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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Quiz and the translation is 100% complete.
Manuel des extensions MediaWiki
État de la version : stable
Implémentation Balise , Accroche
Description Fournit un outil de quiz
Auteur(s) Lrbabediscussion
Dernière version 1.2.0 (2015-12-08)
MediaWiki 1.25+
Licence Licence publique générale GNU v2.0 ou supérieur
Exemple and format documentation: v:Help:Quiz
Téléchargements trimestriels 35 (Ranked 96th)
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L'extension Quiz est l'outil de construction de quiz adopté sur Wikiversité. Cette extension vise à être :

  • Simple dans sa syntaxe et son utilisation ; puissant dans ses possibilités.
  • Ouvert aux suggestions et aux améliorations (en facilitant l'ajout de nouveaux types de questions).


Other help pages are hosted on the Wikiversities in order to allow for working examples.


  • Téléchargez et placez le(s) fichier(s) dans un répertoire appelé Quiz dans votre dossier extensions/.
    Les développeurs et les contributeurs au code doivent à la place installer l'extension à partir de Git en utilisant:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Quiz
  • Ajoutez le code suivant à la fin de votre fichier LocalSettings.php  :
    wfLoadExtension( 'Quiz' );
  • Yes Fait – Accédez à Special:Version sur votre wiki pour vérifier que l'extension a bien été installée.


Ajouter un nouveau type de question

Quiz was conceived to facilitate the addition of new question types. If the basic types (multiple choice with single/multiple responses) are not enough for you, you have the possibility of easily creating and integrating the type of questions which you need. For that you must have some knowledge of PHP.

  1. The first thing that you must do is choose a syntax (the simplest possible) for your question type. The restrictions are:
    • The syntax of the question's header is fixed. The question has to be placed between curly brackets - i.e. { and } .
    • For consistency, it is recommended to use || to mark the beginning of the feedback section ("correction").
  2. Choose a new code name for your question type (example: "questionTypeName") as well as a symbol (currently the symbol "()" is used for single response multiple choice because it looks like a radio button, and the symbol "[]" is used for multiple response multiple choice because it looks like a checkbox).
  3. Add a "case" at the beginning of the parseParameters's "switch", as follows :
    case 'symbol':
    	$this->mType = "questionTypeName";
  4. Add a parser function to Quiz.php
    This function must convert a question object from quiz syntax to HTML and set a state to the question (right, wrong, error, NA or unmarked), according to syntax errors and eventually posted answers. Name the function "questionTypeNameParseObject" and implement as follows :
     * Convert a basic type object from quiz syntax to HTML.
     * @param  $input				A question object in quiz syntax
     * @return $output				A question object in HTML.
    function questionTypeNameParseObject($input) {
    	// your code here.
    	$this->setState(""); // Set the state if needed.
    	return $output;
  5. Write down your syntax specifications which will be added to the help. Please read first the existing help.
  6. Once this is all done, contact me to include officially your question type inside the extension.

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