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This page is a translated version of the page Extension:GeoData and the translation is 100% complete.
发行状态: 稳定版
实现 API , 解析器函数
作者 Max Semenik (MaxSem留言)
兼容性政策 快照跟随MediaWiki发布。 master分支不向后兼容。
MediaWiki 1.25+
许可协议 WTFPL 2.0
  • $wgGlobes
  • $wgMaxCoordinatesPerPage
  • $wgGeoDataIndexGranularity
  • $wgMaxGeoSearchRadius
  • $wgGeoDataRadiusScoreOverrides
  • $wgDefaultDim
  • $wgGeoDataWarningLevel
  • $wgGeoDataInJS
  • $wgGeoDataUseCirrusSearch
  • $wgTypeToDim
  • $wgGeoDataDebug
  • $wgGeoDataBackend
季度下載量 40 (Ranked 93rd)
問題 开启的任务 · 报告错误

GeoData扩展允许條目指定其地理坐标,并通过HTTP API 发佈这些坐标。




  • MySQL(默认):适合中小型安装。 无需任何配置。 它不使用 MySQL 内置的空间索引,因为在开发该扩展时,SPATIAL 仅受 MyISAM 存储引擎的支持,这比什么都不支持还要糟糕。 取而代之的是,它使用0.1x0.1度的磁贴进行搜索,这导致I/O稍高,但更新速度更快。
  • ElasticSearch是一个强大的搜索引擎。 在使用ElasticSearch作为后端时,GeoData可作为CirrusSearch 的插件,为维基添加ES文本搜索。


  • 下载文件,并将解压后的GeoData文件夹移动到extensions/目录中。
    开发者和代码贡献人员应从Git安装扩展,输入:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/GeoData
  • 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
    wfLoadExtension( 'GeoData' );
  • 运行更新脚本,它将自动创建此扩展必须依赖的数据库表。
  • If you're about to use GeoData with ElasticSearch, install CirrusSearch then add
    $wgGeoDataBackend = 'elastic';
    to LocalSettings.php, below the GeoData loading.
  • Yes 完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。


This extension adds a new parser function , {{#coordinates:}}, that saves coordinates to the database. Function's input format is made as compatible as possible with GeoHack.


  • Coordinates - see w:geographical coordinates
  • Globe - terrestrial body on which the coordinate resides. By default, Earth is assumed. Internally, globe is represented as lowercase strings. The following globes are supported: earth, mercury, venus, moon, mars, phobos, deimos, ganymede, callisto, io, europa, mimas, enceladus, tethys, dione, rhea, titan, hyperion, iapetus, phoebe, miranda, ariel, umbriel, titania, oberon, triton and pluto. Globes not mentioned in this list will be assumed to have generic characteristics: longitude range 0-360°, Eastern longitude is positive. Longitude sign for known globes is taken according to IAU's conventions.
  • dim - approximate size of an object. Used by GeoData to restrict search and by GeoHack for determining appropriate map zoom. The default unit of measurement is metres, although the km suffix may be appended to indicate kilometres.
  • Primary vs. secondary coordinates: primary coordinates define article subject's location, while secondary coordinates are other coordinates mentioned in the article. There can be only one primary coordinate per article, but as many secondaries as you like barring technical restrictions.


Function format:

