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Content translation/Deletion statistics comparison

From mediawiki.org

Data on the deletion ratio of Wikipedia articles created with and without Content Translation.

Wikis with higher deletion ratios for CX created articles


We reviewed wikis where the deletion rate of articles created with content translation is higher than the deletion rate for articles created with other tools as part of T286636 during a specified timeframe. This data is updated quarterly (every three months) to assess the evolution of deletion rates as improvements are made. This timeframe was selected to capture a sufficient time for editors to review content and limit seasonality effects.

Data comes from mediawiki_history and reflects the deletion ratios of main namespace articles that were created using Content Translation compared to the deletion ratios of main namespace articles created without the tool. Bots were excluded. We also removed wikis where 15 or fewer articles were created with content translation during the reviewed timeframe to reduce noise in the data and focus on wikis with more representative data.


Time period Overall CX articles deletion ratio 1 Overall non-CX articles deletion ratio 2 Number of wikis with higher cx article deletion ratios3 Wiki with the highest deletion ratio difference Per Wiki deletion ratio results
April 2024 - June 2024 4.73%[1] 11.46% 16 wikis Yiddish Wikipedia (78% cx; 38.1% non-cx) Q4 2023-24 wiki results
October 2023 - December 2023 2.88% 13.21% 4 wikis[2] Kurdish Wikipedia (13.64% cx; 0.16% non-cx) Q2 2023 wiki results
January 2024 - March 2024 2.32% 11.65% 10 wikis Lithuanian Wikipedia (46% cx; 12.48% non-cx) Q3 2023-24 wiki results
October 2023 - December 2023 2.88% 13.21% 4 wikis[3] Kurdish Wikipedia (13.64% cx; 0.16% non-cx) Q2 2023 wiki results
July 2023 - September 2023 5.65%[4] 12.71% 22 wikis Assamese Wikipedia (41.67% cx; 6.81% non-cx) Q1 2023 wiki results
April 2023- June 2023 3.6% 13% 23 wikis Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia (65% cx; 6.83% non-cx) Q4 2022 wiki results
January 2023- March 2023 3.6% 12.7% 26 wikis Tibetan Wikipedia (88.2% cx; 6.12% non-cx) Q3 2022 wiki results
October 2022 - December 2022 3.4% 12.9% 32 wikis Cebuano Wikipedia (61.1% cx; 18.5% non-cx) Q2 2022 wiki results
July 2022 - September 2022 2.9% 11.4% 25 wikis Western Frisian Wikipedia (100% cx, 3.24% non-cx) Q1 2022 wiki results
April 2022 - June 2022 3.2% 12.8% 17 wikis Javanese Wikipedia (69.6% cx; 0.35% non-cx) Q4 2022 wiki results
January 2022 - March 2022 3% 12% 13 wikis Estonian Wikipedia (29.4% cx; 11.7% non-cx) Q3 2022 wiki results
October 2021 - December 2021 2.8% 10.7% 16 wikis Lithuanian Wikipedia (47.4% cx; 15.3% non-cx) Q2 2021 wiki results
July 2021 - September 2021 2.1% 12.5% 13 wikis Javanese Wikipedia (96.2% cx; 12% non-cx) Q1 2021 wiki results
April 2021 - June 2021 3.1% 13.8% 15 wikis Moroccan Arabic Wikipedia (36% cx; 1.64% non-cx) Q4 2021 wiki results
January 2021 - March 2021 2.8% 15.2% 13 wikis Hawaiian Wikipedia (39% cx; 1.2% non-cx) Q3 2021 wiki results
1 Defined as the ratio of all deleted articles created with CX to all articles created with CX across all wikis.

2 Defined as the ratio of all deleted articles created without CX to all articles created without CX across all wikis.

3 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period, and difference is less than 2%.

