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Wikipedia Education Program/design

From mediawiki.org

This page lists the thing we'll be creating for the Wikipedia Education Program in some detail and is meant to get a feel on the scope and progress of the project, as well as a way to discuss and update goals and features.

The management of types of objects is done via 3 interfaces for each type, one that lists all items, one that allows creating and editing existing items, and one that shows an item in details. (This is not that much work since a lot of common code can be used. And it makes the working of the whole thing nicely consistent.) On top of that the extension has some user/student specific pages and one for an overall summary.

Institution management




Comparable to: Special:Contests

Lists institutions in a pager with filter and sort options. Clicking the name of an institution in the pager will take you to Special:Institution/$name. The following info will be listed in the pager:

  • Name (sortable)
  • City (sortable)
  • Country (sortable, filterable)

Other things that could easily be added:

  • Number of courses (sortable)
  • Number of active courses, or an indicator if there are any (sortable, filterable)
  • Number of mentors (sortable)
  • Number of students (sortable)

Furthermore, each institution will have associated edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges.

For people that can add new institutions, a form is shown at the top of the page that takes them to Special:EditInstitution after submission.



Comparable to: Special:EditContest

When going to Special:EditInstitution, you can enter a new institution. Going to Special:EditInstitution/$name allows you to edit institution with name $name. The interface, which is a form with the following fields is the same in both cases.

  • Name (text field, max 255 chars)
  • City (text field, max 255 chars)
  • Country (dropdown)

It will also have a list of mentors with associated deletion control and a field for adding new mentors.



Comparable to: Special:Contest

Shows summary data for a institution, comparable to what you see in the pager of Special:Institutions, as well as the edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges. The page also holds pagers showing the associated courses and mentors, plus forms to add new such items, further explained in Special:Courses and Special:Mentors respectively.

Course management




Comparable to: Special:Contests

Lists courses in a pager with filter and sort options. Clicking the name of an course in the pager will take you to Special:Course/$name. The following info will be listed in the pager:

  • Name (sortable)
  • Institution (sortable, filterable)

Other things that could easily be added:

  • Number of terms (sortable)
  • Start date of first term
  • End date of last term
  • Number of active terms, or an indicator if there are any (sortable, filterable)
  • Number of mentors that have access to this, ie number of mentors for associated institution (sortable)
  • Number of students (sortable)
  • Course language (sortable, filterable)

Furthermore, each course will have associated edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges.

For people that can add new courses, a form is shown at the top of the page that takes them to Special:EditCourse after submission.



Comparable to: Special:EditContest

When going to Special:EditCourse, you can enter a new course. Going to Special:EditCourse/$name allows you to edit course with name $name. The interface, which is a form with the following fields is the same in both cases.

  • Name (text field, max 255 chars)
  • Institution (dropdown)
  • Description (big text field)



Comparable to: Special:Contest

Shows summary data for a course, comparable to what you see in the pager of Special:Courses, as well as the edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges. The page also holds a pager showing the associated terms, plus a form to add new terms, further explained in Special:Terms.

Term management




Comparable to: Special:Contests

Lists terms in a pager with filter and sort options. Clicking the year of a term in the pager will take you to Special:Term/$id. The following info will be listed in the pager:

  • Year (sortable)
  • Course (sortable, filterable)
  • Start date (sortable)
  • End date (sortable)

Other things that could easily be added:

  • Term active or not (sortable, filterable)
  • Number of mentors that have access to this, ie number of mentors for associated institution (sortable)
  • Number of students (sortable)

Furthermore, each term will have associated edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges.

For people that can add new term, a form is shown at the top of the page that takes them to Special:EditTerm after submission.



Comparable to: Special:EditContest

When going to Special:EditTerm, you can enter a new course. Going to Special:EditTerm/$id allows you to edit term with id $id. The interface, which is a form with the following fields is the same in both cases.

  • Year (short text input?)
  • Course (dropdown)
  • Start date (date picker)
  • End date (date picker)

And maybe this?

  • Description/notes (specific to this term, rather then the course in general) (big text field)

It could also have a list of enrolled students and a "remove student" control. (Do we want/need this?)



Comparable to: Special:Contest

Shows summary data for a term, comparable to what you see in the pager of Special:Terms, as well as the edit and deletion controls for people with matching privileges. The page also holds a pager showing the associated students, further explained in Special:Students.