{{#coordinates:latitude|longitude|[primary|][GeoHack parameters|][extra parameters]}}
Empty parameters (e.g. || or | |) are always ignored.
  • latitude and longitude can be specified in several formats:
    • Direct signed input in degrees, e.g. 37.786971|-122.399677, which corresponds to 37° 47′ 13.1″ N, 122° 23′ 58.84″ W.
      As formatted number in the content language. Use {{formatnum:}}, to format a number of a expression.
    • Degrees/minutes or degrees/minutes/seconds, e.g. 37|47.2183|-122|23.9807 or 37|47|13.1|-122|23|58.84.
    • Either of the above, but with sign specified by N/E/S/W letters:
You should use either negative sign or N/E/S/W, but not both
  • primary keyword specifies that these coordinates are primary (see #Glossary).
  • Extra parameters are any combination of the following named parameters:
    • dim: approximate size of the object.
    • scale: Scale of map display for this object, e.g. scale of 300 is 1:300. Gets converted into dim internally using formula dim = scale / 10. If both scale and dim are set, dim has precedence.
    • globe, see #Glossary.
    • name: name of this point, up to 255 bytes (UTF-8).
    • region: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (e.g. US or RU) or an ISO 3166-2 region code (e.g. US-FL or RU-MOS). This parameter is always capitalised internally.
    • type: type of object with these coordinates, can be one of the following: country, satellite, state, adm1st, adm2nd, adm3rd, city, isle, mountain, river, waterbody, event, forest, glacier, airport, railwaystation, edu, pass, camera, landmark.
类型 描述 尺寸
country (e.g. "type:country") 1,000,000
satellite geo-stationary satellites 1,000,000
adm1st Administrative unit of country, 1st level (province, state), e.g. U.S. states 1,000,000
adm2nd Administrative unit of country, 2nd level, e.g. US county 30,000
adm3rd Administrative unit of country, 3rd level 10,000
city(pop) cities, towns, villages, hamlets, suburbs, subdivisions, neighborhoods, and other human settlements (including unincorporated and/or abandoned ones) with known population
(optional population in braces is ignored)
airport airports and airbases 3,000
mountain peaks, mountain ranges, hills, submerged reefs, and seamounts 10,000
isle islands and isles 10,000
waterbody bays, fjords, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, lochs, loughs, meres, lagoons, estuaries, inland seas, and waterfalls 10,000
forest forests and woodlands 5,000
river rivers, canals, creeks, brooks, and streams, including intermittent ones 10,000
glacier glaciers and icecaps 5,000
event one-time or regular events and incidents that occurred at a specific location, including battles, earthquakes, festivals, and shipwrecks 5,000
edu schools, colleges, and universities 1,000
pass mountain passes 1,000
railwaystation stations, stops, and maintenance areas of railways and trains, including railroad, metro, rapid transit, underground, subway, elevated railway, etc. 1,000
landmark buildings (including churches, factories, museums, theatres, and power plants but excluding schools and railway stations), caves, cemeteries, cultural landmarks, geologic faults, headlands, intersections, mines, ranches, roads, structures (including antennas, bridges, castles, dams, lighthouses, monuments, and stadiums), tourist attractions, valleys, and other points of interest 1,000
Default dim: if no type is used or the type is unknown to this extension 1,000
  • GeoHack parameters: one or more pairs in format parameter:value, delimited by underscores (_) or spaces (e.g. dim:1000_type:city). No spaces are allowed between parameter and colon or between colon and value. The parameters are the same as extra parameters above. If a parameter exists in both GeoHack parameters and extra parameters, extra parameters always have precedence. This input is needed only for compatibility with preexisting {{coord}} templates - if your wiki is only designing a geographical coordinates template, it is best if you not used raw GeoHack parameters at all.


Note how extra parameters are specified:

{{#coordinates:primary|40.775114|-73.968802|type:landmark_region:US-NY|name=Loeb Central Park Boathouse}}



GeoData checks the data it receives for a number of error conditions.

The following conditions result in coordinates being outright rejected and added to tracking category (the name of it is defined by MediaWiki:Geodata-broken-tags-category):

  • Coordinates out of range:
  • Mixing coordinate signs and hemisphere letters:
  • More than one primary coordinate on page:
  • Too many coordinates on page: by default 500, 2000 on WMF.

The following errors are non-fatal by default:

  • Unrecognised coordinate type:
{{#coordinates:primary|26|04|N|178|46|E|type=New York}}


GeoData has two API modules that perform search around a given point and coordinates for a given article(s).


Searches for articles around the given point (determined either by coordinates, bounding box, or by article name).


