pages in the specified namespaces. Separate multiple namespace numbers or names with commas.


-ns:0,2,4 -ns:Help,MediaWiki

You may use a preleading "not" to exclude the namespace. Examples:

-ns:not:2,3 -ns:not:Help,File

If used with -newpages/-random/-randomredirect/-linter generators, -namespace/-ns must be provided before -newpages/-random/-randomredirect/-linter. If used with -recentchanges generator, efficiency is improved if -namespace is provided before -recentchanges.

If used with -start generator, -namespace/-ns shall contain only one value.
-onlyif A claim the page needs to contain, otherwise the item won't be returned. The format is property=value,qualifier=value. Multiple (or none) qualifiers can be passed, separated by commas.

P1=Q2 (property P1 must contain value Q2)
P3=Q4,P5=Q6,P6=Q7 (property P3 with value Q4 and qualifiers: P5 with value Q6 and P6 with value Q7)

Value can be page ID, coordinate in format: latitude,longitude[,precision] (all values are in decimal degrees), year, or plain string. The argument can be provided multiple times and the item page will be returned only if all claims are present. Argument can be also given as "-onlyif:expression".
-onlyifnot A claim the page must not contain, otherwise the item won't be returned. For usage and examples, see -onlyif above.
-ql Filter pages based on page quality. This is only applicable if contentmodel equals 'proofread-page', otherwise has no effects. Valid values are in range 0-4. Multiple values can be comma-separated.
-subpage -subpage:n filters pages to only those that have depth n i.e. a depth of 0 filters out all pages that are subpages, and a depth of 1 filters out all pages that are subpages of subpages.
-titleregex A regular expression that needs to match the article title otherwise the page won't be returned. Multiple -titleregex:regexpr can be provided and the page will be returned if title is matched by any of the regexpr provided. Case insensitive regular expressions will be used and dot matches any character.
-titleregexnot Like -titleregex, but return the page only if the regular expression does not match.



See also