Quarterly Results

April to June 2024

April to June 2024 (Q4 2023-24)

Wikipedias with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: April to June 2024 (Q4 2023-24)
Wikipedia Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Wikipedia Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
yiwiki 41 21 32 8 78.05% 38.10% -39.95%
kuwiki2 30 846 10 45 33.33% 5.32% -28.01%
swwiki 21 2591 6 47 28.57% 1.81% -26.76%
lvwiki 38 3397 9 252 23.68% 7.42% -16.26%
ocwiki 16 541 3 20 18.75% 3.70% -15.05%
uzwiki 15340 31189 2036 861 13.27% 2.76% -10.51%
roa_rupwiki 17 33 2 1 11.76% 3.03% -8.73%
mnwiki2 19 759 4 101 21.05% 13.31% -7.74%
hrwiki 254 2147 59 372 23.23% 17.33% -5.90%
tnwiki 22 579 1 2 4.55% 0.35% -4.20%
brwiki 27 673 2 25 7.41% 3.71% -3.70%
astwiki 19 2883 1 47 5.26% 1.63% -3.63%
fiwiki 16 8464 2 757 12.50% 8.94% -3.56%
dewiki 479 47302 77 6178 16.08% 13.06% -3.02%
gawiki 153 1268 6 22 3.92% 1.74% -2.18%
htwiki 63 179 2 2 3.17% 1.12% -2.05%
1 Excludes Wikipedias with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period.
2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation.
January through March 2024

January through March 2024 (Q3 2023-24)

Wikipedias with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: October through December 2023 (FY 23 Q3)
Wikipedia Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Wikipedia Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
ltwiki 50 4039 23 504 46.00% 12.48% -33.52%
banwiki 18 1416 5 15 27.78% 1.06% -26.72%
cebwiki 34 741 8 37 23.53% 4.99% -18.54%
mnwiki 22 903 7 211 31.82% 23.37% -8.45%
iswiki 45 966 6 60 13.33% 6.21% -7.12%
gnwiki 24 115 2 2 8.33% 1.74% -6.59%
tgwiki 142 1979 15 115 10.56% 5.81% -4.75%
svwiki2 108 14912 14 1321 12.96% 8.86% -4.10%
kuwiki2 23 629 3 60 13.04% 9.54% -3.50%
ttwiki 55 388 3 8 5.45% 2.06% -3.39%
1 Excludes Wikipedias with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period.
2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation.
October through December 2023

October through December 2023 (Q2 2023-24)

Analysis by Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Product Analytics
Wikipedias with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
(at least 2% higher deletion rate, as compared to articles created without using CX)
Reviewed Time Period: October through December 2023 (FY 23 Q2)
Wikipedia Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
kuwiki2 22 15023 3 24 13.64% 0.16% -13.48%
svwiki 104 12910 19 1618 18.27% 12.53% -5.74%
ocwiki2 45 1053 3 22 6.67% 2.09% -4.58%
dewiki 535 53710 89 6865 16.64% 12.78% -3.86%
1 Excludes Wikipedias with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period.
2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation.
July through September 2023

July through September 2023 (Q1 2023-24)

Analysis by Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Product Analytics
Wikipedias with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: July through September 2023 (FY 23 Q1)
Wikipedia Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
aswiki 24 426 10 29 41.67% 6.81% -34.86%
kawiki 77 1326 33 234 42.86% 17.65% -25.21%
ltwiki2 43 4126 13 272 30.23% 6.59% -23.64%
lawiki 16 603 4 49 25.00% 8.13% -16.87%
cebwiki 18 840 3 63 16.67% 7.50% -9.17%
ocwiki2 36 794 3 14 8.33% 1.76% -6.57%
kuwiki2 65 1023 5 18 7.69% 1.76% -5.93%
brwiki 21 2865 1 21 4.76% 0.73% -4.03%
lvwiki2 35 3321 3 152 8.57% 4.58% -3.99%
uzwiki 4686 5801 1540 1726 32.86% 29.75% -3.11%
lbwiki 52 494 4 26 7.69% 5.26% -2.43%
bswiki2 79 408 13 58 16.46% 14.22% -2.24%
mtwiki2 55 185 2 3 3.64% 1.62% -2.02%
zh_yuewiki 36 2148 2 76 5.56% 3.54% -2.02%
yiwiki 16 38 2 4 12.50% 10.53% -1.97%
dewiki2 575 53022 80 6432 13.91% 12.13% -1.78%
arywiki 61 426 4 22 6.56% 5.16% -1.40%
satwiki 464 557 7 1 1.51% 0.18% -1.33%
ttwiki 51 559 3 27 5.88% 4.83% -1.05%
shwiki2 18 721 2 75 11.11% 10.40% -0.71%
mznwiki 99 2280 1 10 1.01% 0.44% -0.57%
gawiki 145 698 4 16 2.76% 2.29% -0.47%
1 Excludes Wikipedias with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period.
2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation.
April through June 2023

