注意: このページを編集すると、編集内容が CC0 のもとで公開されることに同意したと見なされます。詳細はパブリック・ドメインのヘルプ ページを参照してください。 |
ソート可能な表を作成するには、表に sortable
このクラスを追加すると、各ヘッダー セル内のヘッダーの横に矢印が表示されます。
矢印を連続してクリックすると、以下のパターンで並び順が変わります: 昇順、降順、ソートなし。
異なる列の矢印を Shift キーを押しながらクリックすると、二次的な並び替えが行えます。
Shift キーを押しながらの各クリックで、クリックされた列に基づいた二次的な並び替えが行われます。この機能は三次およびそれ以上の並び替えにも適用されます。
項目は、ヘッダーの下の最初の数行のデータ型に基づいて並べ替えられます。 データ型を決定するために、ページの読み込み時にヘッダーの下にある最初の 5 つの空ではない行が調べられ、最適な形式が選択されます。 矛盾が発生することがあります。 さらに、特定の列では、下記の関連する節で説明されているように、ソート順を強制できます。
現在、span や sup のようなタグはデータ型の決定に影響しませんが、参照番号や表示されるコメントは影響します。
さまざまな日付の書式を受け入れます。各地域の言語での月名を含む書式にも対応しています。 例えば、ドイツ語版ウィキペディアでは「16. März 2010」は「2010-03-16」として適切にソートされます。
ピリオド、カンマ、アポストロフィ、スラッシュ (. , ' /
) のようなさまざまな区切り文字を含むさまざまな数値の書式に対応しています。
英語版ウィキペディアは通常、米国の日付書式を使用します (例: 月-日-年)。
スクリプトは、数字の区切りとして「.」「,」を使用した数値や、(「e」「E」を使用した) 科学的表記の数値も検出できます。 By default, numbers will be sorted based on alphanumeric order by default, meaning that they will be sorted as strings rather than numerical values. This may result in unexpected sortings, such as "9" coming after "10". However, this default behavior can be overridden if desired.
When lists are sorted alphabetically by MediaWiki, the order of characters is sorted with Intl.Collator
This sorts accented characters correctly based on PageContentLanguage
Android Webviews don't support this, so fallback to the old sort routine is required. The order is the same as the order of Unicode code points. Some of the more common characters are ordered as follows (in ascending order):
! | " | # | $ | % | & | ' | ( | ) | * | + | , | - | . | / | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | : | ; | < | = | > | ? | @ | A | B | C | |
D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | \ | ] | ^ | _ | ` | a | b | c | d | e | f | g |
h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | { | | | } | ~ | ¡ | ¢ | £ | ¤ | ¥ | ¦ | § | ¨ | © | ª | « | ¬ | |
® | ¯ | ° | ± | ² | ³ | ´ | µ | ¶ | · | ¸ | ¹ | º | » | ¼ | ½ | ¾ | ¿ | À | Á | Â | Ã | Ä | Å | Æ | Ç | È | É | Ê | Ë | Ì | Í | Î | Ï | Ð |
Ñ | Ò | Ó | Ô | Õ | Ö | × | Ø | Ù | Ú | Û | Ü | Ý | Þ | ß | à | á | â | ã | ä | å | æ | ç | è | é | ê | ë | ì | í | î | ï | ð | ñ | ò | ó | ô |
