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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Pywikibot/MySQL and the translation is 5% complete.

Pywikibot includes basic support for SQL queries on MySQL-like database or replica.

Setting up


To make Pywikibot work with SQL-based database or its replica, make sure you have pymysql library installed. Probably you already installed it when installing Pywikibot. Otherwise, run:

$ pip install pymysql

Second you should update the DATABASE SETTINGS section in your user-config.py file:

Parameter Value
locally remotely Toolforge
db_hostname_format localhost IP address or host {0}.analytics.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud[1]
db_port identical to the server port in my.cnf file (default: 3306)
db_name_format identical to database name (default: {0})[1] {0}_p[1]
db_connect_file path to the my.cnf file (default: /etc/mysql/my.cnf or ~/.my.cnf) ~/replica.my.cnf
db_username the credentials to connect to the database, if no db_connect_file provided Do not use
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 {0} here stands for dbName value in current pywikibot.Family.


The database also have to be ready and have to contain corresponding set-up and structure.

On Toolforge everything should be up and running with credentials specified in the tool's replica.my.cnf, see wikitech:Help:Toolforge/Database.

From dump

If you want to run your local instance (e.g. a copy loaded from Wikimedia dump), follow the following steps:

For Wikimedia dump first download your chosen SQL dump from: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html.

Second install and configure mariadb or other preferred MySQL-like database on your local machine. Follow your OS distribution manual (e.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MySQL).

Once ready, start MySQL terminal/command line interface:

$ mysql -u yourusename -p

and create new database using the database name chosen before:

> create database yourdbname;

In case of Wikimedia dump finally you have everything prepared for the final step: importing the downloaded sql table dump to your prepared local database:

> quit
$ mysql -u yourusername yourdbname < /path/to/sql/dump/file/xywiki-20180601-sometable.sql

or you can declare your own database containing page namespace, page title and some additional rows of your choice:

> create table yourtable (page datatype, namespace datatype, ...)
> set yourtable.page = somepage
> set yourtable.namespace = somens
> quit


Terminal/command line

If the desired script supports pagegenerators.py , you can run your script with -mysqlquery:'query' generator. You will be prompted for the query if no query specified. The query should return two columns, page namespace and page title pairs from some table, e.g.:

$ python pwb.py some_script -mysqlquery:'select page_namespace, page_title from page where ...;'

Inside your script

If your script does not support page generators yet, you can import MySQLPageGenerator from pagegenerators.py:

from pywikibot import pagegenerators

Bot.__init__(generator=pagegenerators.MySQLPageGenerator('select page_namespace, page_title from page where ...', site=self.site))

But you can also get other information from database using pywikibot.data.mysql library:

from pywikibot.data import mysql

some_value = mysql.mysql_query('select page_id from page where ...')

См. также

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