Student management




Comparable to: Special:Contests

Lists students in a pager with filter and sort options. Clicking the name of a student in the pager will take you to Special:Student/$name. The following info will be listed in the pager:

  • Name (sortable)

Other things that could easily be added:

  • List of stuff currently enrolled in
  • Date of first enrolment (sortable)
  • Date of last activity (sortable)
  • Enrolled in an active term or not (sortable, filterable)
  • Once we decide on the things we'll track for students, these can probably go here.

No edit control, since only the student should be able to edit its own data, and having a single edit control show up in the list is silly. Also no deletion control, since you can only remove enrolment of a student from a term (on Special:Student) and not remove the student itself.



Comparable to: Special:Contest

Shows summary data for a student, comparable to what you see in the pager of Special:Students. Plus more extensive analytics and activity data if available.

Also shows a list of stuff the student is enrolled in plus "remove enrolment" controls for people with matching rights.

Mentor management




Comparable to: Special:Contests

Lists mentors in a pager with filter and sort options. Clicking the name of a mentor in the pager will take you to Special:Mentor/$name. The following info will be listed in the pager:

  • Name (sortable)

Other things that could easily be added:

  • List of associated institutions

No edit control, since only the mentor should be able to edit it's own data, and having a single edit control show up in the list is silly. Also no deletion control, since you can only remove association of a mentor from an institution (on Special:Mentor) and not remove the mentor itself.



Comparable to: Special:Contest

Shows summary data for a mentor, comparable to what you see in the pager of Special:Mentors.

Also shows a list of institutions the mentor is associated with plus "remove institution" controls for people with matching rights.

Student workflow




There should be a registration page for each course that has an active term, which can be linked to. Users should be able to login here with an existing account and enroll or create an account, enrolling in the process.



Comparable to: Special:MyContests

Lists the courses in which a student is enrolled (terms are not shown here to keep it simple for the user). One list for current courses, which are the ones that have a currently running term in which the user is active, and one lists passed courses. Each course has associated links to some page (? need to figure this out) describing the course and listing help info.

The page holds links to general info about WEP and places where students can get community help.

Clicking a course will take the user to Special:MyCourses/$course (or maybe a separate page such as Special:MyCourse/$course), which shows their recent activity, progress, other analytics, maybe notes and other things. Need to further work this out, but it's one of the things only needed at the later stages of the project.

Remaining UI




Lists statistics about the program. We can decide on what to do here later on.

User groups




Students can enroll into an arbitrary number of terms and anyone can become a student (by default).

Education Program Staff


Staff will have all rights associated with the program, including the ability to designate anyone an Education Program Admin.


  • Manage institutions
  • Manage courses
  • Manage terms
  • See enrolment token for all terms
  • Disassociate any student from any term they are enrolled in
  • Make any user an online ambassador
  • Make any user a campus ambassador
  • Make any user an instructor
  • Make any user an Education Program Admin
  • Make any user an Education Program Staff
  • Add and remove campus ambassadors from terms
  • Add and remove online ambassadors from terms
  • Add and remove instructors from courses

Education Program Admins


Admins that have all rights associated with the education program except the ability to make someone else an admin.


  • Manage institutions
  • Manage courses
  • Manage terms
  • See enrolment token for all terms
  • Disassociate any student from any term they are enrolled in
  • Make any user an online ambassador
  • Make any user a campus ambassador
  • Make any user an instructor
  • Add and remove campus ambassadors from terms
  • Add and remove online ambassadors from terms
  • Add and remove instructors from courses

Online Ambassadors


Online Ambassadors help students, not restricted to any particular institution or course.


  • Manage institutions
  • Manage courses
  • Manage terms
  • See enrolment token for all terms

Campus Ambassadors


Campus ambassadors help students and are linked to any number of terms.


  • Manage institutions
  • Manage courses
  • Manage terms
  • See enrolment token for all terms



Instructors are staff or student at some institution and are linked to any number of courses.


  • Manage institutions
  • Manage courses
  • Manage terms
  • See enrolment token for all terms
  • Disassociate any student from any of their terms
  • Add and remove campus ambassadors from terms
  • Add and remove online ambassadors from terms
  • Institutions
  • Courses - Linked to one institution
  • Terms - Linked to one course
  • Students - Linked to any number of terms. Linked to one user
  • Mentors - Linked to any number of institutions. Linked to one user

Further notes


Changes will be logged and old versions of objects will be kept as serialized php arrays in the ep_revisions table, so we can have comparable "history" functionality as regular articles. This will also require some UI work, which I still need to figure out how to best do --Jeroen De Dauw 19:12, 15 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]