õ | ö | ÷ | ø | ù | ú | û | ü | ý | þ | ÿ | Ā | ā | Ă | ă | Ą | ą | Ć | ć | Ĉ | ĉ | Ċ | ċ | Č | č | Ď | ď | Đ | đ | Ē | ē | Ĕ | ĕ | Ė | ė | Ę |
ę | Ě | ě | Ĝ | ĝ | Ğ | ğ | Ġ | ġ | Ģ | ģ | Ĥ | ĥ | Ħ | ħ | Ĩ | ĩ | Ī | ī | Ĭ | ĭ | Į | į | İ | ı | IJ | ij | Ĵ | ĵ | Ķ | ķ | ĸ | Ĺ | ĺ | Ļ | ļ |
Ľ | ľ | Ŀ | ŀ | Ł | ł | Ń | ń | Ņ | ņ | Ň | ň | ʼn | Ŋ | ŋ | Ō | ō | Ŏ | ŏ | Ő | ő | Œ | œ | Ŕ | ŕ | Ŗ | ŗ | Ř | ř | Ś | ś | Ŝ | ŝ | Ş | ş | Š |
š | Ţ | ţ | Ť | ť | Ŧ | ŧ | Ũ | ũ | Ū | ū | Ŭ | ŭ | Ů | ů | Ű | ű | Ų | ų | Ŵ | ŵ | Ŷ | ŷ | Ÿ | Ź | ź | Ż | ż | Ž | ž | ſ | Ə | ƒ | Ǻ | ǻ | Ǽ |
ǽ | Ǿ | ǿ | Ș | ș | Ț | ț | ə | ˆ | ˇ | ˉ | ˘ | ˙ | ˚ | ˛ | ˜ | ˝ | ΄ | ΅ | Ά | · | Έ | Ή | Ί | Ό | Ύ | Ώ | ΐ | Α | Β | Γ | Δ | Ε | Ζ | Η | Θ |
Ι | Κ | Λ | Μ | Ν | Ξ | Ο | Π | Ρ | Σ | Τ | Υ | Φ | Χ | Ψ | Ω | Ϊ | Ϋ | ά | έ | ή | ί | ΰ | α | β | γ | δ | ε | ζ | η | θ | ι | κ | λ | μ | ν |
ξ | ο | π | ρ | ς | σ | τ | υ | φ | χ | ψ | ω | ϊ | ϋ | ό | ύ | ώ | Ѐ | Ё | Ђ | Ѓ | Є | Ѕ | І | Ї | Ј | Љ | Њ | Ћ | Ќ | Ѝ | Ў | Џ | А | Б | В |
Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | Й | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Ъ | Ы | Ь | Э | Ю | Я | а | б | в | г | д | е | ж |
з | и | й | к | л | м | н | о | п | р | с | т | у | ф | х | ц | ч | ш | щ | ъ | ы | ь | э | ю | я | ѐ | ё | ђ | ѓ | є | ѕ | і | ї | ј | љ | њ |
ћ | ќ | ѝ | ў | џ | Ґ | ґ | Ḃ | ḃ | Ḋ | ḋ | Ḟ | ḟ | Ṁ | ṁ | Ṗ | ṗ | Ṡ | ṡ | Ṫ | ṫ | Ẁ | ẁ | Ẃ | ẃ | Ẅ | ẅ | Ỳ | ỳ | – | — | ― | ‗ | ‘ | ’ | ‚ |
‛ | “ | ” | „ | † | ‡ | • | … | ‰ | ′ | ″ | ‹ | › | ‼ | ‾ | ⁄ | ⁿ | ₣ | ₤ | ₧ | € | ℅ | ℓ | № | ™ | Ω | ℮ | ⅛ | ⅜ | ⅝ | ⅞ | ← | ↑ | → | ↓ | ↔ |
↕ | ↨ | ∂ | ∆ | ∏ | ∑ | − | ∕ | ∙ | √ | ∞ | ∟ | ∩ | ∫ | ≈ | ≠ | ≡ | ≤ | ≥ | ⌂ | ⌐ | ⌠ | ⌡ | ─ | │ | ┌ | ┐ | └ | ┘ | ├ | ┤ | ┬ | ┴ | ┼ | ═ | ║ |
╒ | ╓ | ╔ | ╕ | ╖ | ╗ | ╘ | ╙ | ╚ | ╛ | ╜ | ╝ | ╞ | ╟ | ╠ | ╡ | ╢ | ╣ | ╤ | ╥ | ╦ | ╧ | ╨ | ╩ | ╪ | ╫ | ╬ | ▀ | ▄ | █ | ▌ | ▐ | ░ | ▒ | ▓ | ■ |
□ | ▪ | ▫ | ▬ | ▲ | ► | ▼ | ◄ | ◊ | ○ | ● | ◘ | ◙ | ◦ | ☺ | ☻ | ☼ | ♀ | ♂ | ♠ | ♣ | ♥ | ♦ | ♪ | ♫ | | | fi | fl | � |
Forcing the sort mode of a column
Adding data-sort-type="..."
to the header lets you control how a table is sorted.