April through June 2023 (Q4 2022-23)

Analysis by Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: April 2023 through June 2023 (FY 22 Q4)
Wiki project Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
shwiki 20 791 13 54 65.00% 6.83% -58.17%
suwiki 19 144 10 15 52.63% 10.42% -42.21%
tnwiki 32 32 14 4 43.75% 12.50% -31.25%
lvwiki 34 3521 10 225 29.41% 6.39% -23.02%
ltwiki2 59 4077 17 574 28.81% 14.08% -14.73%
fiwiki 76 7945 17 765 22.37% 9.63% -12.74%
gdwiki2 17 90 2 3 11.76% 3.33% -8.43%
iuwiki2 16 12 16 11 100.00% 91.67% -8.33%
ttwiki2 73 531 11 37 15.07% 6.97% -8.10%
kuwiki2 86 568 9 23 10.47% 4.05% -6.42%
bswiki2 110 785 22 110 20.00% 14.01% -5.99%
hywiki2 191 2897 25 263 13.09% 9.08% -4.01%
ocwiki 48 930 3 23 6.25% 2.47% -3.78%
bhwiki 68 296 17 66 25.00% 22.30% -2.70%
tumwiki2 56 5442 3 165 5.36% 3.03% -2.33%
mtwiki 59 194 4 9 6.78% 4.64% -2.14%
zhwiki 1905 40421 140 2273 7.35% 5.62% -1.73%
kswiki2 145 1627 2 6 1.38% 0.37% -1.01%
afwiki2 98 1573 7 97 7.14% 6.17% -0.97%
glwiki 504 2367 21 89 4.17% 3.76% -0.41%
dewiki 595 50390 89 7346 14.96% 14.58% -0.38%
bewiki 604 3745 16 95 2.65% 2.54% -0.11%
jawiki 683 20939 89 2720 13.03% 12.99% -0.04%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period
2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation
January through March 2023

January through March 2023 (Q3 2022-23)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: January 2023 through March 2023 (Q3)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
bowiki 17 98 15 6 88.24% 6.12% −82.11%
iuwiki 202 44 202 20 100.00% 45.45% −54.55%
htwiki2 84 91 35 3 41.67% 3.30% −38.37%
gdwiki 18 24 9 3 50.00% 12.50% −37.50%
jvwiki2 83 295 32 15 38.55% 5.08% −33.47%
lawiki2 17 642 5 40 29.41% 6.23% −23.18%
crwiki 36 24 36 19 100.00% 79.17% −20.83%
yiwiki 31 68 16 21 51.61% 30.88% −20.73%
iswiki2 25 1451 5 50 20.00% 3.45% −16.55%
kuwiki2 59 1049 11 39 18.64% 3.72% −14.93%
ltwiki2 49 5816 9 567 18.37% 9.75% −8.62%
tumwiki 22 2103 2 34 9.09% 1.62% −7.47%
bswiki2 55 1163 9 111 16.36% 9.54% −6.82%
arywiki2 41 408 8 52 19.51% 12.75% −6.77%
zh_yuewiki2 28 2471 3 104 10.71% 4.21% −6.51%
aswiki 45 816 5 41 11.11% 5.02% −6.09%
mznwiki 47 594 4 21 8.51% 3.54% −4.98%
lnwiki 16 77 4 16 25.00% 20.78% −4.22%
afwiki2 65 1236 6 63 9.23% 5.10% −4.13%
hywiki2 286 3437 31 243 10.84% 7.07% −3.77%
etwiki2 105 4759 12 367 11.43% 7.71% −3.72%
ttwiki2 32 574 2 22 6.25% 3.83% −2.42%
mywiki 86 2620 4 99 4.65% 3.78% −0.87%
enwiki 545 161216 35 9568 6.42% 5.93% −0.49%
kswiki 46 249 1 5 2.17% 2.01% −0.17%
swwiki2 70 598 9 76 12.86% 12.71% −0.15%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