Coordinate around which to search: two floating-point values separated by pipe (|)
Search radius in meters (10-10000). This parameter is required with the use of gscoord.
Bounding box to search in: pipe (|) separated coordinates of the corners in top|left|bottom|right order.
Title of page around which to search
Restrict search to objects no larger than this, in meters
Maximum number of pages to return. No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed. Default: 10.
Globe to search on (by default earth).
Namespace(s) to search. Default: main namespace.
What additional coordinate properties to return. Values (separate with '|'): type, name, country, region.
Whether to return only primary coordinates (primary), secondary (secondary) or both (all). Default: primary.


    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "geosearch": [
                "pageid": 9292891,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "140 New Montgomery",
                "lat": 37.7868194444444,
                "lon": -122.399905555556,
                "dist": 26.2,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 40377676,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "New Montgomery Street",
                "lat": 37.78729,
                "lon": -122.40033,
                "dist": 67.5,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 1544800,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Cartoon Art Museum",
                "lat": 37.787088,
                "lon": -122.40094,
                "dist": 111.7,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 2183989,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Academy of Art University",
                "lat": 37.78785,
                "lon": -122.40065,
                "dist": 129.9,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 24801569,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "SPUR (San Francisco organization)",
                "lat": 37.78716,
                "lon": -122.4012,
                "dist": 135.5,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 9297181,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "101 Second Street",
                "lat": 37.788139,
                "lon": -122.399056,
                "dist": 140.9,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 40413203,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "222 Second Street",
                "lat": 37.78635,
                "lon": -122.39825,
                "dist": 143.2,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 20004112,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "The Montgomery (San Francisco)",
                "lat": 37.78762,
                "lon": -122.40112,
                "dist": 145.9,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 18679821,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "California Historical Society",
                "lat": 37.78684444444444,
                "lon": -122.40148055555557,
                "dist": 159.1,
                "primary": ""
                "pageid": 71882190,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "St. Regis Museum Tower",
                "lat": 37.7863,
                "lon": -122.4013,
                "dist": 161,
                "primary": ""


Returns coordinates of the given page(s)


How many coordinates to return.
When more results are available, use this to continue.
What additional coordinate properties to return. Values (separate with '|'): type, name, dim, country, region.
Whether to return only primary coordinates (primary), secondary (secondary) or both (all). Default: primary.


    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "pages": {
            "18618509": {
                "pageid": 18618509,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Wikimedia Foundation",
                "coordinates": [
                        "lat": 37.78916667,
                        "lon": -122.40333333,
                        "primary": "",
                        "globe": "earth"
    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "pages": {
            "18618509": {
                "pageid": 18618509,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Wikimedia Foundation",
                "coordinates": [
                        "lat": 37.78916667,
                        "lon": -122.40333333,
                        "primary": "",
                        "type": "landmark",
                        "dim": "1000"


This functionality is not enabled on Wikimedia sites yet

GeoData extends two core API modules, list=allpages and list=categorymembers . The extended modules are called geopages and geopagesincategory. It adds two mutually exclusive parameters, withcoordinates and withoutcoordinates.


设置 类型 默认 有什麼作用
$wgMaxGeoSearchRadius int 10000 Maximum radius for geospatial searches, in meters. Reducing this value reduces server load
$wgMaxCoordinatesPerPage int 500 Maximum number of coordinates per page, -1 means no limit
$wgTypeToDim array Long array, see the sources Conversion table type --> dim
$wgDefaultDim array 1000 Default value of dim if it is unknown
$wgGlobes array Long array, see the sources Defines parameters of every globe
$wgGeoDataWarningLevel array
	'unknown type' => 'none',
	'unknown globe' => 'none',
	'invalid region' => 'none',
Controls what GeoData should do when it encounters some problem. Reaction type:
  • warn - Add tracking category
  • fail - Consider the tag invalid, display message and add tracking category
  • none - Do nothing
$wgGeoDataIndexGranularity int 10 How many integer units per degree to use with database-only search. Influences performance. Run updateIndexGranularity.php after changing this setting.
$wgGeoDataBackend string 'db' Which backend should be used by spatial searches: 'db' or 'elastic'. Note if you're planning to change it, do so before creating the database tables.