This feature is derived from (webarchive).
Valid values for "data-sort-type" include the following which are not case-sensitive:
- currency
- number
- isoDate
- time
- IPAddress
- usLongDate
- date
- text
- url
{|class="wikitable sortable" !data-sort-type="date"| 日付 !! 名前 !! 身長 !!data-sort-type="number"| 給与 |- | 01.10.1977 || Smith || 1.85 || 1,000.000 |- | 11.6.1972 || Ray || 1.89 || 900.000 |- | 1.9.1992 || Bianchi || 1.72 || 2,000.50 |}
日付 | 名前 | 身長 | 給与 |
01.10.1977 | Smith | 1.85 | 1,000.000 |
11.6.1972 | Ray | 1.89 | 900.000 |
1.9.1992 | Bianchi | 1.72 | 2,000.50 |
Specifying a sort key
You can adjust how cells are sorted or parsed if needed.
For instance, if a cell says "John Smith" but should be sorted under "Smith", you can use the data-sort-value="..."
attribute to achieve this.
{|class="wikitable sortable" ! 氏名 !! 身長 |- |data-sort-value="Smith, John"| John Smith || 1.85 |- |data-sort-value="Ray, Ian"| Ian Ray || 1.89 |- |data-sort-value="Bianchi, Zachary"| Zachary Bianchi || 1.72 |}
氏名 | 身長 |
John Smith | 1.85 |
Ian Ray | 1.89 |
Zachary Bianchi | 1.72 |
Controlling sorting and display
To ensure certain text isn't sorted but still displayed, use data-sort-type="..."
You can then append additional text after values, like "200 approx" or "100<sup style="color:blue" title="link to Reference">[1]".
An empty cell sorts as "-Infinity"
If a cell contains a range of dates or numbers (for example, from 2 to 5), use data-sort-value="..."
The first column sorts plain numbers.
The second column sorts more content as numbers using data-sort-type="number"
in the table header.
The fourth column defines numeric sort values independently of cell content using data-sort-value="..."
numbers | data-sort-type="number" |
| |
-8e3 | -8 e3 | -8 e3 | |
-3e-3 | -3 e-3 | -3 e-3 | |
2.000 | 2-5 km² | data-sort-value="3.5" |
2-5 km² |
3.99 | 3.99 km² | 3.99 km² | |
4 | 4 km² | 4 km² | |
90 % | 90 Percent | data-sort-value="90" |
about 90 Percent |
1E2 | 100[1] | 100[1] | |
1,000,000.0 | 1 000 000.0 | data-sort-value="1e6" |
one Million |
The way commas (,) and decimal points (.) are displayed in Mediawiki depends on the language settings. Currency symbols and the percentage (%) symbol are sorted numerically based on these settings.
Secondary sort key
You can sort data by columns, with Column A as the primary sort key. If Column A has equal values, use Column B as the secondary key. Click Column A's sort button once or twice, then while holding shift, click Column B's sort button once or twice for further refinement.
Click on the "Text" column first, then hold down the shift key and click on the "Numbers" column. You'll notice that the items are sorted based on text first and then numbers.
Numbers | テキスト | 日付 | 通貨 | その他のテキスト |
4 | a | 01.Jan.2005 | 4.20 | row 1 |
5 | a | 05/12/2006 | 7.15 | row 2 |
1 | b | 02-02-2004 | 5.00 | row 3 |
1 | a | 02-02-2004 | 5.00 | row 4 |
2 | x | 13-apr-2005 | row 5 | |
2 | a | 13-apr-2005 | row 6 | |
3 | a | 17.aug.2006 | 6.50 | row 7 |
3 | z | 25.aug.2006 | 2.30 | row 8 |
3 | z | 28.aug.2006 | 5.50 | row 9 |
3 | z | 31.aug.2006 | 3.77 | row 10 |
3 | z | 01.sep.2006 | 1.50 | row 11 |
Bottom |
Additional features
Excluding the last row from sorting
You can skip sorting the last row of a table by marking it with class="sortbottom"
You can also exclude it from sorting by declaring it as a footer with an exclamation mark (!