October through December 2022

October through December 2022 (Q2 2022-23)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: October 2022 through December 2022 (Q2)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
cebwiki 18 281 11 52 61.11% 18.51% −42.61%
lawiki2 17 764 6 43 35.29% 5.63% −29.67%
arzwiki2 54 13791 16 238 29.63% 1.73% −27.90%
hywiki2 38 1491 14 179 36.84% 12.01% −24.84%
swwiki 45 1180 13 53 28.89% 4.49% −24.40%
ltwiki2 36 2801 14 492 38.89% 17.57% −21.32%
ttwiki2 32 68978 9 5436 28.12% 7.88% −20.24%
iswiki2 20 1128 4 76 20.00% 6.74% −13.26%
astwiki2 102 1420 15 56 14.71% 3.94% −10.76%
idwiki 296 14138 80 2348 27.03% 16.61% −10.42%
arywiki2 39 610 9 84 23.08% 13.77% −9.31%
fiwiki2 42 8888 7 659 16.67% 7.41% −9.25%
etwiki 54 4603 8 342 14.81% 7.43% −7.38%
twwiki 47 125 4 2 8.51% 1.60% −6.91%
orwiki 91 336 8 7 8.79% 2.08% −6.71%
skwiki2 88 1817 18 258 20.45% 14.20% −6.26%
tgwiki2 232 1743 21 63 9.05% 3.61% −5.44%
afwiki 118 2121 9 77 7.63% 3.63% −4.00%
htwiki2 26 192 2 8 7.69% 4.17% −3.53%
zh_yuewiki2 63 2678 4 87 6.35% 3.25% −3.10%
dewiki 302 52333 48 6711 15.89% 12.82% −3.07%
eowiki 248 6424 10 70 4.03% 1.09% −2.94%
brwiki2 90 2464 3 17 3.33% 0.69% −2.64%
kuwiki2 312 1728 19 63 6.09% 3.65% −2.44%
jvwiki2 30 930 1 17 3.33% 1.83% −1.51%
bswiki 90 680 11 74 12.22% 10.88% −1.34%
glwiki 602 3222 29 114 4.82% 3.54% −1.28%
simplewiki 103 12489 28 3272 27.18% 26.20% −0.99%
ckbwiki2 343 1145 17 49 4.96% 4.28% −0.68%
lvwiki2 45 3406 4 285 8.89% 8.37% −0.52%
zhwiki 1162 37882 79 2488 6.80% 6.57% −0.23%
ocwiki 49 984 1 20 2.04% 2.03% −0.01%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

July through September 2022

July through September 2022 (Q1 2022-23)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: July 2022 through September 2022 (Q1)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
fywiki 23 1110 23 36 100.00% 3.24% −96.76%
arzwiki2 19 16331 9 198 47.37% 1.21% −46.16%
lawiki2 32 611 17 45 53.12% 7.36% −45.76%
iswiki 27 1113 8 41 29.63% 3.68% −25.95%
arywiki 41 621 12 25 29.27% 4.03% −25.24%
jvwiki2 18 2656 3 8 16.67% 0.30% −16.37%
astwiki2 18 1030 4 64 22.22% 6.21% −16.01%
ltwiki 40 3546 8 290 20.00% 8.18% −11.82%
lvwiki 31 3743 4 156 12.90% 4.17% −8.74%
htwiki2 21 421 3 27 14.29% 6.41% −7.87%
aswiki 48 526 8 47 16.67% 8.94% −7.73%
fiwiki 90 8700 11 685 12.22% 7.87% −4.35%
tgwiki2 203 836 17 37 8.37% 4.43% −3.95%
thwiki 20 3994 2 250 10.00% 6.26% −3.74%
dawiki 96 5689 15 719 15.62% 12.64% −2.99%
ckbwiki2 253 1845 19 88 7.51% 4.77% −2.74%
brwiki 30 2562 1 19 3.33% 0.74% −2.59%
kuwiki2 105 3469 4 67 3.81% 1.93% −1.88%
ttwiki 46 1785 1 12 2.17% 0.67% −1.50%
cywiki 69 143028 1 158 1.45% 0.11% −1.34%
hywiki 137 1530 19 194 13.87% 12.68% −1.19%
cswiki 400 8837 33 672 8.25% 7.60% −0.65%
skwiki 59 2003 7 231 11.86% 11.53% −0.33%
zh_yuewiki 39 5413 1 122 2.56% 2.25% −0.31%
nlwiki 291 15380 31 1623 10.65% 10.55% −0.10%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

