![]() | This feature was removed from MediaWiki core in version 1.42.0. Please see $wgPasswordPolicy's MaximalPasswordLength for an alternative way to use this feature. |
User accounts, authentication: $wgMaximalPasswordLength | |
Specifies the maximal length of a user password. |
Introduced in version: | 1.24.0 (Gerrit change 201220; git #63cf33d8) |
Deprecated in version: | 1.26.0 (Gerrit change 206156; git #1a20dc93) |
Removed in version: | 1.42.0 (Gerrit change 995047; git #2d66025f) |
Allowed values: | (nonnegative integer) |
Default value: | 4096 |
Other settings: Alphabetical | By function |
[edit]Specifies the maximal length of a user password.
It is not recommended to make this greater than the default, as it can allow DoS attacks by users setting really long passwords. In addition, this should not be lowered too much, as it enforces weak passwords.
Since 1.26 deprecated in favor of $wgPasswordPolicy .