{|class="wikitable sortable" ! 名 !! 姓 !! 身長 |- | John || Smith || 1.85 |- | Ron || Ray || 1.89 |- | Mario || Bianchi || 1.72 |- class="sortbottom" ! !! 平均: || 1.82 |}
名 | 姓 | 身長 |
John | Smith | 1.85 |
Ron | Ray | 1.89 |
Mario | Bianchi | 1.72 |
平均: | 1.82 |
Excluding the first row from sorting
You can exclude the first row by using the class="sorttop"
{|class="wikitable sortable" ! 名 !! 姓 !! 身長 |- class="sorttop" ! !! 平均: || 1.82 |- | John || Smith || 1.85 |- | Ron || Ray || 1.89 |- | Mario || Bianchi || 1.72 |}
名 | 姓 | 身長 |
平均: | 1.82 | |
John | Smith | 1.85 |
Ron | Ray | 1.89 |
Mario | Bianchi | 1.72 |
Making a column unsortable
To stop a column from being sortable, use class="unsortable"
in its header cell's attributes.
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Numbers !! 英字 !! 日付 !! 通貨 !!class="unsortable"| ソート不可
| 1 || Z || 02-02-2004 || 5.00 || This
| 2 || y || 13-apr-2005 || || Column
| 3 || X || 17.aug.2006 || 6.50 || Is
| 4 || w || 01.Jan.2005 || 4.20 || Unsortable
| 5 || V || 05/12/2006 || 7.15 || See?
! 合計: 15 !! !! !! 合計: 29.55 !!
Numbers | 英字 | 日付 | 通貨 | ソート不可 |
1 | Z | 02-02-2004 | 5.00 | This |
2 | y | 13-apr-2005 | Column | |
3 | X | 17.aug.2006 | 6.50 | Is |
4 | w | 01.Jan.2005 | 4.20 | Unsortable |
5 | V | 05/12/2006 | 7.15 | See? |
合計: 15 | 合計: 29.55 | Original example |
Keeping some rows together
To allow an uncolumned row to always stay beneath the columned row above it, no matter how you sort them, use class="expand-child"
in the row's attribute.
{| class="wikitable sortable" !style="width:9em"| 国 !!data-sort-type="number"| 面積 |- | フランス | 674 843 km² |- class="expand-child" style="font-size:85%; line-height:1.2; color:gray" |colspan="2"| パリにはエッフェル塔があります。 |- | イギリス | 242 495 km² |- class="expand-child" style="font-size:85%; line-height:1.2; color:gray" |colspan="2"| イギリスではユーロで支払えません。 |- class="expand-child" style="font-size:85%; line-height:1.2; color:gray" |colspan="2"| さらに、車は道路の左側通行です。 |- | ドイツ | 357 168 km² |- class="expand-child" style="font-size:85%; line-height:1.2; color:gray" |colspan="2"| ドイツにはかつての東ドイツ (DDR) も含みます。 |}
国 | 面積 |
フランス | 674 843 km² |
パリにはエッフェル塔があります。 | |
イギリス | 242 495 km² |
イギリスではユーロで支払えません。 | |
さらに、車は道路の左側通行です。 | |
ドイツ | 357 168 km² |
ドイツにはかつての東ドイツ (DDR) も含みます。 |
If you put in data-sort-value
the same content as above row, keep this rows also together.
The original mutual order of these rows is preserved.
A better way for this is class expand-child, see above #Keeping some rows together.