April through June 2022

April through June 2022 (Q4 2021-22)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: April 2022 through June 2022 (Q4)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
jvwiki 23 2283 16 8 69.57% 0.35% −69.21%
mnwiki2 21 553 17 283 80.95% 51.18% −29.78%
astwiki2 16 880 5 70 31.25% 7.95% −23.30%
etwiki2 23 3689 6 400 26.09% 10.84% −15.24%
kuwiki 75 3276 11 49 14.67% 1.50% −13.17%
htwiki 35 3632 3 7 8.57% 0.19% −8.38%
cywiki 57 459 6 21 10.53% 4.58% −5.95%
lawiki 30 564 3 26 10.00% 4.61% −5.39%
ruwiki 1224 440658 86 7452 7.03% 1.69% −5.34%
bewiki2 217 4546 9 80 4.15% 1.76% −2.39%
ckbwiki2 46 991 3 42 6.52% 4.24% −2.28%
pswiki 36 1032 1 10 2.78% 0.97% −1.81%
azwiki 214 4583 53 1059 24.77% 23.11% −1.66%
arzwiki2 324 19663 10 321 3.09% 1.63% −1.45%
eowiki2 274 6956 7 120 2.55% 1.73% −0.83%
nqowiki 21 45 1 2 4.76% 4.44% −0.32%
tgwiki 196 1106 8 42 4.08% 3.80% −0.28%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

January through March 2022

January through March 2022 (Q3 2021-22)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: January 2022 through March 2022 (Q3)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
etwiki 17 4503 5 528 29.41% 11.73% −17.69%
skwiki 29 2587 8 424 27.59% 16.39% −11.20%
mnwiki 17 378 11 214 64.71% 56.61% −8.09%
bewiki2 165 5291 15 99 9.09% 1.87% −7.22%
ltwiki2 31 2996 10 754 32.26% 25.17% −7.09%
astwiki 27 1833 3 105 11.11% 5.73% −5.38%
ckbwiki 69 7850 4 41 5.80% 0.52% −5.27%
eowiki 202 10469 4 67 1.98% 0.64% −1.34%
bclwiki 176 508 2 3 1.14% 0.59% −0.55%
bswiki 145 2143 7 92 4.83% 4.29% −0.53%
ttwiki 497 95099 2 33 0.40% 0.03% −0.37%
arzwiki2 659 55894 4 272 0.61% 0.49% −0.12%
skrwiki 295 526 2 3 0.68% 0.57% −0.11%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

October through December 2021

October through December 2021 (Q2 2021-22)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: October 2021 through December 2021 (Q2)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
ltwiki 38 4431 18 676 47.37% 15.26% −32.11%
lawiki2 21 1084 4 45 19.05% 4.15% −14.90%
ocwiki 20 405 2 12 10.00% 2.96% −7.04%
arzwiki 62 170066 4 219 6.45% 0.13% −6.32%
hywiki 43 2328 9 344 20.93% 14.78% −6.15%
swwiki 71 1673 4 19 5.63% 1.14% −4.50%
fiwiki2 38 8220 5 715 13.16% 8.70% −4.46%
thwiki2 69 7307 4 157 5.80% 2.15% −3.65%
mrwiki2 98 3421 5 52 5.10% 1.52% −3.58%
iswiki 20 706 2 54 10.00% 7.65% −2.35%
afwiki 82 1309 5 63 6.10% 4.81% −1.28%
nlwiki 236 14644 36 2175 15.25% 14.85% −0.40%
orwiki 150 383 5 12 3.33% 3.13% −0.20%
kmwiki 43 557 7 90 16.28% 16.16% −0.12%
bewiki 154 5133 3 95 1.95% 1.85% −0.10%
twwiki 82 274 3 10 3.66% 3.65% −0.01%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

July through September 2021

July through September 2021 (Q1 2021-22)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: July 2021 through September 2021 (Q1)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
jvwiki2 105 434 101 52 96.19% 11.98% −84.21%
kuwiki 21 12573 3 69 14.29% 0.55% −13.74%
skwiki 34 1341 9 266 26.47% 19.84% −6.63%
fawiki2 1340 57805 169 3789 12.61% 6.55% −6.06%
lvwiki 70 2224 10 232 14.29% 10.43% −3.85%
lawiki 17 958 2 77 11.76% 8.04% −3.73%
mrwiki2 66 5294 2 58 3.03% 1.10% −1.93%
thwiki 34 7722 2 316 5.88% 4.09% −1.79%
fiwiki 33 8375 3 662 9.09% 7.90% −1.19%
aswiki 25 1666 1 57 4.00% 3.42% −0.58%
zh_yuewiki 35 9546 1 218 2.86% 2.28% −0.57%
eowiki 261 7012 3 59 1.15% 0.84% −0.31%
ttwiki2 579 20023 3 43 0.52% 0.21% −0.30%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

April through June 2021

April through June 2021 (Q4 2020-21)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: April 2021 through June 2021 (Q4)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
arywiki 25 1461 9 24 36.00% 1.64% −34.36%
jvwiki 890 721 162 22 18.20% 3.05% −15.15%
kawiki2 48 4558 10 519 20.83% 11.39% −9.45%
afwiki 100 1735 10 93 10.00% 5.36% −4.64%
astwiki 37 14525 1 150 2.70% 1.03% −1.67%
mrwiki2 99 5864 2 60 2.02% 1.02% −1.00%
ttwiki 952 32396 10 22 1.05% 0.07% −0.98%
crhwiki 75 1883 1 8 1.33% 0.42% −0.91%
bewiki2 174 4215 5 87 2.87% 2.06% −0.81%
hiwiki 385 2735 93 639 24.16% 23.36% −0.79%
ckbwiki 94 3892 3 97 3.19% 2.49% −0.70%
pswiki 47 335 2 13 4.26% 3.88% −0.37%
swwiki 95 3305 2 59 2.11% 1.79% −0.32%
urwiki 132 3043 7 158 5.30% 5.19% −0.11%
fawiki 1897 81694 110 4699 5.80% 5.75% −0.05%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

2 Also identified in the prior quarter as a wiki with a higher deletion ratio for articles created with Content Translation

January through March 2021

January through March 2021 (Q3 2020-21)

Analysis by Megan Neisler, Product Analytics
Wikis with higher deletion ratios for articles created with Content Translation
Reviewed Time Period: January 2021 through March 2021 (Q3)
Wiki project1 Created Articles Deleted Articles Deletion Ratios
Created CX Articles Created non-CX Articles Deleted CX Articles Deleted non-CX Articles CX Articles Deletion Ratio Non-CX Articles Deletion Ratio Deletion Ratio Difference
hawwiki 64 85 25 1 39.06% 1.18% −37.89%
kuwiki 204 4011 34 69 16.67% 1.72% −14.95%
lawiki 25 923 3 48 12.00% 5.20% −6.80%
ltwiki 23 2272 13 1135 56.52% 49.96% −6.57%
fiwiki 83 9448 12 787 14.46% 8.33% −6.13%
fiu_vrowiki 16 131 1 4 6.25% 3.05% −3.20%
eowiki 123 5221 5 62 4.07% 1.19% −2.88%
kawiki 122 5434 23 889 18.85% 16.36% −2.49%
arzwiki 110 37033 3 335 2.73% 0.90% −1.82%
thwiki 17 4635 1 208 5.88% 4.49% −1.39%
bewiki 256 5225 9 115 3.52% 2.20% −1.31%
mrwiki 164 4771 3 60 1.83% 1.26% −0.57%
bswiki 52 1953 5 187 9.62% 9.58% −0.04%
1 Excludes wikis with 15 or fewer articles created with Content Translation during the reviewed time period

Monthly deletion ratios for representative wikis (Jan 2016 - Jan 2019)


Monthly data about the deletion of articles created with and without Content Translation on several Wikipedias was prepared as part of T215397. This data is for whole months, not quarters, from January 2016 until January 2019.