Example where data-sort-value
is used is the case for the rows about the Netherlands:
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! 国/州 !! 首都
| フランス || パリ
| オランダ || アムステルダム
|data-sort-value="オランダ"| 南ホラント州 ||data-sort-value="アムステルダム"| デン・ハーグ
| イギリス || ロンドン
Country/province | Capital |
フランス | パリ |
オランダ | アムステルダム |
南ホラント州 | デン・ハーグ |
イギリス | ロンドン |
Special dates
To represent years Before the Common Era (BCE) subtract the BCE year from 10,000. For instance, -62 BCE would be 10,000 - 62 = 9938.
For example, September 23, 62 BCE would be represented as 9938-09-23.
If a table column has incomplete dates, sorting won't be an issue. If only a year and month are provided, it's sorted before the first day of that month. Similarly, if only a year is given, it's sorted before the first month or day of that year.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! 日付
| 2022-01-01
| 2023-12-31
| 2024
| 2024-04
| 2024-04-00
| 2024-05
| 2024-05-00
日付 |
2022-01-01 |
2023-12-31 |
2024 |
2024-04 |
2024-04-00 |
2024-05 |
2024-05-00 |
Using #time
You can use the parser function #time and HTML tags to display a specific date range.
By adding the HTML tag <span style="display:none">&{{#expr:3e11+{{#time:U|..}}}}</span>
before the displayed date, you can manipulate the way the date is shown.
This method works for dates between January 1, 111 CE, and December 31, 9999 CE, using the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
The added value ensures all values are positive and uniform in length.
Placing "&" before the expression forces string sorting mode.
You can input dates and times using any PHP format for date and time. Remember, if you're specifying just a year, you must include a month (usually January) in the background.
For example using date :
入力された日時 | テキスト | 日時の解釈、非表示のソートキーを含む | ソートキーを表示した入力 | 非表示のソートキーがある入力 | UNIX 日時 |
010203 | 15 10月 2024 01:02:03 | &301728954123 010203 | 010203 | 1728954123 | |
1/2 | 02 1月 2024 00:00:00 | &301704153600 1/2 | 1/2 | 1704153600 | |
1/2/3 | 02 1月 2003 00:00:00 | &301041465600 1/2/3 | 1/2/3 | 1041465600 | |
1-2-2003 | 01 2月 2003 00:00:00 | &301044057600 1-2-2003 | 1-2-2003 | 1044057600 | |
1-2-3 | 03 2月 2001 00:00:00 | &300981158400 1-2-3 | 1-2-3 | 981158400 | |
2007 | 01 1月 2007 00:00:00 | &301167609600 2007 | 2007 | 1167609600 | |
1 Jan 111, 00:00:00 | 01 1月 0111 00:00:00 | &241335609600 1 Jan 111, 00:00:00 | 1 Jan 111, 00:00:00 | -58664390400 | |
31 Dec 9999, 23:59:59 | 31 12月 9999 23:59:59 | &553402300799 31 Dec 9999, 23:59:59 | 31 Dec 9999, 23:59:59 | 253402300799 | |
Sep 1970 | 01 9月 1970 00:00:00 | &300020995200 Sep 1970 | Sep 1970 | 20995200 | |
1970 | 01 1月 1970 00:00:00 | &300000000000 1970 | 1970 | 0 | |
Jun 2007 | or later | 01 6月 2007 00:00:00 or later | &301180656000 Jun 2007 or later | Jun 2007 or later | 1180656000 or later |
Jun 2007 | perhaps earlier | 01 6月 2007 00:00:00 perhaps earlier | &301180656000 Jun 2007 perhaps earlier | Jun 2007 perhaps earlier | 1180656000 perhaps earlier |
2007-6 | 01 6月 2007 00:00:00 | &301180656000 2007-6 | 2007-6 | 1180656000 | |
Jun 2007 | 01 6月 2007 00:00:00 | &301180656000 Jun 2007 | Jun 2007 | 1180656000 | |
4 Jun 2007 | 04 6月 2007 00:00:00 | &301180915200 4 Jun 2007 | 4 Jun 2007 | 1180915200 | |
3 Jul 2007 | 03 7月 2007 00:00:00 | &301183420800 3 Jul 2007 | 3 Jul 2007 | 1183420800 | |
12 Aug 2006 | 12 8月 2006 00:00:00 | &301155340800 12 Aug 2006 | 12 Aug 2006 | 1155340800 | |
1 Mar 2006 -1day | 28 2月 2006 00:00:00 | &301141084800 1 Mar 2006 -1day | 1 Mar 2006 -1day | 1141084800 | |
1 Mar 2008 -1day | 29 2月 2008 00:00:00 | &301204243200 1 Mar 2008 -1day | 1 Mar 2008 -1day | 1204243200 | |
1 Mar 2010 -1day | 28 2月 2010 00:00:00 | &301267315200 1 Mar 2010 -1day | 1 Mar 2010 -1day | 1267315200 | |
1 Mar 1900 -1day | 28 2月 1900 00:00:00 | &297796022400 1 Mar 1900 -1day | 1 Mar 1900 -1day | -2203977600 | |
1 Mar 1600 -1day | 29 2月 1600 00:00:00 | &288329001600 1 Mar 1600 -1day | 1 Mar 1600 -1day | -11670998400 | |
Jun 1607 | 01 6月 1607 00:00:00 | &288557875200 Jun 1607 | Jun 1607 | -11442124800 | |
20241015181501 | 15 10月 2024 18:15:01 | &301729016101 20241015181501 | 20241015181501 | 1729016101 | |
yesterday | 14 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301728864000 yesterday | yesterday | 1728864000 | |
today | 15 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301728950400 today | today | 1728950400 | |
tomorrow | 16 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729036800 tomorrow | tomorrow | 1729036800 | |
1week | 22 10月 2024 18:15:01 | &301729620901 1week | 1week | 1729620901 | |
-1week | 08 10月 2024 18:15:01 | &301728411301 -1week | -1week | 1728411301 | |
1day | 16 10月 2024 18:15:01 | &301729102501 1day | 1day | 1729102501 | |
-1day | 14 10月 2024 18:15:01 | &301728929701 -1day | -1day | 1728929701 | |
1month | 15 11月 2024 18:15:01 | &301731694501 1month | 1month | 1731694501 | |
-1month | 15 9月 2024 18:15:01 | &301726424101 -1month | -1month | 1726424101 | |
1year | 15 10月 2025 18:15:01 | &301760552101 1year | 1year | 1760552101 | |
-1year | 15 10月 2023 18:15:01 | &301697393701 -1year | -1year | 1697393701 | |
1000year | 15 10月 3024 18:15:01 | &333285924901 1000year | 1000year | 33285924901 | |
10000month | 15 2月 2858 18:15:01 | &328026584101 10000month | 10000month | 28026584101 | |
1000000day | 12 9月 4762 18:15:01 | &388129016101 1000000day | 1000000day | 88129016101 | |
10000000hour | 02 8月 3165 10:15:01 | &337729016101 10000000hour | 10000000hour | 37729016101 | |
1000000000minute | 12 2月 3926 04:55:01 | &361729016101 1000000000minute | 1000000000minute | 61729016101 | |
100000000000second | 31 8月 5193 04:01:41 | &401729016101 100000000000second | 100000000000second | 101729016101 | |
7980year | Error: #time only supports years up to 9999. | &Expression error: Unexpected < operator. 7980year | 7980year | Error: #time only supports years up to 9999. | |
-1890year | 15 10月 0134 18:15:01 | &242086318501 -1890year | -1890year | -57913681499 | |
Mon | 21 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729468800 Mon | Mon | 1729468800 | |
Tue | 15 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301728950400 Tue | Tue | 1728950400 | |
Wed | 16 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729036800 Wed | Wed | 1729036800 | |
Thu | 17 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729123200 Thu | Thu | 1729123200 | |
Fri | 18 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729209600 Fri | Fri | 1729209600 | |
Sat | 19 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729296000 Sat | Sat | 1729296000 | |
Sun | 20 10月 2024 00:00:00 | &301729382400 Sun | Sun | 1729382400 | |
Error: Invalid time. | &Expression error: Unexpected < operator. | Error: Invalid time. | |||
unknown | Error: Invalid time. | &Expression error: Unexpected < operator. unknown | unknown | Error: Invalid time. |
To use dates before 111 CE, add a multiple of 400 (like 6000) to all years. This shifts the range to start from January 1st, -5889, aat 00:00:00, and ends on December 31st, 3999, at 23:59:59, without altering the calendar system.