The results can be found in a Google spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet is publicly shared and can be filtered, copied, etc. Note that only pages in the main namespace are counted. This may lead to discrepancies between this data and the data at Special:CXStats, which includes all namespaces.

The query


To examine the queries used to created and to run this yourself, see query 53775 in Quarry. To look at different languages and dates, replace the database name and the timestamp value.

The use of the CX deletion statistics comparison data


One of the ways the WMF Language team uses this data is to determine when to adjust the machine translation limit in the Wikis to enforce the review and modification of initial machine translation before articles are published to encourage quality translations. Below are some criteria for changing Machine Translation limits in the tool when there is a high deletion of CX articles in any Wikipedia.

SN Instance/case Problem

(check Content translation/Deletion statistics comparison to determine this)

Frequency Possible causes

(To be populated based on findings, experiences and feedback)


(This column can change to iterate learnings)

Translations deleted

More than 50% of articles are deleted. (Please note that the 50% applies when there are more than ten translated articles in a quarter or more; it will not apply if the articles created are less than 10) Occurs in one quarter Investigate
Occurs consecutively in two quarters (5 to 6months) Take action based on findings from earlier investigation. If no tangible findings, make Machine Translation (MT) limit more strict by 5% and monitor for changes.
More than 75% of articles are deleted.

(Please note that the 50% applies when there are more than ten translated articles in a quarter or more; it will not apply if the articles created are less than 10)

Occurs in one quarter. Make MT limit more strict by 10% and monitor changes
Extends to another quarter. Community Consultation required to:
  • Gather samples of problematic translations to increase Machine translation based on logic.
  • Understand if there are underlying issues with the tool.

Difference in deletions: translations (CX) vs. new articles (non-CX)

The difference between the two deletion ratio (non-CX and CX)  is above -50% Occurs in a quarter Make MT limit more strict by 5% and monitor changes.
Extends to another quarter Make MT limit more strict by another 5% and monitor changes.
The difference between the two deletion ratio (non-CX and CX)  is above -80% Occurs in a quarter. Make MT more strict by 10% and monitor changes.
Extends to another quarter Community Consultation required to:
  • Gather samples of problematic translations to increase Machine translation based on logic.
  • Understand if there are underlying issues with the tool.

Translations created

If articles created with CX decrease by 90% from previous month First quarter Investigate, check for technical issues.
Three months consecutively Community consultation, from the outcome, determine the next step.

The next step can be making the MT limit less strict by 10% and monitor changes.

- This page is currently being maintained by Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Product Analytics.
- Please reach out to kcvelaga@wikimedia.org or pginer@wikimedia.org for any questions or feedback.


  1. Compared to previous quarters, this is an increase in deletion rate for CX created articles. However, in September 2024, there has been increased activity and deletion rate of articles (both CX and non-CX) on Uzbek Wikipedia, likely due to a campaign, which has caused the quarter's average to increase.
  2. Starting FY23 Q2, it was decided to only empahsize wikis where the deletion rate of CX created articles is at least 2% more than that of non-CX created articles. The reason being, as the goal of these reports is to inform changes to the thresholds, insignificant differences do not add any value and can't be the basis for any changes.
  3. Starting FY23 Q2, it was decided to only empahsize wikis where the deletion rate of CX created articles is at least 2% more than that of non-CX created articles. The reason being, as the goal of these reports is to inform changes to the thresholds, insignificant differences do not add any value and can't be the basis for any changes.
  4. Compared to previous quarters, this is an increase in deletion rate for CX created articles. However, in September 2023, there has been increased activity and deletion rate of articles (both CX and non-CX) on Uzbek Wikipedia, likely due to a campaign, which has caused the quarter's average to increase. By excluding Uzbek Wikipedia, the deletion rate for CX created articles for the quarter is 3.65%.