- w:Template:dts - Sorting a table by a date column
Cell spanning multiple rows/cells
A cell that extends across multiple rows or columns is considered equivalent to having multiple cells with identical values.
Any missing cells at the end of a row will turn into empty cells after the first sort.
Colspanned cells
Sort modes are detected separately for each column containing colspanned cells.
You can set a sort mode for all colspanned columns by including data-sort-type
in the header.
To implement separate sort keys for each column within a colspanned cell, utilize a CSS trick described here: Ensure an equal number of cells in each row for sortable columns. If there's a mismatch, all columns become sortable. This rule should apply up to and including the last sortable column. However, employing a CSS workaround allows for a difference between the displayed number of cells in a row and the formal count. For instance, two formal cells can appear as one by adjusting the width of the first column, shifting the content of the second cell to the left, increasing its width by the same measure, and concealing the cell border that would typically be visible. Concealed sort keys enable managing the sorting order of specific rows in relation to each column.
Country | Capital |
フランス | パリ |
イギリス | ロンドン |
Static column
To make a static column, like one with row numbers, use two tables placed next to each other. Make sure each row in both tables has the same height. You can also use w:Template:Static row numbers to generate row numbers implicitly using CSS rather than creating another table.
The formatting can be modified to present everything in a unified table. If a row is too short for the text in a cell, the browser will expand it, disrupting the alignment.
Default order
You can't show a table sorted by a column without the user clicking on it. By default, table rows appear in the order as the wikitext. To display a table sorted by a specific column, you'll need to arrange the wikitext accordingly. One way of doing this is:
- Rearrange the table's wikitext without the top and bottom lines.
- Replace the cell separators with a unique code that doesn't contain a "|" by using "find and replace".
- Replace any pipes within table cells with a code, and then substitute that code with a newline character preceded by it (indicating the start of a new row).
- Use the Sort module on Special:ExpandTemplates. To sort the items between the pipes and produce the desired separator, expand templates and add
{{#invoke:Sort|f||- |
(with the newline) before and}}
after the wikitext. - Delete the items that begin with "-" and a newline.
- Change the temporary codes for the cell separators and pipes inside the cells to restore them.
This sorting method relies on the wikitext in each row, primarily sorting by the content of the first column. The second column serves as a secondary key. However, wikitext codes in the first column cells before the content can impact the order.
You can also use Snippets/Sort table on reload to automatically sort the table when it loads using JavaScript.
Persistent sort states using cookies
You can save the state of sortable tables across reloads using Snippets/Persistent sort order .
- Help:Table
- w:Category:Sorting templates
- jquery.tablesorter.js - TableSorter for MediaWiki
- - Stuart Langridge's original code needs explaining. In the MediaWiki version, tables no longer need IDs.
- For much more detailed instructions, see the Wikipedia page.
- Manual:$wgCategoryCollation – Allows you to change the collation used for categories (requires shell access).
- Unicode character references on the Wikibooks.
- w:Ranked list of Dutch provinces
- w:List of countries by GDP estimates for 2006 (nominal)
- w:List of countries by GDP (PPP), 2006
- w:List of longest reigning current monarchs - Date columns can be sorted by those who don't care about date format and by those who prefer [[YYYY-MM-DD]].
- Pokémon table - Place a "#" before numbers to position them ahead of "-".
- Nuclear power by country (Featured List)
- w:Desert Island Discs: castaways' choices
- zh:秘鲁行政区划 (Subdivisions of Peru) for sorting of Chinese (CJK)
- w:Standard electrode potential (data page)